Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On April 20, the press conference of the 14th Beijing International Film Festival "Kung Fu Movie Heritage Plan - AKL Kung Fu Legend" was held. Kung fu stars Zhao Wenzhuo and Xie Miao, as well as famous martial arts instructors Yuan Heping,

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On April 20, the 14th Beijing International Film Festival "Kung Fu Movie Inheritance Plan - AKL Kung Fu Legend" press conference was held. Kung Fu stars Zhao Wenzhuo , Xie Miao and famous martial arts instructor Yuan Heping , Lin Di'an, Wu Yonglun, Ge Xianglong, etc. sent their blessings to the "Kung Fu Movie Heritage Project AKL Kung Fu Legend" and their expectations for the development of Chinese Kung Fu movies.

A group photo of guests at the press conference of "Kung Fu Movie Heritage Project - AKL Kung Fu Legend". At the

event, as the initiator, Zhang Pimin, Chairman of the China Film Foundation, first delivered a speech. He said: "Achieving the goal of becoming a powerful country in film requires that our films gain more international say despite the booming domestic market. , greater international influence and more generous international box office revenue. The practice of overseas promotion of domestic films over the past two decades has proved that Kung Fu movies are one of the most likely channels to achieve the above achievements. "At the same time, support Chinese Kung Fu movies. Industrial development and cultivating Kung Fu film and television talents in the new era are also the responsibilities of the China Film Foundation.

Zhang Pimin emphasized: "We cannot be satisfied with the current film market results, especially as we kung fu filmmakers still need to continue to work hard in the face of talent shortages and talent shortages. When it comes to kung fu movies specifically, we must be good at drawing on China's excellent martial arts culture Draw nourishment from it, vigorously promote the aesthetic spirit of Chinese Kung Fu, adhere to integrity and innovation, and focus on highlighting Chinese elements, conveying Chinese values, and continuing the Chinese martial arts in creation. In view of this, the China Film Foundation's Film and Urban Development Special Fund has been established in multiple projects. Based on the research and inspection of the city known as the "Hometown of Martial Arts", it is planned to launch the akl Kung Fu Legend Project of the Chinese Kung Fu Movie Inheritance Plan, hoping to open up talent exchange channels in the two fields of martial arts and film and television, and appeal in the two fields of martial arts and film , initiated and launched the kung fu movie inheritance plan to cultivate kung fu movie talents in the new era and create new glory for Chinese kung fu movies. "

, as the co-initiator of the "akl kung fu legend" project, Zhuming Sports Entertainment Chairman Chi. David introduced in detail the specific implementation methods of the project: "Taking Kung Fu culture as the main line, promoting inheritance through public welfare, and promoting development through innovation. The project will carry out public welfare training sections for three major categories of talents: action stars, kung fu directors, and kung fu movie screenwriters. , to select talents with potential for the development of kung fu movies from all over the world, and to hire kung fu, martial arts, action film and television stars, powerful action directors, screenwriters, and producers in the industry to provide training and guidance related to kung fu movies. We hope to help more people. Many unknown kung fu practitioners and filmmakers will realize their film dreams and provide more outstanding young talents to the kung fu film industry. The kung fu film inheritance plan will also be based on the dissemination and promotion of local cultural characteristics, using film and television to empower cultural tourism and use cultural tourism. Drive the industry, accumulate brand and cultural assets for the city where the project is launched, increase attention and influence, and also drive the development of local economy and culture."

In order to select potential Kung Fu film inheritance seedlings from thousands of martial arts practitioners, Chinese Film. The Film and Urban Development Special Fund of the Foundation specially invited Chen Yalian, director of Zhongzun Century Pictures, action director Yan Hua (representative work: " The Wandering Earth "), action director Li Heng (representative work: " fuse "), "" Imminent " director Zhang Xuannan, "Ghost Blade" director Lu Jun, " New Dragon Inn " action director Gao Xiaorui, " Chen Qingling " action director Qiu Kui, as well as kung fu filmmakers Du Yuhang and Liu Jian, as well as Olympic champion Lin Leap to form the "Kung Fu Movie Heritage Project Global Audition Jury".

editor, Wu Longzhen

proofreader, Zhao Lin