Is Liu Shishi unjust for being called "King Duan" just because of one action? Her new drama "Palm" was being filmed. Unexpectedly, when she clicked on the comment section, everyone focused on Qingqi and had a heated discussion about Liu Shishi's awkward posture. Most people think

was called "Duan Wang" just because of one action. Is Liu Shishi unjust?

Her new drama "Palm" was being filmed. Unexpectedly, when she clicked on the comment section, everyone was paying attention to Qingqi, and they had a heated discussion about Liu Shishi's awkward posture.

Most people think Liu Shishi is too conservative and has a tiring neck.

Because she has been complained about the same problem in many previous dramas.

It seems that starting from "Golden Years" and "One Thought of Passing the Mountain", the tightness in Liu Shishi's body suddenly appeared.

carefully compared her classic roles, from "Ruoxi" to "Solanum Solanum", each one is relaxed and natural. It is clear at a glance why she was able to rely on her to get out of the industry when she was young.

Over time, "duan" has become Liu Shishi's old problem.

Even this suspected "endian" temperament also affected Liu Shishi's acting skills.

In "One Thought of Guanshan", she portrayed a female killer as a blind person. The controversial image is still vivid in my mind.

No matter how fans explain that this is the need for the character to be ruthless, the negative impact surrounding Liu Shishi's behavior has only increased.

In this new drama, Liu Shishi made a silly gesture, which once again aroused some people's stress. Minghan even asked her to act with Yang Yang to see who was more upright.

When the controversy in the comment area became apparent, another voice emerged saying that Liu Shishi had good manners.

As we all know, Liu Shi studied poetry and dance, and has been upright and elegant since childhood.

Just by walking, Liu Shishi can take two steps as long as an ordinary person.

The key is that she also walks in a leisurely manner, with a natural kingly demeanor that no one can imitate.

In the end, Liu Shishi became a unique presence in domestic entertainment by walking out of the industry, so much so that she spawned a group of "walking fans" of her.

Since Liu Shishi is known for her good manners, making fun of her is simply ridiculous.

Let’s talk about the setting where the character is looking into the distance while crouching. Even if Liu Shishi’s manners are not good, if another person does this action, how can she complete it without crouching?

Even in the past, Liu Shishi was like this.

Nightshade was said to be more natural in her performance, mainly because her neck was covered by her stand-up collared clothes.

Going back further, Liu Shishi practiced ballet when she was a child, and she was obviously a little swan in the crowd.

The above-mentioned people are holding on to his "end". In the final analysis, he has seen too many actors who have no sense of domestic entertainment, so that good manners have become a mistake.

As for Liu Shishi's old habit of being "upright", whether she was unjustly ridiculed or not mainly depends on the official broadcast effect of the show.

If there are doubts about "One Thought of Guanshan" again, then Liu Shishi may need to adjust herself a little more relaxedly.

And sometimes the co-actor is also very important. Dou Xiao is good, but when put together with Liu Shishi, there is no sense of cp.

It may be that Dou Xiao himself looks aloof and rough, and his off-screen romances are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so it is difficult for him to have an ambiguous atmosphere with other actresses.

Chen Duling, who acted with Dou Xiao back then, was very touched by this. Under the control of Fang Zhenggong to declare his sovereignty outside the play, even if the two of them let the audience eat life and death, it still affected the viewing experience of the play.

On the other hand, Liu Shishi is portrayed as a goddess who does not eat the fireworks of the world because of her good manners.

So when she and Dou Xiao, who was too relaxed, were in the same frame, there was a huge sense of separation.

Dou Xiao’s identity as a male protagonist is so naked that he looks like a guard with a knife. How can there be any sense of CP in this?

However, this drama seems to be an ancient puppet, but it is actually a suspense detective type.

If you really want to take it seriously, suspense films really can't have too many emotional scenes. It's worth it for viewers who like suspense.

In fact, the most critical issue for Liu Shishi at the moment is also the issue for 85 Flowers today - most of them are still in Guwu after their debut.

In addition, Liu Shishi is at a disadvantage compared to other 85-year-old actresses in that she doesn’t have anyone who has a CP feel when acting in a drama.

Even if it is her husband Nicky Wu, putting aside the shocking filter of the two of them, due to the huge age gap between the two, it is actually not suitable.

The actor who partners with Liu Shishi in the back, either because of his bad looks or because of his young age, the relationship between brother and sister turns into a mother-son relationship.

Hu Ge is the only one who can still get along, and she is not the real good match in "Sword of Immortal". She is called a vigorous one.

With Liu Shishi's "sister-only-beautiful" physique, it would be difficult for her to develop the characters' emotions unless she acted as the leading female lead.

Her good sister Yang Mi is nowhere to be found. If she is not interested, she just tries out spy movies.

However, he has not paid attention to his own problems for many years, and has once again exposed his shortcomings in acting skills.

Although there are problems with the plot of the whole drama and the actors including the director, Yang Mi still single-handedly gave the audience the illusion that she was dragging everything down.

even eventually evolved into putting her and Wang Ou in the same role together, because the latter crushed the winner, which made the "luminous script" that was controversial at that time ushered in a reversal. The greater the traffic of

, the greater the backlash. Liu Shishi should know this truth.

I don’t ask her to give up playing in ancient puppets, but I hope that the new drama can bring changes and surprises, and she will be able to solve it easily if she speaks with her strength.