Cover News Reporter Wu Bingqing Unable to get tickets for her favorite star's concert, Xiaoyu (pseudonym) from Chengdu decided to change her mind: sign up as a concert volunteer. However, after paying the registration fee and filling in the registration information, the "recruite

cover news reporter Wu Bingqing

When she couldn't get tickets for her favorite star's concert, Xiaoyu (pseudonym) from Chengdu decided to change her mind: sign up as a concert volunteer. However, after paying the registration fee and filling in the registration information, the "recruiter" lost contact.

Like Xiaoyu, there are still many consumers who have been tricked. "There are five or six concerts in the registration list, each with hundreds of people." Xiaoyu believes that although the registration fee of 10-20 yuan is not much, the unpreventable routines make her feel uncomfortable.

html It costs 220 yuan to sign up as an infield volunteer for Deng Ziqi’s concert

No news after payment

html On June 1-2, g.e.m. Deng Ziqi’s i am gloria world tour concert kicked off in Chengdu. As a fan, before the ticket opening on May 10, Xiaoyu asked friends to help grab tickets. "It's too difficult. There are more than ten friends, but I haven't grabbed any one." When she was regretting, she saw a post on Xiaohongshu "Volunteer Registration for Deng Ziqi's Concert." "Although it may be tiring to be a volunteer, A little, but it’s good to be able to enter and get away with the ticket fee.”

After payment, the following content disappeared.

Xiaoyu scanned the merchant’s first payment code and paid the 20 yuan registration fee, and filled in the relevant information according to the registration link. It said that the list of volunteers will be announced on the official account later. However, until May 29, three days before the concert, Xiaoyu had yet to see the relevant information. She sent WeChat messages to the recruiter, but they never responded.

On May 23, Xiaoyu paid 20 yuan to register as a volunteer for Deng Ziqi's Chengdu concert

"At that time, I felt that I must have been cheated." Xiaoyu then noticed that the 20 yuan registration fee was paid to a personal account.

html On June 2, the two concerts ended, and Xiaoyu did not receive a refund of the registration fee. The registered public account "Volunteer Gathering Point" was canceled for a time. After it was restored, it was renamed "Treasure Man's Home." "Yesterday, I saw that this account showed 'temporarily unavailable' again."

The number of registered applicants increased for each game About a hundred people

Ms. Du also encountered a similar routine.

html On May 20, she signed up as a volunteer for Xu Song’s Chengdu concert on June 15 on the public account “Volunteer Registration Portal”. "I also added someone's WeChat account first, and he asked me to sign up on the official account." It was different from what Xiaoyu encountered. Ms. Du paid a "deposit," "It's about welfare benefits, and the deposit is for later periods." To facilitate work, the deposit is 20 yuan for the inside and 10 yuan for the outside. "

However, the same thing is that the relevant fees are paid to the personal account, and Ms. Du's 20 yuan deposit disappeared. "It was said that the selected list will be announced in a week. Those who were not selected will be refunded after the concert. However, after paying the money, the contact person stopped replying to messages. I was not able to enter. Now that the concert is over, the money has not been refunded. "On the evening of June 18, Ms. Du told the cover news reporter.

Ms. Du also encountered a similar routine when she registered for Xu Song's Chengdu concert on the public account "Volunteer Registration Portal"

Ms. Du also saw the same list. "Different public accounts posted the same list, and even the screenshot time was the same. He (the recruiter) said they were from different companies recruiting volunteers for the concert." Ms. Du said that currently, the link to the list has been Deleted, "But I have the impression that people have signed up for the recently announced concerts in Chengdu, and there are at least four to five hundred people in total."

The "recruiter" account has prompted an exception

The organizer of the concert denied recruiting volunteers

According to Du According to the information provided by the lady, the reporter added a “recruiting party” WeChat account. When adding, WeChat prompts "Please confirm the other party's identity first to protect personal privacy and property security." However, such an "abnormal reminder" appears because "there is an abnormality in the other party's account."

reporter chose to continue adding, and the other party quickly passed the verification. The reporter asked "if I can sign up as a concert volunteer", but there was no reply until the time of publication.

Subsequently, the reporter contacted Chengdu Fanrenge Culture Communication Co., Ltd., the organizer of Deng Ziqi’s Chengdu concert. “Our company has not recruited volunteers."A staff member said.

reporter's inquiry found that the 2023 tfboys Xi'an concert, the 2024 Jay Chou concert Nanchang station, the 2024 Xue Zhiqian concert Dalian station, etc., have all been exposed to volunteer recruitment routines. Some claimed to "watch the concert for free "Concert" is actually "hard work"; some are recruited to use movie tickets to work for free to boost traffic; others are just like what Xiaoyu and Ms. Du encountered, and nothing happens after paying for registration. Many concert organizers have said , has not released any information on recruiting part-time workers and volunteers.

Lawyer’s statement: It is recommended to report the case collectively to defend rights

Lawyer Xie Wenqiang, legal counsel of the Sichuan Consumer Committee, believes that the recruitment of volunteers should be announced and organized by companies with corresponding qualifications, or through official Platform organizations do not need to pay a deposit or registration fee to serve as a volunteer. “If you recruit volunteers on a social platform in your own name and ask for a deposit, a job security deposit, etc., you are likely to be involved in fraud. "

Xie Wenqiang admitted that this type of rights protection has certain difficulties in obtaining evidence. "It is recommended to report the case to the local public security agency immediately and provide relevant evidence and information to the public security agency. If multiple victims can be united to report the case collectively, it will be more conducive to the collection by the public security agency. evidence and improve case handling efficiency. "

At the same time, Xie Wenqiang also pointed out that if social platforms that publish relevant information should strictly review information suspected of fraud and fulfill the platform's regulatory responsibilities, "otherwise the platform may bear joint liability for compensation." ”

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