Five days have passed since the April 10 South Korean parliamentary election, but the turmoil in South Korea's political arena is still continuing. In this round of congressional elections, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue's ruling party, the National Power Party, lost to the

Five days have passed since the April 10th election of members of the Korean Parliament, but the turmoil in South Korea's political arena is still continuing.

In this round of congressional elections, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue's ruling party, the People's Power Party, lost to the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, and lost this key election. The number of congressional seats it won was far lower than expected, even higher than before the election. Not enough, and this was seen as a "disastrous defeat" for the Partisan Nasional.

Frustrated, Han Dong-hoon, the interim leader of the National Power Party, announced his resignation. Subsequently, a series of senior government officials, including South Korean Prime Minister Han Deok-soo, the chief secretary, and the chief secretary of the presidential office, collectively took the blame and resigned.

html On the 15th, according to China News Service, Yonhap News Agency reported that with the resignation of South Korean Prime Minister Han Deok-soo, speculation and discussion about "who will serve as the new prime minister" became more intense, causing public opinion to continue to rise.

In response to this, the South Korean President's Office responded on the 15th that President Yin Xiyue is very cautious in appointing new personnel. .

You must know that compared to the positions of chief secretary and chief secretary of the presidential palace, the position of the Prime Minister of South Korea is more important. He is the top head of the South Korean cabinet and is responsible for coordinating the work of cabinet ministers. He is also the main administrative assistant to the President of South Korea.

Today, the post of South Korea's Prime Minister has been "vacant" for 5 days, which has had a certain impact on the operation of the South Korean government. If this situation persists, it will cause a further blow to the governance of the Yin Xiyue government.

In addition, it stands to reason that the collective resignation of the Prime Minister of South Korea and others caused turmoil in the Korean political arena. Yin Xiyue should take measures to deal with it as soon as possible, such as announcing new candidates as soon as possible or giving alternative candidates to stabilize the Korean government and opposition. However, at present, Yin Xiyue has not There has been no public response to the matter. Even more so, if had not continued to increase public opinion in South Korea, Yin Xiyue would probably have continued to "cold handle" the matter when it came time to respond.

So the question is, why is Yin Xiyue so "passive" in appointing the new South Korean Prime Minister and other officials?

There are at least 3 reasons.

1. After the National Power Party lost the parliamentary election, internal differences and divisions intensified. It has been difficult for Yin Xiyue to gain strong support from the party. With the instability within the party, there is naturally no suitable candidate to serve as the Prime Minister of South Korea. Waiting for a series of important positions.

In particular, before the start of the parliamentary election, the former leader of the National Power Party Lee Jun-seok announced his resignation from the party because he was "dissatisfied with Yun Xiyue" and established a new party under the banner of "opposing Yoon Seok-yue". This is just an internal disagreement within the National Power Party. One of the manifestations of harmony.

In addition, former South Korean President Park Geun-hye did not publicly support Yin Xiyue as expected during the congressional election, which was also regarded as a reflection of some conservative forces in South Korea "losing confidence" in Yin Xiyue.

After all, Park Geun-hye has considerable influence in South Korea’s conservative camp. Before the congressional election, Yin Xiyue had repeatedly wooed Park Geun-hye, and even sent the interim leader of the National Power Party Han Dongxun to visit Park Geun-hye in person a week before the election. .

But on the voting day, Park Geun-hye only called on people to vote actively, but did not call on voters to support any political party.

It can be seen from this that there is already a lot of dissatisfaction with Yin Xiyue within South Korea's conservative forces, and now the National Power Party's "miserable defeat" will only intensify this dissatisfaction and trigger greater divisions. As for whether the disappointment of South Korean conservative forces with Yoon Seok-yue will increase the possibility of Park Geun-hye returning to politics, it is still unknown.

2, Yin Xiyue’s various performances after taking office were indeed unsatisfactory, and his support rate continued to fall, which also disappointed many Korean conservatives.

On the one hand, in the two years since Yin Seok-yue came to power, South Korea's internal inflation and economic crises have become increasingly severe, but the Yoon Seok-yue government has not introduced corresponding and effective responses, leading to the continued expansion of the crisis;

On the other hand, the "values ​​diplomacy" upheld by the Yoon Seok-yue government "In the policy, they constantly made concessions to Japan and the United States, including not requiring Japan to apologize or compensate for historical issues such as the "labor case". This once triggered strong protests from the Korean people, criticizing Yin Xiyue's actions for causing South Korea to lose its "national character" ".

Under various "negative reviews", before the congressional election, Yin Xiyue's support rate dropped directly to 33%, and this may be an important factor that led to the National Power Party's defeat in the congressional election.

3, before the Korean parliamentary election, the "medical sector strike and protest" incident in South Korea may be "another important straw" that makes Yin Xiyue's situation worse.

A few days ago, Yin Xiyue's promotion of medical reform measures aroused strong dissatisfaction in the Korean medical community. Nearly 7,000 doctors announced their resignations, and half of the professors at South Korea's medical universities resigned. However, Yin Xiyue had a tough attitude and refused to make concessions, which continued to escalate the situation.

Although, before the congressional election, Yoon Seok-yue intended to slow down his attitude, saying that "if the medical community gives a reasonable plan, the Korean government can consider adopting it," but before seeing concrete actions, the hostility of the Korean medical community towards the Yoon Seok-yue government is still there. continuously rising. This may also be the main factor that led to the National Power Party's defeat in the parliamentary election.

In addition, the relationship between the Korean medical community and conservative forces is close. As the situation continues to ferment, many conservatives have begun to change their views on Yin Xiyue.

Therefore, it is indeed not an easy task for Yin Xiyue to get the full support of the National Power Party and fill a series of vacancies in the Korean government amid "constant internal worries". However, if Yin Xiyue continues to fail to provide an effective response plan, his situation as a "simple commander" is likely to further escalate, and the Yin Xiyue government will also be subject to successive attacks from various opposition parties.

It can be seen that after losing the "midterm exam", Yin Xiyue once again faced a new fate test. Yin Xiyue really had to think twice about what to do next.