"Madame Web", the first superhero movie with a female protagonist created by Sony/Marvel, was officially released in mainland China on March 1! The film stars Dakota Johnson, "Sydney Girl" Sydney Sweeney, Isabella Merced, Celeste...

"Mrs. Spider: Super Sense Awakening " (madame web), the first superhero movie with a female protagonist created by Sony/Marvel, was officially released in mainland China on March 1! The film stars Dakota Johnson, "Sydney Girl" Sydney Sweeney, Isabella Merced, Celeste O'Connor and others.

The box office of "Mrs. Spider" in the mainland in its first week was only 4.5 million yuan! The box office in the three days was 2 million yuan, 1.6 million yuan and 900,000 yuan respectively, and the total number of moviegoers was less than 110,000. Maoyan currently predicts that the film’s final box office in the Mainland will be 7.19 million yuan. The film's Douban score is 5.2, with more than 5,000 people rating it, which is almost the same as recently released films of the same type. It's hard to imagine a superhero movie having such a dismal box office performance, and the genre has hit rock bottom!

It is worth mentioning that "Mrs. Spider" began to be released in theaters around the world in mid-February, and its cumulative box office revenue is currently US$91 million. Among them, the North American box office is about 40 million U.S. dollars. The increase in the past week has been minimal, and the final global box office is expected to be just over 100 million U.S. dollars. The film's overseas reputation is also very bad. The CinemaScore audience score is only C+, and there are even cases of audience refunds!

The production cost of "Mrs. Spider" was announced by Sony as US$80 million. However, deadline, thr and other well-known media reported that the actual production cost of "Mrs. Spider" exceeded US$100 million.

With the exception of the Dutch version of "Spider-Man" and the "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" series of animated films, Sony Pictures seems to be having trouble finding the right way to make superhero movies. Sony's previous superhero film "Morbius" was also severely criticized, but luckily earned a global box office of US$170 million. But "Mrs. Spider" will not have such good luck. Not only is it losing blood, it also means that Sony's plan to launch a new series has been scrapped.