When Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen fell in love, almost everyone around them was not optimistic about it. Huang Yimei turned to Fang Xiewen and helped him build a career from scratch. For Fang Xiewen, Huang Yimei was willing to leave her hometown. Although Huang Yime

Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen are in love, and almost everyone around them is not optimistic about it.

Huang Yimei supported Fang Xiewen and helped him build a career from scratch.

For Fang Xiewen, Huang Yimei was willing to leave her hometown.

Although Huang Yimei has been in love, she is still not deeply involved in the world. She does not know how complicated human nature is.

Huang Yimei simply didn’t understand why her family and friends opposed her marrying Fang Xiewen.

Huang Zhenhua pulled off Fang Xiewen's fig leaf

As soon as Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen started dating, Huang Zhenhua checked Fang Xiewen's background.

Fang Xiewen was born in a small place, his family was relatively poor, and he was not as good as Huang Yimei in all aspects.

Huang Zhenhua felt that Fang Xiewen was not worthy of Huang Yimei at all.

Huang Zhenhua was very cold to Fang Xiewen. He said to Huang Yimei:

"Fang Xiewen is not generous."

Fang Xiewen's inferiority revealed in his bones caused him to be too purposeful in doing things, very scheming, timid, and not sunny enough. .

Huang Zhenhua saw through the essence of Fang Xiewen at a glance.

In order to please his parents-in-law, Fang Xiewen tried his best to discuss his reading experience with his father-in-law and asked his mother-in-law how to cook, so that the Huang family could not fault him.

But precisely because Fang Xiewen performed so perfectly, Huang's father became suspicious of him.

Father Huang said:

"Anywhere is good, but it is not good enough to be real. Did you listen to what he said? He caters to us every word, but do you know what he is thinking in his heart?

Men can pretend, I I was just worried that my daughter would be bad at picking men.”

Facts have proved that Father Huang’s worries were right.

Huang Yimei became pregnant after marriage, and Fang Xiewen's true colors were exposed little by little.

Huang Yimei almost fainted from the pain during childbirth, but Fang Xiewen refused to give her a painless injection.

Because Fang’s mother said that painless beatings would affect the child’s health.

Huang Zhenhua was so angry that he scolded Fang Xiewen:

"If you don't sign, I will tell the nurse that the child's father was killed by a car on the way here. I, the uncle, will sign it!"

Not only that, Fang Xiewen After marriage, she also controlled Huang Yimei mentally, not allowing her to put on makeup or go to work.

The once gentle and considerate Fang Xiewen became hateful after marriage.

Huang Yimei didn't understand why Fang Xiewen had two faces.

In fact, from the moment Fang Xiewen saw Zhuang Guodong, Fang Xiewen had already lost control.

Zhuang Guodong crushes Fang Xiewen

The love process between Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong is a joy of fish and water, and a raging fire.

And Fang Xiewen has never been in love.

Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong broke up five years ago, but Huang Yimei has not completely come out.

Huang Yimei's mood still fluctuated greatly when she saw Zhuang Guodong.

Zhuang Guodong came back and pursued Huang Yimei again. The two had dinner together. Huang Yimei burst into tears on the way back and vomited at home.

Fang Xiewen discovered Huang Yimei's anomaly and found out the restaurant's surveillance through the receipt in Huang Yimei's pocket.

From then on, the seeds of doubt were planted in Fang Xiewen's heart.

In order to keep Huang Yimei, Fang Xiewen couldn't wait to propose marriage and wanted to bind Huang Yimei through marriage.

And Huang Yimei also wants to get rid of Zhuang Guodong completely through marriage.

Fang Xiewen and Huang Yimei, both of them did not have simple thoughts about getting married. They each had their own concerns, which also laid the groundwork for the tragedy of this marriage.

Zhuang Guodong persuaded Huang Yimei not to get married, but Huang Yimei introduced Fang Xiewen to Zhuang Guodong:

"This is my husband, Fang Xiewen, we just got married."

Huang Yimei thought that she was doing things aboveboard, so she not only persuaded Zhuang Guodong to quit, but also asked Fang Xiewen Xie Wen made her attitude clear and she no longer had anything to do with Zhuang Guodong.

But it was Huang Yimei's hasty move that drove Fang Xiewen crazy and dragged herself into the abyss.

Su Gengsheng is right:

"You let Fang Xiewen meet Zhuang Guodong. From then on, his jealousy, uneasiness, and inferiority have specific directions, and there is a specific face in his mind.

You passed your pressure on to him. You got rid of Zhuang Guodong, but he couldn't get rid of him. "

Zhuang Guodong was tall, handsome, and successful in his career. In front of him, Fang Xiewen's inferiority complex was ruthlessly magnified. Although Fang Xiewen was married. Huang Yimei lost completely.

Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong's "Past Indulgence"

Fang Xiewen even took the initiative to send wedding candy to Zhuang Guodong in order to declare his sovereignty.

The more Fang Xiewen wants to crush Zhuang Guodong, the more it proves that he has no self-confidence. Fang Xiewen said to Zhuang Guodong:

"Rose has told me everything about you. Of course I know that a good girl like her, no Maybe no one is chasing her. She has been in love a few times and with whomever. It's all in her past, and I don't mind at all.

She is not a sloppy person. If she decides to marry me, I will have no competition. "

Fang Xiewen said that he didn't mind Huang Yimei's past, but in fact, his heart was already turned upside down.

Fang Xiewen is a blank slate when it comes to love. Whenever he thinks of the intimate scene between Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong, he will go crazy with jealousy.

Fang Xiewen likes Huang Yimei, but he cares more about Huang Yimei's chastity.

What’s even more amazing is that Zhuang Guodong has no intention of letting Huang Yimei go.

Zhuang Guodong deliberately told Fang Xiewen that when he and Huang Yimei were in love, they had eaten many specialties, both at roadside stalls and in star-rated hotels.

Zhuang Guodong said meaningfully:

"Huang Yimei has eaten and seen it, and knows what is good. She can accept the bad ones happily because she is tolerant, which does not mean that she does not have her own standards of judgment."

Zhuang Guodong said this Words are the cruelest revenge against Huang Yimei.

Zhuang Guodong was talking about eating on the surface, but it actually hinted that he and Huang Yimei had had in-depth physical communication.

"I have seen Huang Yimei before." Zhuang Guodong introduced Huang Yimei to the world and gave Huang Yimei the most beautiful life; and Zhuang Guodong was charming and rich, and gave Huang Yimei the best material conditions.

Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong are together, they have the right to choose to eat at roadside stalls, and they can also afford to stay in star-rated hotels.

And Fang Xiewen could only let Huang Yimei live in the rented attic.

Fang Xiewen, who is already sensitive and has low self-esteem, was completely hit by Zhuang Guodong this time.

Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong's past indulgences are the key to driving Fang Xiewen crazy.

Zhuang Guodong put pressure on Fang Xiewen in the name of love, in order to destroy Huang Yimei's marriage.

Zhuang Guodong did not contact Huang Yimei for 5 years. He did not come to Huang Yimei until Huang Yimei got married. He did not love Huang Yimei, but was possessive.

In order to compete with Zhuang Guodong, Fang Xiewen pretended to be fat and took out loans to buy a big house. He monitored Huang Yimei at all times and prevented Huang Yimei from showing up to work, and directly locked Huang Yimei in marriage.

Fang Xiewen never thought that his paranoia and despicability were exactly what Zhuang Guodong wanted to see.

Fang Xiewen was plotted by Zhuang Guodong. His marriage to Huang Yimei could have been stable and happy. Zhuang Guodong, an outsider, was not enough to ruin their relationship.

Fang Xiewen was defeated by his inner demon.

Huang Yimei's emotional experience is also ups and downs, which is also related to her own character.

The truth behind Su Gengsheng's expulsion of Han Ying

Huang Yimei grew up in a wealthy family. She has a pure personality and lacks insight into human nature.

Su Gengsheng had long seen Fang Xiewen's inferiority complex, and reminded Huang Yimei to be cautious when entering into marriage, but Huang Yimei retorted:

"Don't always think of people too badly."

It's not that Su Gengsheng thought of people too badly. , but human nature is so complex, people cannot always suffer the consequences and have a long memory.

Because Su Gengsheng experienced sexual assault by his stepfather and oppression by his biological mother, he was able to see the darker side of human nature.

When Su Gengsheng fired Han Ying, he understood where Huang Yimei had gone wrong.

Jiang Xueqiong resigned and gave the position of general manager to Su Gengsheng.

Su Gengsheng was suddenly promoted and could not convince the public. The employees talked about her a lot, especially Han Ying, who said in public that Su Gengsheng was promoted after following Jiang Xueqiong.

Han Ying thought that Su Gengsheng became the general manager because of his connections.

In fact, Jiang Xueqiong really recognized Su Gengsheng's ability and trusted Su Gengsheng, so she promoted Su Gengsheng.

Han Ying was dissatisfied with Su Gengsheng and publicly opposed Su Gengsheng. He still followed Mr. Jiang's habits and ran into Su Gengsheng's gun.

Su Gengsheng had just come to power, and he needed to scare the monkeys and win over people's hearts.

So Su Gengsheng attacked Han Ying and dismissed Han Ying from his position as manager in public:

"When the project is handed over to you, how to advance the plan and where the difficulties are, it should be a person of your level who is responsible for the issue. You are now responsible for it." I don’t know the details of the project. I heard everything from Wang Tianruo’s mouth, so I just left it to her as the manager.”

Su Gengsheng took care of Han Ying not only because of Han Ying’s work attitude and ability. has a problem.

More importantly, Su Gengsheng wanted to use this to establish his authority and consolidate his position.

The employees saw Su Gengsheng's tricks and no longer dared to look down upon Su Gengsheng.

What Huang Yimei lacks is Su Gengsheng's grasp of human nature and the necessary cruelty.

Su Gengsheng had long reminded Fang Xiewen:

"Don't feel inferior. You must believe that since she has chosen you, you will have no competitors.

Inferiority is a double-edged sword. It can not only inspire people to make progress, but also It makes people sensitive and fragile, and their mentality is unbalanced. Don't be controlled by it. "

It's a pity that Fang Xiewen did not understand the profound meaning of Su Gengsheng's words.

Zhuang Guodong and Fang Xiewen are two extremes, one is too conceited and the other is too inferior.

Neither of them is a good match for Huang Yimei.

Good love involves equal respect for each other and spiritual compatibility; women really shouldn’t marry easily. If a man doesn’t feel he’s worthy of you, then he’s really not worthy of you.

And this kind of "not worthy" is very likely to intensify self-esteem, destroy the mind, and drive people crazy.