"Ten days of hard work are coming" to fight the Kasi Shuangbanna Jinghong live broadcast calling for the protection of Asian elephants

On August 31, the live broadcast of "Ten Qintians Are Here - New Farmers Tracing the Origin of New Village Series" at Jinghong Station was carried out as scheduled. Six young people, Chen Shaoxi, He Haonan, Jiang Dunhao, Li Hao, Lu Zhuo and Zhuo Yuan, came to Jinghong, located in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, met the audience in the live broadcast room. We checked in at the Asian Elephant Rescue and Breeding Center in Jinghong, and together with the “elephant dads” at the center, we took the audience to understand the Asian elephant rescue work. The food recommendation live broadcast in the evening promoted Yunnan arabica coffee; Xishuangbanna small corn and rice; Yunnan specialty porcini mushrooms, dried mushroom buns, rice noodles, and dried mango, dried pineapple, coconut chunks and other agricultural and sideline products with local characteristics in Xishuangbanna, to help Yunnan's characteristic agricultural and sideline products are out of the circle.

"Ten Diligent Days" parachuted into Jinghong, Xishuangbanna to voice their appeal for the protection of Asian elephants

This time, members of the "Ten Diligent Days" came to the Asian Elephant Rescue and Breeding Center in Jinghong, Xishuangbanna, and worked with the staff of the center to provide support to the audience in the live broadcast room They introduced the rescue work of Asian elephants. During the live broadcast, the two Asian elephants "Yangniu" and "Longlong" who were rescued by the center became the "new favorites" of the audience. "Elephant Dad" also told the story of their rescue of two wild elephants to Shi Qintian and the audience in the live broadcast room, and more people learned about the rescue and breeding of wild elephants. "Ten Qintian" also fed the ingredients he prepared to "Yangniu" and "Longlong" under the guidance of "Elephant Dad".

Later, "Elephant Dad" taught "Ten Qintian" step by step to conduct physical examinations for "Yangniu" and "Longlong". Not only did he measure the chest circumference and body temperature, examine the mouth and soles of the feet, but also examined the elephant's excrement. Check. "Elephant dads" said that excrement can well reflect the physical condition of elephants. The audience in front of the screen also joked, "This is a tasteful live broadcast room." At the end of the live broadcast, the center staff presented certificates to the "Ten Days of Diligence" method, and the Ten Days of Diligence also called attention to Asian elephants through the camera. By experiencing the one-day live broadcast of "Elephant Dad", many viewers learned about the rescue and breeding work of Asian elephants, and also better understood the significance of protecting Asian elephants. The live broadcast is not over yet #十千天 appeals for the protection of wild elephants# #十千天云南直播# and other terms have been on the hot searches on Weibo. The normal live broadcast has received more than 4 million views on Weibo and Douyin. . Through its own influence, "Ten Diligent Days" helped this group, located in the southwest border of the motherland, engaged in the rescue and breeding of Asian elephants, to reach the audience and let more people understand the difficulties and importance of wildlife protection and breeding.

A hilarious food recommendation live broadcast was staged to help Yunnan’s specialty agricultural and sideline products become popular

In the subsequent “Food Recommendation” live broadcast, the new farmers’ “Ten Days of Diligence” once again transformed into small experts in helping farmers, promoting Yunnan small grain coffee to the general audience; Xishuangbanna small coffee Corn, rice; Yunnan specialty porcini mushrooms, dried mushroom buns, rice noodles, dried mango, dried pineapple, coconut chunks and other agricultural and sideline products with local characteristics in Xishuangbanna. "Ten Qintian" explained the selling points of various special products to the audience in detail, and also went to the corn factory for traceability to ensure the food safety and product quality of the products. They also continued to make adjustments during the live broadcast to provide agricultural and sideline products. Make enough efforts to get out of the circle.

After the "Food Recommendation" live broadcast, many viewers said they learned about Yunnan's unique arabica coffee, and also learned that Xishuangbanna's characteristic baby corn has good nutritional value, and even bought Yunnan's specialty mushrooms and rice noodles that they had long wanted. In the end, the normal event received more than 4.77 million views. Not only did it rank 8th on the Douyin Yunnan delivery list, it also received 19 hot searches across the entire network. It not only appeals for the rescue and breeding of Asian elephants, but also contributes to the export of local agricultural and sideline products in Xishuangbanna. As representatives of "new farmers", Shi Qintian has never forgotten his original intention and used his own modest efforts to help the development of the agricultural, cultural and tourism industry.