The development of variety shows in the past few years is really great. There are all types of variety shows, including music variety shows, romance variety shows, professional variety shows, etc. However, if you want to say the most interesting show and the one with the largest

The development of variety shows in the past few years is really great. There are all types of variety shows, such as music variety shows, romance variety shows, professional variety shows, etc.

However, if you want to say the most beautiful show and the one with the largest audience, it must be a comedy variety show.

People need to be happy at any time, and comedy variety shows can definitely relax people's body and mind.

Of course, it is very difficult to make a comedy variety show. From the beginning of the variety show, it started with the comedy genre.

Everyone has seen how difficult it is to find some funny variety shows nowadays.

" Happy Comedian ", "Talk Show Conference", etc., have been suspended one by one.

If we want to talk about the funny variety shows that are available now, they are "Ace vs. Ace" and " hahahahaha ".

Actually, I am quite optimistic about the variety show "五哈". When

was officially announced at the beginning, when I saw the three people Deng Chao , Chen He , Lu Han , I thought it would be very funny.

After all, when they were in " Running Man ", these three people were recognized as the iron triangle, and their relationship was also the best.

After "Five Ha" started airing, it really made people laugh.

Of course, the name of this show is also quite good. It seems casual, but in fact it is very powerful.

Just imagine, as long as it is a comedy variety show, whose purpose is not to make all the audience laugh!

If the name has nothing to do with being funny, then you can explain why the show is not good.

There’s really no way to explain a name like “Five Ha”. If it’s good, it’s good. If it’s not, it’s bad. As long as it doesn’t make the audience laugh, it’s bad.

Before I knew it, the variety show "Five Ha" has been aired in its fourth season.

To be honest, I really didn’t expect the show to go this far at first, because the show has always left people with mixed feelings.

In the first season, some episodes were very good to watch, but some episodes were not funny at all.

To put it simply, the funny ones can make people laugh until they can’t stand up, and the unfunny ones can make people regret opening this program.

Overall, the first season was good, but the second season was really embarrassing to the extreme.

is really disappointing in terms of comedy and program editing.

At the end of the first season, many viewers were not sure whether there would be a second season. After all, it could only be considered a makeshift show. When the second season of

ended, most viewers felt that there would be no third season because it was really not that good.

I really didn’t expect that the show would have a third season, and the effect of the third season can be said to be quite good.

After the experience of the first two seasons, the third season really meets the audience's psychological expectations in terms of editing and inviting guests.

, especially the two regular guests Fan Zhiyi and Baoshi Laojiu, really touched the hearts of the audience.

After watching the entire season of the show, these two people really brought a lot of laughter to the audience.

After watching the third season of the show, many viewers were sure that there would be a fourth season because the third season was really good.

Of course, as long as it is a fourth season, it must be the original cast of the third season, because these people can really have a chemical reaction.

A few years ago, many people started to wait for it after seeing the Reuters of "Five Ha".

Deng Chao, Chen He, Lu Han, Wang Mian, Fan Zhiyi, and Baoshi Laojiu, all six people are absent. This can completely match the lineup of "Running Man".

Now that the show has started, let’s just talk about the first episode.

"五哈4" was launched. Wang Mian's truthful words slapped the program crew in the face, and Lu Han's actions attracted countless fans.

first, Wang Mian.

In this episode, the program team designed a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and six guests had to stand on the slope to cut the ribbon.

The development of variety shows in the past few years is really great. There are all types of variety shows, such as music variety shows, romance variety shows, professional variety shows, etc.

However, if you want to say the most beautiful show and the one with the largest audience, it must be a comedy variety show.

People need to be happy at any time, and comedy variety shows can definitely relax people's body and mind.

Of course, it is very difficult to make a comedy variety show. From the beginning of the variety show, it started with the comedy genre.

Everyone has seen how difficult it is to find some funny variety shows nowadays.

" Happy Comedian ", "Talk Show Conference", etc., have been suspended one by one.

If we want to talk about the funny variety shows that are available now, they are "Ace vs. Ace" and " hahahahaha ".

Actually, I am quite optimistic about the variety show "五哈". When

was officially announced at the beginning, when I saw the three people Deng Chao , Chen He , Lu Han , I thought it would be very funny.

After all, when they were in " Running Man ", these three people were recognized as the iron triangle, and their relationship was also the best.

After "Five Ha" started airing, it really made people laugh.

Of course, the name of this show is also quite good. It seems casual, but in fact it is very powerful.

Just imagine, as long as it is a comedy variety show, whose purpose is not to make all the audience laugh!

If the name has nothing to do with being funny, then you can explain why the show is not good.

There’s really no way to explain a name like “Five Ha”. If it’s good, it’s good. If it’s not, it’s bad. As long as it doesn’t make the audience laugh, it’s bad.

Before I knew it, the variety show "Five Ha" has been aired in its fourth season.

To be honest, I really didn’t expect the show to go this far at first, because the show has always left people with mixed feelings.

In the first season, some episodes were very good to watch, but some episodes were not funny at all.

To put it simply, the funny ones can make people laugh until they can’t stand up, and the unfunny ones can make people regret opening this program.

Overall, the first season was good, but the second season was really embarrassing to the extreme.

is really disappointing in terms of comedy and program editing.

At the end of the first season, many viewers were not sure whether there would be a second season. After all, it could only be considered a makeshift show. When the second season of

ended, most viewers felt that there would be no third season because it was really not that good.

I really didn’t expect that the show would have a third season, and the effect of the third season can be said to be quite good.

After the experience of the first two seasons, the third season really meets the audience's psychological expectations in terms of editing and inviting guests.

, especially the two regular guests Fan Zhiyi and Baoshi Laojiu, really touched the hearts of the audience.

After watching the entire season of the show, these two people really brought a lot of laughter to the audience.

After watching the third season of the show, many viewers were sure that there would be a fourth season because the third season was really good.

Of course, as long as it is a fourth season, it must be the original cast of the third season, because these people can really have a chemical reaction.

A few years ago, many people started to wait for it after seeing the Reuters of "Five Ha".

Deng Chao, Chen He, Lu Han, Wang Mian, Fan Zhiyi, and Baoshi Laojiu, all six people are absent. This can completely match the lineup of "Running Man".

Now that the show has started, let’s just talk about the first episode.

"五哈4" was launched. Wang Mian's truthful words slapped the program crew in the face, and Lu Han's actions attracted countless fans.

first, Wang Mian.

In this episode, the program team designed a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and six guests had to stand on the slope to cut the ribbon.

This slope is designed to be very slippery, and coupled with the leather shoes of several people, it is simply impossible for the series to stand on it.

During the whole uphill process, it was really sad and funny.

Looking at the scene of everyone running up to the halfway point and then sliding down, it makes people laugh like crazy.

To be honest, the program crew is really good at making things happen. I like this prop very much.

However, after everyone was in place, the etiquette lady presented the scissors, and at this time I began to lose my composure.

Wang Mian said the truth, "As soon as I let go of , I will lose ."

Following Wang Mian’s words, let’s look at the scissors in Chen He’s hand again. What Wang Mian said is indeed the truth.

If Wang Mian fails to grasp it tightly, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

Although a pair of scissors will not be fatal even if an accident occurs, but who wants to get injured while recording a show?

After hearing Wang Mian’s true words, I really want to ask the program team, do you feel like it’s a slap in the face?

"Five Ha" is a comedy variety show. Funny is indeed very important, but I think safety awareness should be the foundation.

I believe that many viewers still remember the "Gao Yixiang incident" two years ago. It has only been a short time, can it be said that it has been completely forgotten?

Regarding security issues, I think we should consider them from the beginning and don't regret it after something happens.

This link does not seem to be very dangerous, everyone is holding on to the rope.

However, there are differences in people's physical fitness. Some people can stand for several hours holding a rope, while others cannot stand for a minute holding a rope.

As a production unit, we must not use "I think" as the criterion for judging. After all, there are those who are weak.

Although Wang Mian said this sentence as a joke this time, I think it should still attract the attention of the program team.

security issues should definitely be put first, because this is really dangerous.

Second, Lu Han.

How dangerous this link is is visible to the naked eye.

Having said that, the guests can only pay attention and try to minimize the risk factor, and they cannot change the design of the program team.

In terms of security awareness, I am really a fan of Luhan.

I don’t know if you have noticed that from the beginning to the end when he got the scissors, Lu Han always kept the tip of the scissors facing outward.

Lu Han's scissor-holding posture can greatly reduce the risk of being poked even if someone in front loses grip on the rope and slips off.

Of course, there is also Uncle Gemstone who holds the scissors in the same way.

As the saying goes, character is reflected in the details. It is just a simple operation. Lu Han and Uncle Baoshi really make people feel very reliable.

As a traffic idol, Lu Han will be scrutinized in any variety show he participates in. Netizens are also less tolerant of traffic idols than others.

However, Lu Han has really proven himself with his actual actions in the past two years.

Whether it is a very generous admission of his relationship or a state in a variety show without the baggage of an idol, it is very popular.

To be honest, facing bad brothers like Deng Chao and Chen He who like to tease people, anyone around them will lose their image.

Many celebrities are unable to be funny regardless of their image, let alone a popular idol?

Whether in "Running Man" or "Wu Ha", Lu Han is really becoming more and more open to himself.

If you want to ask whether Lu Han can create any laughter by himself, then I think he really can’t. He is not someone who takes the initiative to create laughter.

However, as long as Lu Han meets Deng Chao and Chen He, it will stimulate the inner humor element.

Deng Chao, Chen He, and Lu Han are the eternal iron triangle. Because of the three of them, "Five Ha" has really been completely revitalized.

This season of the program has just begun. In terms of overall effect, it is indeed good, with a lot of laughs.

I really hope that the program team can put more effort into safety awareness. Playing with scissors is funny, but don’t play with it in the future. It’s really dangerous. Don’t regret it later after something happens. What do you think?

I really hope that the program team can put more effort into safety awareness. Playing with scissors is funny, but don’t play with it in the future. It’s really dangerous. Don’t regret it later after something happens. What do you think?