"Feng Shen" was promoted in Venice, and the "New Image" forum was held

In September 2023, the focus of the world's film industry once again focused on the romantic water city of Venice. As one of the most prestigious film events in the world, the Venice Film Festival brings together outstanding filmmakers and enthusiastic film fans from all over the world to witness and appreciate diverse, innovative and profound film art.

During the Venice Film Festival, the Italian Pavilion of the Festival Market held a series of official events.

"Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" series of promotional activities

Among the many activities in Venice, the promotion activities of the movie "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" attracted the most attention.

First of all, on August 30, actor Fei Xiang and producer Luo Shanshan of China's first magical epic film "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" appeared on the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the 80th Venice Film Festival. Fei Xiang, who returned to the public eye again, was still charming and became the focus of the red carpet that night.

Fei Xiang

At noon on August 31, "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" had its first overseas screening at the Venice Film Festival Film Market. Audiences and media from various countries actively signed up, and some viewers revealed that they had been looking forward to the movie for a long time. After hearing the news about this screening, they drove to Venice overnight to watch the movie. During the post-screening Q&A session, many foreign audiences were shocked by the fantasy movies from China. They asked Fei Xiang questions about special effects, Chinese art settings, and movie characters. Fei Xiang answered fluently in Chinese and English, and his reputation as "Business Speak" is well-deserved!

Group photo after the screening

On the evening of September 1st, "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" director Wu Ershan, starring Fei Xiang, producer Luo Shanshan, as well as the famous filmmaker Jiao Xiongping, CEO of Shanghai Yinzhi Yingye Culture Company Yang Ying was personally invited by CINECITTÀ Chairman Roberto Stabile to attend the official dinner held by the Italian Pavilion of the Venice Film Festival on Murano Island in Venice.

Wu Ershan, Jiao Xiongping, Roberto Stabile, Luo Shanshan, Fei Xiang

On the morning of September 3, the "Genre Film Trends in Global Production" forum hosted by CINECITTÀ (General Directorate of Film and Audiovisual Broadcasting under the Italian Ministry of Culture) was held at the Italian Pavilion in Venice . Hosted by the famous filmmaker Jiao Xiongping, Wu Ershan, Fei Xiang, French female director Elise Girard, and Venice Film Festival selector Paolo Bertolin attended as guests.

Jiao Xiongping is the most senior film industry veteran in this forum. She has studied and worked in many countries. She has in-depth understanding and research of the development history of film. She has also cooperated with Asia's top directors, screenwriters, and filmmakers many times. In this forum, Teacher Jiao raised issues about the creative content and diversity of genre films, the global development trend of genre films, and the advantages and disadvantages of international cooperation to four guests.

Director Wu Ershan mentioned that he has been particularly fascinated by the story of the Conferred Gods since he was a child. After becoming a director, he always wanted to use movies to realize this story and tell Chinese stories to the world, so he made the film "The Conferred Gods Trilogy". Project, during the preparation of the film, Director Wu made a special trip to visit Barry M. Osborne, the producer of "The Lord of the Rings", to learn about it, and people from 21 countries participated in the production of "The Gods Trilogy".

Fei Xiang has profound insights into the development trend of genre films. He said that in today's mobile phone era and the popularity of social platforms, people can't help but pay more attention to themselves instead of the stories outside and in different worlds. This is a great opportunity for screenwriters, directors, and genre films. huge challenge. Fei Xiang also mentioned that when domestic films are released overseas, differences in language and culture have a great impact on the expression of the film. How to accurately translate is a big problem when the film is released overseas. However, as a bi-native speaker of English and Chinese, Fei Xiang I am personally correcting the English translation of "Fengshen Part 1: Chao Ge Fengyun" in the hope that the world can experience the charm of Chinese movies like Chinese audiences.

French director Elise Girad has recently completed a new work "Japanese Sidonie" starring Isabelle Huppert and Auguste Diehl. This is a film invested by France and Switzerland and shot in Japan.Elise said that during the cooperation between European and Japanese producers, she experienced very different living habits and cultures. These experiences also made her realize that it is very important for filmmakers with different national cultural backgrounds in the film industry.

Film festival selector Paolo Bertolin mentioned that he often thinks about the definition of genre films. He said that in fact, any film can be a genre film. When selecting films, he tries to choose new and different film types to create collisions. The role of film festivals One is also hoping to break boundaries.

Yang Ying, Luo Shanshan, Wu Ershan, Jiao Xiongping, Elise Girad, Roberto Stabile, Fei Xiang, Paolo Bertolin, Asia Ruperto

On the evening of September 3rd, "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" won the Venice Film Festival Filming Italy Director Wu Ershan and producer Luo Shanshan took the stage to receive the "Best Genre Film Artistic Contribution" awarded by the Best Movie Award. The Filming Italy Best Movie Award believes that "the Chinese mythological epic film "Fengshen Part 1" brings us to the imaginative oriental fantasy world with its sophisticated production and unique artistic creativity, and brings a magnificent audio-visual experience to today's audiences." Enjoy and guide film art to explore the mysterious world of historical fantasy and create a unique oriental aesthetic in genre films, so I won this award."

Yang Ying, Luo Shanshan, Wu Ershan, Roberto Stabile, host

"New images, new life, movies in the new media era, record your own story" theme forum

During the Venice Film Festival, another big hit in the market The forum is hosted by the Italian Pavilion and co-sponsored by Infinix and Shanghai Yinzhi Yingye Cultural Consulting Studio with the theme of "New Images, New Life, Films in the New Media Era, Recording Your Own Story".

Yang Ying, Roberto Stabile, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anish Kapoor, Kobi Mizrahi, Dalmira Tilepbergenova

Ms. Yang Ying, CEO of Shanghai Yinzhi Yingye Cultural Consulting Studio, served as the host and invited five international guests from the film industry to the Italian Pavilion. Based on her own With their professional experiences, they interpreted the impact of new media images on the film industry from their own perspectives.

New media imaging brings opportunities and challenges to the film industry. It is redefining the face of film creation. New media imaging brings new possibilities to creators in the film industry.

Jacqueline Fernandez

Indian actress Jacqueline Fernandez mentioned that online streaming platforms are rising in the film industry, and VR and AR technologies are also affecting the development of the film industry. At the same time, the impact of social media on the film industry is also significant. Filmmakers are also watching how these trends in the industry will evolve. The fact is that smartphones have given hundreds of millions of people around the world the opportunity to shoot video materials. It is a very interesting phenomenon that people post these creative video materials on social media. After all, the core of movies is storytelling, and shooting movies on mobile phones is just a new way of telling stories.

Infinix India CEO Anish Kapoor mentioned that audiences’ viewing habits are changing, and audiences are beginning to use mobile devices such as smartphones to watch movies. Filming on mobile phones is empowering individual creators. The rise of mobile film festivals and mobile film creation programs heralds the growing impact of mobile devices on the entire film industry. The development of science and technology continues to affect the film industry, but one thing in the film industry will never change, that is, films share dreams with people. Mobile phones enable movies to reach more audiences and bring convenience to people watching video content. The evolution of mobile devices is empowering content creation and storytelling. Smartphones and the traditional film industry can coexist, with smartphones enriching the way audiences watch visual stories.

Anish Kapoor

Kobi Mizrahi, founder of KM Productions, mentioned that new media movies are a brand new way of telling stories, and we can see the impact of technological progress on the way people tell stories. Kobi himself has also shot short films with his mobile phone, and recently watched a film shot with his mobile phone at a film festival in Israel. Shooting movies with his mobile phone is very interesting, especially for young people.Every film festival is looking for new visual languages ​​to present stories, and new media films are a new way of telling stories.

Roberto Stabile, international relations consultant and director of the Special Projects Group of the General Directorate of Film and Audiovisual Broadcasting under the Italian Ministry of Culture, mentioned that he uses his mobile phone all the time for work, which allows him to contact colleagues and friends. Sometimes, he would watch a movie on his mobile phone first. If he liked it, he would then go into the cinema to watch a certain movie. Smartphones allow us to watch movies anytime, anywhere, giving people a new movie-watching experience. Shooting with mobile phones is a method and technology, but the thinking of the people behind it is the core of creating visual stories.

Film director Dalmira Tilepbergenova mentioned that the younger generation is full of creativity and they use mobile phones to shoot video materials. It is time for our generation to learn from them. Images are changing people's thinking. Movies on the big screen can make people think deeply, and so can new media movies.

Asia Ruerto, Yang Ying, Roberto Stabile, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anish Kapoor, Kobi Mizrahi, Dalmira Tilepbergenova, Hu Bo

Ms. Yang Ying of Shanghai Yinzhi Yingye Cultural Consulting Studio, the co-organizer of this event, said that China’s film culture and The promotion of Chinese brands overseas is a long-term matter that requires overall global planning and long-term planning. I hope that Chinese films and brands can more comprehensively perform brilliantly on the world film festival stage. This trip to Venice has come to an end, and I will see you all at the next exciting event soon!