In the blink of an eye, the "Yi Lu Tong Xing" CP has reached its 8th year, which means that Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong have been in a stable relationship for seven years. April 20th is Lu Han’s 34th birthday. As expected, Guan Xiaotong once again missed the opportunity to send bles

In the blink of an eye, the "Yi Lu Tong Xing" cp has reached its 8th year, which means that Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong have been in a stable relationship for seven years. April 20th is Lu Han’s 34th birthday. As expected, Guan Xiaotong once again got stuck in sending blessings, and Lu Han also had a sweet interaction online with “the wife sings and the husband follows”, which again attracted netizens, and related discussions immediately became hot searches. First.

At midnight, Guan Xiaotong sent a message to Luhan to wish him a happy birthday. More than ten minutes later, Luhan also replied in the comment area: Received, received, I am one year older.

There is a sense of "old married couple" in the plain tone, which makes netizens can't help but sigh that they are too doting, and "one year older" has a profound meaning that is reminiscent of others. Could it be a hint that it is time to get married?

In addition to Guan Xiaotong's card to send blessings, Lu Han's good friends in the entertainment industry also sent blessings one after another, but in the end he only commented on Guan Xiaotong's Weibo to like this preference.

At around 2 o'clock in the night, Deng Chao, Chen He, Gemstone, Wang Mian, Gao Hanyu, etc. all sent birthday wishes to Lu Han on Weibo, and also posted a group photo of them recording the program together. You can see from the IP address and sending time It seemed that they had made an appointment, and it was quite ritualistic, but Lu Han did not respond to them online.

Of course, I may have responded privately, or replaced it with the thank you I posted publicly earlier. It’s hard to say anything else. Before replying to Guan Xiaotong's blessing, Lu Han sent a collective thank you message to thank everyone for their birthday wishes. The sending time of this Weibo is also very coincidental. Lu Han sent it at "09 minutes" and the studio forwarded it at "00:17 minutes", which accidentally coincided with Guan Xiaotong's birthday.

Some netizens thought that this was a sweetness just for young lovers. Not only did they give Guan Xiaotong the only reply, they also used the studio card to show their affection. However, some netizens thought that Lu Han’s post before replying to Guan Xiaotong was not very good and he did not put his girlfriend first.

Judging from the IP addresses posted by Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong, the two are in foreign countries and did not celebrate their birthdays together, but this does not affect their relationship. Although Lu Han is recording the show in Thailand and Guan Xiaotong is in Beijing, he has not forgotten the sense of ritual every year. This kind of persistence is rare.

Starting from April 20, 2018, Guan Xiaotong will give online blessings every year. The birthday texts in previous years will be a little cuter. In addition to text blessings, they will also share private photos of Lu Han, which gives a stronger sense of love. This It will be a little dull in two years.

It is said that the seven-year itch is difficult to endure. It is beyond the imagination of many people that the couple of Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong can stay together for such a long time. At this juncture, many netizens can't help but urge marriage, hoping that the two can get married as soon as possible to fulfill everyone's wishes.

However, marriage was not prompted. Looking back at the relationship between Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong, it is basically a stable happiness. The man immediately clarifies the rumors about frivolities. Whenever news of a breakup comes out, the two wear the same couple outfits and take photos of their encounters. It came out and directly slapped the rumors in the face. As for fans and netizens, the perception is getting better and better. Compared with other celebrity scandals, Lu Han's behavior is very manly.

So I wish them well and hope that the two of them can continue to be sweet. As for when the two will get married, I still hope that everyone will not be anxious. Marriage is not just about age, it needs to be considered in all aspects.

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