On June 18, a grand opening ceremony was held for the theater movie "I'm Waiting for You" in Tangjiabao Village, Yunzhou District, Datong City. The film was jointly produced and filmed by the Propaganda Department of Yunzhou District Committee of Datong City and Datong Asia-Europ

On June 18, a grand opening ceremony was held for the theatrical movie "I'm Waiting for You" in Tangjiabao Village, Yunzhou District, Datong City. The film was jointly produced and filmed by the Propaganda Department of Yunzhou District Committee of Datong City and Datong Asia-Europe Land Port Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. Relevant leaders of Datong City and Yunzhou District delivered speeches on the spot; Chief Producer Gao Shan brought Li Jingjing, Zhao Yansong and other film creators to the scene to witness the opening of this cultural event.

The film "Buddling for You" is based on the unique yellow flower industry in Yunzhou District, and interprets the story of Li Wenjie, her mother, and grandmother, who grew yellow flowers from the beginning to lead the people in their hometown to become rich. The pursuit of a better life by kind-hearted and hard-working people and the changes of the times in beautiful rural life. Yellow flower is also called Forget-worn grass. It is known as a famous flower, a delicacy in food and a good medicine. Datong has a long history of cultivating yellow flowers for more than 600 years. Gao Shan, the chief producer of the film, said that the original intention of filming the film was not only to show the growth and struggle of women, but also to show the fruitful results achieved by Yunzhou District in rural revitalization and cultural tourism. At the opening ceremony, relevant leaders of Datong City and Yunzhou District came and delivered speeches, hoping that the movie "I'm in Bud for You" can become a bridge to spread Yunzhou culture and showcase the pleasant natural scenery and rich culture of Yunzhou District. heritage and development potential. Let more people know and pay attention to this beautiful place in Yunzhou.

As Datong Cultural Tourism continues to explore and support the profound historical and cultural heritage and rich physical resources, while developing the local area into a tourist attraction, it has also created shining business cards that integrate rural economy and culture. Shine. The movie "I'm in Bud for You" that came into being marks a new step for the cultural tourism industry in Yunzhou District. It uses film as a medium to interpret the beauty of the "new scenery" of the modern countryside turning into a "new prosperity". " Skillfully mixed with yellow flowers." The attractive green color and crisp texture of the yellow flowers make people marvel and praise them endlessly. "Before I came to film this scene, I, like everyone else, thought that the yellow flowers were just the dried form of the day lily that is soaked when making braised noodles. Who knew it could be so delicious? The contrast is too great. And when it blooms It looks better." Li Jingjing also expressed her love for Huanghua in an interview.

After the press conference, the crew went into intense shooting. The reporter made an on-site visit. We look forward to "I'm Budging for You" to bring a visual and emotional feast to the audience. Perhaps soon, Yunzhou District will become a new movie check-in point.