On March 3, the TV series "Detective Chinatown 2" aired to its sixth episode. After 6 episodes, the first case of this TV series has been concluded, and the second case has been narrated halfway. At this point, I think this suspense drama, which focuses on criminal investigation,

On March 3, the TV series " Chinatown Detective 2" was broadcast to its sixth episode. After 6 episodes, the first case of this TV series has been concluded, and the second case has been narrated halfway. At this point, I think this suspense drama, which focuses on criminal investigation, is a complete hit. Its failure happened to be caused by "making things up".

The TV series "Detective Chinatown 2" sets the background of the story in Chinatown abroad, so it can be more imaginative. However, there is an iron rule in crime suspense dramas, that is, you need to dance on a limited stage, rather than dancing casually on an infinite and vast stage, otherwise, it will not be exciting.

What is a limited stage? In crime suspense dramas, reality needs to be used to set a framework for the stage, and all crime suspense content needs to occur within this framework. If you leave this framework, or do not use this framework at all, it may seem that the story can take off, but in fact it is similar to staying still. What "Detective Chinatown 2" lacks now is this stage edge to frame itself.

For example, the first case in this drama has only been aired for two episodes, and many fans have already guessed the ending, or the basis of the case. Everyone knows that this drama will definitely lead to the illegal trade of human organs. If this unit drama has a realistic framework, then when it is told, it will be subject to corresponding real restrictions. And these restrictions are the focus of the story. However, the play did not give a realistic framework, causing the play to have no focus.

The human body is sent to the dentist's clinic, where surgery is performed, darknet transactions are performed, etc. It seems seamless, but in actual operation, it is full of loopholes. Using this kind of content as the basis of a case will easily expose the bottom line, making the audience feel that there were a lot of big banners at the front, but they couldn't fool them later, so they just made it up. This foundation was too great, and the screenwriter did not have the ability to refine the details, which ultimately resulted in a large mesh.

Similar problems with large meshes also appear in the second case of the play. The second case of this TV series leads to another, and finally leads to the organization called Upanishad. This is similar to the illegal trade of human organs, and it created a lot of small suspense in the past, and finally gave a huge foundation, but this foundation has become a panacea, and all suspense can be finally introduced here.

In other words, a crime suspense drama can include a bunch of seemingly strange crime scene content, or even content about serial crimes. When it can no longer justify it, it will reveal the basis of this "secret" and say it is this The organization did it. This is boring. This approach is similar to that of a large number of theater thrillers of the past. There are a lot of horrors in the front, and there is no way to go on. Let’s just say that the protagonist is dreaming. If there is too much foundation, too much elixir, the front will be empty.

The writers of this TV series are obviously aware of this problem. Therefore, they tried to find some stinging points in the opening details of the case to make the drama feel real to the audience. For example, a young man working at the bottom of the city offered rewards to the popular female anchor next door. In the end, he died holding her in his arms. This content is obviously intended to win the emotional recognition of a large number of lower-class male viewers. However, a "Chinatown" ruins this sense of realism, because the play itself says that it is not a story that takes place in China.

If in the setting of the play, the story of the low-class working man and the internet celebrity female anchor takes place in a Chinese city, and there are a lot of realism about the low-class people in Chinese cities, then the shock of the play will be extraordinary. " Chinatown " allows this drama to be as imaginative as possible, but at the same time, it also lacks boundaries and focus. Crime suspense dramas need to dance on a limited stage, that is, they have to find a focus on the boundaries.

For another example, the story of the mother-in-law in the second case would obviously sting many viewers if it happened in our Chinese cities.However, the fact that it happened in an imaginary "Chinatown" seems very far-fetched. This focus point that can sting the audience's inner aesthetic emotions is almost non-existent because the margin is too large, and subsequently, the effort is no longer needed.

Therefore, "Detective Chinatown 2" sets the narrative background as "Chinatown", which seems to be taking advantage, but it actually suffers a big loss. As long as the plot tries to use realistic content to sting the audience, it will immediately show itself. A sense of suspension and powerlessness. In an imaginary environment, realistic, haha. And a crime suspense drama that doesn't even have realism is even more likely to be laughed at by the audience. After the show was launched, there were a lot of bad reviews, and here is the ultimate reason. (Text/Ma Qingyun)