After the United States and the Philippines launched the largest annual military exercise "Balikaku", France and Australia also sent troops to the South China Sea and other places to carry out "joint operations" with the U.S. and Philippine troops. Instigated by the United States

After the launch of the "Side by Side" joint military exercise, the largest annual military exercise between the United States and the Philippines, France and Australia also sent troops to the South China Sea and other places to carry out "joint operations" with the US and Philippine troops. Instigated by the United States and other Western countries, the Philippines stepped up its provocations against my country, tried to manipulate the South China Sea islands and reefs, and denied the "gentleman's agreement" between my country and the Philippines on the Second Thomas Shoal issue.

After repeated warnings from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Philippine authorities still insisted on carrying out the provocation to the end. Many Philippine officials, including Philippine Defense Secretary Teodoro, blatantly acted rogue, claiming that there were no "secret clauses" between China and the Philippines. If the Duterte government had reached an agreement with China, it has been abolished, because only Philippine President Marcos Jr. of this government has the authority to carry out relevant diplomatic activities, and the Philippines will continue to take all measures in the South China Sea.

After seeing the Philippines’ betrayal and stubbornness, my country showed its countermeasures. According to a report by the Global Times on May 10, my country on Wednesday released the transcript of a phone call between the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines and Lieutenant General Carlos, commander of the Philippine Western Command. The content shows that Philippine Lieutenant General Carlos said that the top leaders of the Philippines have unanimously agreed to the new "supply and supply model" of the Second Thomas Shoal proposed by China, and that the "new model" of peacefully handling the Second Thomas Shoal issue has been approved by the top military and political leaders of the Philippines.

As a result, the Philippine government staged a drama of "being caught in public for lying" to the whole world. Faced with the hard facts, the Marcos administration still wanted to deny it. Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Romeo Brauner declared that "texts and recordings can be deeply forged, and the evidence provided by China is not credible."

Retired Philippine Supreme Court Judge Carpio, who once participated in and hyped the so-called "South China Sea Arbitration", even Showing an angry look, he called for the expulsion of Chinese embassy officials in the Philippines, saying that Manila could deport Chinese diplomats as "undesirable persons".

Just when the Philippine government was trying to "get by" all this, foreign media sent an "assist". Bloomberg of the United States showed an audio recording of the consultation process between China and the Philippines this year on the issue of a "new model" for supplying and replenishing the Ren'ai Reef. We have confirmed that the content published by Bloomberg is true.

The Philippine government has indeed reached an agreement with my country on the "new model" of shipping and replenishing the Ren'ai Reef, and has adhered to it for a period of time. But after Marcos became president of the Philippines, Manila quickly broke its promise. Due to the Philippines' repeated transgressions, China has no choice but to take coercive actions to regulate the Philippines' infringements on the South China Sea islands and reefs.

The "gentleman's agreement" reached by China and the Philippines on the Ren'ai Reef issue mainly includes three aspects. First, the Philippines can only adopt the "1+1" model to deliver supplies to the warships that illegally "sitting on the beach" on the Ren'ai Reef. The "1+1" model means that the Philippines can only dispatch one civilian supply ship and one Philippine Coast Guard vessel at a time;

Second, the Philippines can only deliver food, Fresh water or some humanitarian supplies are not allowed to be transported, and construction materials and other prohibited items are not allowed; thirdly, the Philippines must report to China two days before launching the supply operation.

We have seen that the Marcos administration completely violated these three principles. This also means that the Philippine ship was driven away by our coast guard ship, and the responsibility lies entirely with the Philippines. It is worth mentioning that throughout the entire process, Lieutenant General Carlos, commander of the Philippine Western Command, received the most serious slap in the face.

On March 5 this year, my country’s Coast Guard launched rights protection in the waters near Ren’ai Reef. Philippine Coast Guard vessel No. 4407 ignored China's repeated warnings and maliciously rammed into my country Coast Guard Boat 21555, causing the bow of China Coast Guard Boat 21555 to slightly peel off the paint. After that, our coast guard ships used water cannon to drive away the provocative Philippine ships.

According to the Philippines, the cabin glass of the Yunaza May 4 supply ship was directly broken by Chinese water cannons. At least four Philippine military personnel were injured on the ship, including Lieutenant General Carlos. .After my country released the call records of the "new model" of supplying and replenishing the Ren'ai Reef between China and the Philippines, Lieutenant General Carlos went "missing" again.

Colonel Padilla, spokesman for the Armed Forces of the Philippines, said Lieutenant General Carlos is on leave and his leave has been approved by the top brass of the Philippines. Therefore, the Philippines "cannot immediately confirm whether the Philippine personnel in the recording is Carlos."