Qu Jing, a commentator at Jimu News, disclosed on February 7th that the Internet Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security revealed that a certain online anchor named "Zhang Meili" (screen name, account has been shut down) in Suide, Shaanxi Province, quickly posted a mes

Jimu News commentator Qu Jing

According to the Cybersecurity Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security on February 7, a certain online anchor "Zhang Meili" (screen name, account has been closed) in Suide, Shaanxi Province, was accused of insulting his mother during the live broadcast. He quickly became popular on the Internet. During the live broadcast, he pretended to be crazy and used the Internet to create topics to abuse and insult others at will.

As the number of fans increased, the Internet celebrity regarded himself as the spokesperson of Suide, eating "king meals", taking transportation without payment, forcibly advertising, insulting others at will, and forcing others to pick fights and cause trouble. (According to Global Network on March 21)

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Judging from the situation disclosed by the police, Zhang Meili’s mind and behavior have nothing to do with Meili. In order to attract attention and cater to the novelty mentality of some netizens, she did not hesitate to broadcast on She insulted her mother and spread some unpleasant words. Not only was her behavior not stopped and restrained in time, but her fans suddenly increased sharply, and she also seized the traffic password and intensified her behavior in the live broadcast room. He staged vulgar and bad words and deeds and actually became Suide's "big internet celebrity".

Seeing that she could gain followers just by cursing, some online anchors in Yulin also started to have evil thoughts. They maliciously teased Zhang Meili to curse in the live broadcast room, made vulgar and indecent videos with her, and even hired her to work for them. Live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

This kind of blind and profit-seeking pursuit turned Zhang Meili from an ordinary person to a "star Internet celebrity" in just a few months. It also gave her an inflated sense of superiority, and she ate "Overlord" at will in Suide. "Meals", taking transportation without paying, forcing advertisements, insulting others at will, seeing oneself as a "superior", and regarding the number of fans as capital to gain privileges. His behavior is no different from that of local hooligans. According to local residents, Zhang Meili’s actions have had a very bad social impact. Some primary and middle school students even quoted some of her vulgar words in conversations, which made people very disgusted and confused. A low-quality Internet celebrity like

, whose comments and actions in the live broadcast seriously violate social order and good customs, challenge the bottom line of social morality, and various offline behaviors are suspected of illegal crimes, disrupt social public order, and cause bad social impact. The judicial authorities' handling of them is a just act that complies with public opinion, corrects social trends, and maintains social and public order. This type of behavior that has no bottom line, attracts attention, and uses the identity of Internet celebrities as a "talisman" for illegal activities has produced strong consequences. deterrent effect.

But looking back at the entire case, what is even more worrying is why a person with such low moral literacy and such a weak concept of the rule of law can become a regional Internet celebrity. What kind of people are pursuing such disgusting behavior? Why can such live broadcasts and videos that cater to vulgar tastes and corrupt social morals still exist on the platform for a long time? When such a person becomes an Internet celebrity and relies on this status to obtain benefits, how will people view the group of "Internet celebrities" and what kind of negative impact will it have on the values ​​of young people?

This case is indeed thought-provoking, and it also allows us to see that there are still many corners where evil and evil practices hide in the vast cyberspace. It is hoped that by pursuing bad Internet celebrities, it can produce positive social effects, curb bad habits, clear up online garbage, and restore a clear environment in cyberspace. Those who hire Zhang Meili to live broadcast and encourage her to insult others and escalate her behavior should also be punished accordingly. Otherwise, if one Zhang Meili is arrested, they may also create another Zhang Meili in the same way.

(Source: Jimu News)