Unexpectedly, "City Within a City" has changed the trend of urban dramas in recent years. Why do you say that? What has been the general broadcast trend of domestic workplace dramas in recent years? Drive high and go low, the first broadcast is the peak. "City within a City" is g

Unexpectedly, "City Within a City" would change the trend of urban dramas in recent years.

Why do you say that?

What is the general broadcast trend of domestic workplace dramas in recent years? Drive high and go low, the first broadcast is the peak.

"City Within a City" is doing well, opening high and going wild. The latest Kuyun average ratings are 1.8825%, rising for four consecutive years.

Internet popularity is also soaring. After watching 9 episodes, I am getting more and more addicted, and I have found the feeling of watching "Ideal City" every night to celebrate the New Year. If all financial dramas are filmed like this, why worry about not having an audience?

Urban financial drama, in addition to plot and images, a key factor is of course acting skills. Good acting may not necessarily produce a good financial drama, but a good financial drama must have outstanding group acting skills.

The following is the ranking of actors’ acting skills in my mind. Yu Hewei is only fourth, Wang Jinsong is second. Guess who will be the biggest winner?

is seventh, Bai Yufan (plays Tao Wuji)

Bai Yufan plays the male protagonist Tao Wuji in the play.

Bai Yufan has the most scenes in this drama, with an average of one-third of the scenes in each episode focusing on him. Such a large lens is enough to make Tao Wuji's image more vivid and full, but Bai Yufan's performance, which is neither salty nor bland, always has the feeling of "I'm just here to have fun".

With the recommendation letter written by Dai Xing (played by Zhang Shen), Tao Wuji waited in the toilet, just to have a chance to show his face in front of Vice President Zhao Hui (played by Yu Hewei). The tension and entanglement that should have been performed here, and the nervousness of a junior employee when he saw his boss, Bai Yufan could not express any of it. Instead,

acted as a hunter waiting for the rabbit, holding the "token" and waiting for the other party to take it. He stood there in a daze, without any humility, with a relaxed posture, and completely without the feeling of a newcomer in the workplace. Such acting skills are in "The City". "City", it is not surprising that it ranks at the bottom.

No. 6, Feng Jiayi (played as Su Jianren)

Feng Jiayi is actually a strong actor. After all, his role as Qiu Bizheng in "Wind Blowing Pinellia" is really top-notch.

In "City Within a City", Su Jianren, played by Feng Jiayi, is another cute and charming villain.

In the scene where he confessed his love to Zhou Lin (played by Long Ni), Su Jianren carried out the offensive of stalking and confessed affectionately to Zhou Lin. With the help of the ambiguous light, he looked up at the moonlight outside while speaking, There is love between the emotional brows and eyes.

This character is affectionate enough, but also has a hint of naive joy, especially the phrase "Don't leave tonight" he muttered with his eyes closed, which can be regarded as one of the few comedy elements in the play.

can show the character's charm, performance personality and memory points in a limited number of scenes. I think Feng Jiayi's character creation ability has been perfected. Although

is ranked second to last, it does not mean that Feng Jiayi's acting skills are not good enough, but because the actors in front are stronger.

No. 5, Tu Songyan (played by Xie Zhiyuan)

Xie Zhiyuan, a character who is neither nefarious nor businessman, seems to be honest and responsible, but he is a rare profiteer.

In the play, Tu Songyan's mere action of pushing up his glasses made the audience feel like "he is holding back something evil."

In the scene where Zhao Hui denounced Xie Zhiyuan, saying that he was inseparable from the teacher's death, Xie Zhiyuan had a firm expression and defended himself with every word of reasoning and evidence, completely shirking all responsibility for the whole matter.

And after Zhao Hui said, "I won't sue you, just have fun, I will never cooperate with you in my life" and drove away, let's take a look at Xie Zhiyuan's expression. He was vicious, vicious, and his eyes were filled with hatred. Looking at Zhao Hui's car, his eyes seemed to be piercing through the car window and staring directly at Zhao Hui.

In this scene, after Tu Songyan counterattacked the poor boy, his true nature as a profiteer was clearly revealed. He wore an innocent veneer and engaged in a two-way business. Even if he indirectly killed his teacher, he had no regrets. The emotional explosion at this moment was too strong.

The fourth place, Yu Hewei (played as Zhao Hui)

Yu Hewei is ranked in this position, not because of his poor acting skills. It's just that his role is too functional and the plot develops too slowly, leaving Yu Hewei no real room to develop.

However, Hewei is one of the leading actors. Under a large number of shots, his explosive acting skills also contributed countless highlight clips to "City Within a City". Let’s take the latest updated plot yesterday.

thought that if something happened to Dai Xing, Zhao Hui, as the branch's second-in-command, would be promoted naturally. Unexpectedly, a bank president who dropped in from the air shattered all his hopes.

Zhao Hui had too many grievances accumulated in his heart about his daughter who was gradually going blind, high medical expenses, his deceased mentor, and the house he couldn't keep. All these sorrows burst out the moment he saw his "dead wife" after being drunk.

I thought that the crying scene for Yu Hewei, who is already an uncle, would be very greasy, but he didn't expect that he looked as aggrieved as a child. It is not a cry at the top of one's voice, but the guilt for his deceased wife and the unwillingness to fail. The red eyes and depressed corners of the mouth are funny, with a sadness that makes the audience empathize.

In fact, being drunk was just a cover-up. It wasn’t that Zhao Hui couldn’t tell who the person in front of him was, but he felt really aggrieved. Generally speaking, the more complex the inner emotions of a character are and the more difficult they are to act, the more it reflects He Wei's acting ability.

in "City within a City". His acting skills are still delicate and sophisticated, and he does not disappoint the audience's expectations. But I'm even more looking forward to Yu Hewei's explosive performance after Zhao Hui turns dark.

The third place, Wang Xiao (played as Miao Che)

To be honest, as soon as Miao Che played by Wang Xiao appeared, I felt like my eyes were brightening. He has a sense of "righteousness" about him, and after putting on a suit, his ruthlessness as an auditor is clearly revealed.

The first 9 episodes left Wang Xiao with not enough performance space, but he still accurately captured every appearance of the character. Wang Xiao's most exciting performance lies in the undertones.

As an auditor, Miao Che had a complicated heart when he experienced the death of his teacher and possible disciplinary violations. And this heavy mood is reflected in eating without saying a word at the dinner table.

When Xie Zhiyuan said the words "Dai Xing obviously did a good thing, but this is unclear, he died", Miao Che's eyes immediately locked on him, his expression was meaningful, but he did not ask questions directly at the dinner table.

It was only after the dinner, when he was alone with Zhao Hui, that he forced Zhao Hui to tell the truth.

From his tone of voice to his body movements, he is full of scheming. On the surface, he seems to only care about the truth behind it, but the audience always feels that there is something else going on in this character's expression. This is the aftertaste of Wang Xiao's performance.

Second place, Wang Jinsong (played by Wu Xianlong)

I don’t think I need to say more about Wang Jinsong’s acting skills. As a national first-class actor, he can completely break away from makeup and rely solely on performance to create character changes.

Wang Jinsong portrayed Wu Xianlong as a flesh-and-blood, duplicitous "good big brother".

The moment he appears on the camera, you will be directly pulled into the play. Wang Jinsong's down-to-earth acting style makes the whole story come alive. What touched me the most was the scene where he persuaded Zhao Hui to treat his daughter.

Looking at Zhao Hui, who was very secretive about his daughter's condition, Wu Xianlong just looked at his expression and took his time to make tea.

This design is very clever and enhances the behavioral logic of the entire character. First of all, as a good brother on the surface, Wu Xianlong cannot use straightforward words to recruit Zhao Hui. Secondly, making tea is a kind of cover-up. Faced with Zhao Hui's situation, Wu Xianlong was not without ideas, but he could not mess up his position and let Zhao Hui see the clues.

Wang Jinsong performed this scene with great delicacy, and his emotions changed smoothly. He performed the character's humanity rather than just being a tool villain, which is wonderful.

No. 1, Chen Jin (played as Teacher Ouyang)

What makes Chen Jin good in the drama "City Within" is not a specific performance, but the unity of the character's temperament in the entire drama. She performed a unique taste, which is the human touch of being a teacher and an example to others.

Teacher Ouyang, played by Chen Jin, is responsible for guiding Zhao Hui to the right path in his heart, and she did a very good job. There is no strong dramatic conflict in Chen Jin. The more bland it is, the harder it is to find a grip. And her grasp is the silent crying scene of moisturizing things. In the trailer of

, it is learned that the husband who was honest and honest all his life really committed serious disciplinary violations before his death. Teacher Ouyang is facing the repentant Zhao Hui, but what he is looking at is the portrait of her husband. The expression is sad and the tone is heavy. Different from Yu Hewei's crying scene, Chen Jin's crying scene is grief that goes deep into the bone marrow.

Although he doesn't have much expression, he can still accurately detect the inner emotional changes of the characters. This is called acting. He is indeed a capable actor who has won double awards.


For the audience, "City Within a City" is watching a feast of acting skills. In the play, several big names compete on the same stage, testing, confronting, and fighting wits. It is simply not exciting.

Even some minor supporting roles and performance details have too many contrasts and surprises worth savoring. But in the final analysis, the series finally kept up with the audience's aesthetics and did not fool the audience.

The audience has not had a good financial drama for a long time. Finally, there is a "City Within a City" that respects the audience.

The show is still being updated, and new characters will appear in the future, so stay tuned!

However, the above rankings are all subjective judgments. I believe everyone has his or her own acting list. Which actor do you think can be ranked first?