A kind of small flying insect that is much smaller than mosquitoes but has far greater attack power than mosquitoes - midges are here again! Recently, the first batch of people who have been infected this year have appeared in large numbers. Some people still have scars from last

A small flying insect that is much smaller than a mosquito but much more powerful than a mosquito - Midge, it's here again!

Recently, the first batch of people who have been infected this year have appeared in large numbers. Some people still have scars from the bites last year, but they have been re-opened this year.

Last night, a young man from Hangzhou posted on the Internet that he wore short-sleeved shorts and went for a stroll in Xianghu Lake, and was bitten like this -

"It's so miserable, it itched me to death! You bit me Densely packed, at least 50 bags or more..."

The young man said that this midge is more poisonous than mosquitoes. The key is that it bites people without feeling, so they are defenseless. Only when they got home did they realize that they had become the food of a group of bugs.

Midges are found near Xiang Lake, West Lake, parks, communities... almost everywhere with greenery. Many netizens in the

comment area said that they had been bitten all over their legs recently and it was extremely itchy! Now I don’t even dare to stand on the edge of the green belt.

Netizen @美you: I was bitten by about ten people on Sunday. I was still wearing long sleeves and long pants. It was extremely itchy and I couldn’t get better within a week.

Netizen @小jun町: I went to West Lake on Saturday, and now my ankles are like this too.

Netizen @星城: went to Xianghu Lake on the weekend, and it was a little black insect that bit into forty or fifty bags.

Netizen @binks's wine: I was bitten when I went to Nanjiang Park. It was black and small.

Netizen @RabbitRabbitRabbit: I was also bitten in the community.

Netizen @sybil: Fortunately, you have good skin. People with sensitive skin are directly experiencing papular measles. Don’t ask me how I know. The bite last year has not gone away this year.

Netizen @小米

It’s been itching for a week


Netizen @星空点点

I’m almost the same

I don’t know how it will be better, it’s really scary


Netizen @faker

went to the entrance of Taihe Garden

After standing for a few minutes, it changed like this


It is understood that midges are flying insects smaller than mosquitoes, and being bitten by them will be particularly uncomfortable. There will be red spots or erythema, and the more you scratch, the more itchy you will be. Papular urticaria occurs.

-step guide to relieve itching

① Apply externally with soapy water.

② Keep the bitten area clean. If it blisters, it will usually be broken accidentally. Apply iodophor and wipe it about once every hour. Be sure to keep it clean.

③Those with obvious skin symptoms can take anti-allergic drugs, and those with secondary infections can use antibiotics.

④ If serious symptoms such as high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and disturbance of consciousness occur, seek medical treatment promptly and inform the doctor of your history of midge bites.

tips to teach you how to cure it

① Wear long sleeves and trousers when going out: Wear long sleeves and trousers when going out, not shorts or short skirts.

② Carry mosquito repellent and midge repellent with you: Try to stay away from the lush green areas near the lake. If unavoidable, try to take protective measures and carry mosquito repellent, cooling oil, etc. with you.

③ It is best not to wear perfume: Midges like the tide and the rotten smell, and the smell of sweat can also attract insects. This is why midges appear in groups near rivers and dams! It is best for women not to use perfume. They would rather smell soapy than perfume.

④ The screen at home should be tight and not leakage: If you live on the first floor, you must prepare special screens that are dense and thin enough! Ordinary mosquito screens do nothing to stop midges from invading. (Don’t worry if it’s above the first floor, midges can’t fly high)

⑤ Eradicate the nests of midges: Fill in potholes, remove standing water, block tree holes, and remove moss. (Vampire midges have weak flying ability. If traces are found, the breeding ground must be nearby)

Source: Hangzhou Transportation Comprehensive Xiaonei Network Xiaoshan Forum, Shenzhen Disease Control