On Sunday morning, take a look at the hot news at home and abroad. Trump won the Missouri Republican primary for the 2024 U.S. presidential election. On March 2, local time, according to the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), former U.S. President Trump won the Missouri Rep

On Sunday morning, let’s take a look at the hot news at home and abroad.

Trump won the Missouri Republican primary in the 2024 U.S. presidential election

On March 2, local time, according to the American Broadcasting Corporation (abc), former U.S. President Trump won the Missouri Republican primary in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Primary election.

reported that Republican officials were expected to formally confirm the results of the primary and caucuses later in the day.

According to statistics, so far, Trump has won the Republican primaries in 6 states: Missouri, Michigan, South Carolina, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Iowa.

Despite the legal controversies, Trump has not lost in this year's Republican primaries.

Michigan in the "Rust Belt" of the United States is a "swing state" in the general election, and its election situation has attracted much attention. Biden recently stated that Michigan will be one of several states that will determine the outcome of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. In 2016, Trump narrowly won Michigan. Four years later, the state was won by Biden.

Trump is running for President of the United States again and is leading the Republican primary.

The primaries are the first phase of the U.S. presidential election and will last until June. After the primaries, the Democratic and Republican parties will hold their respective national conventions to formally nominate candidates for president and vice president. This year’s U.S. election voting day is November 5.

The sinking of the British freighter after being hit by a missile will have a serious impact on the environment

According to CCTV News, on March 2, local time, Yemen’s official Saba News Agency quoted sources from the crisis response team handling the "Rubi Mar" freighter as saying that the The cargo ship sank the night before, and the cause of the sinking may be related to weather factors.

The group expressed regret for the sinking of the ship, saying it would have a serious impact on the local marine environment. The team said it would study next steps and determine the best way to deal with environmental pollution caused by the accident.

According to a CCTV News report on February 28, a British cargo ship was attacked by Yemeni Houthi armed missiles in the Red Sea waters on the 18th and was seriously damaged. A few days ago, the Yemeni Ministry of Water Resources and Environment held a press conference to warn that the cargo ship is in danger of sinking or running aground. Once the fertilizer loaded leaks, it will have a serious impact on the local marine environment.

The cargo ship named "Rubi Mar" was seriously damaged after being attacked on the 18th. The crew was forced to abandon the ship and was rescued by another merchant ship. The crew was then safely transferred to the nearby port of Djibouti.

Yemeni Minister of Water Resources and Environment Tawfiq Shaqabi: The ship was seriously damaged after being attacked by Yemeni Houthi armed missiles, and is now slowly leaking. According to assessments, the ship is likely to sink.

The Yemeni Ministry of Water Resources and Environment stated that the cargo ship is drifting towards the Hanish Islands and may sink or run aground on rocks. The cargo ship carried about 22,000 tons of fertilizers and a large amount of fuel used for navigation. Once the ship sinks or hits a reef, it will cause fertilizer and fuel leakage, which may have a serious impact on the local marine environment. In addition, the ship is currently only 16 nautical miles away from land and will threaten nearby coastal ecology. The Yemeni government has established an emergency crisis response team.

main station reporter Salah: The situation in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea continues to worsen and escalate. But there is also a danger now of the environmental disaster the Rubi Mar could cause after being attacked by the Houthis.

Andy Lau’s company’s latest statement

On the evening of March 1, Andy Lau’s film company @yingyientertainment issued a statement:

20 minutes later, the account once again issued the "Stern Statement on AI Synthetic Sound Infringement Incident":

Recently, our company discovered that WeChat users " "Hua Tsai Sharing Group" (WeChat ID: koh173) and its associated video account "Hua Tsai Assembly Account" used information technology means to forge Mr. Andy Lau's voice, and continuously released his clips and patchwork on the WeChat platform without authorization. The video led to misunderstanding among the public, thereby achieving the purpose of using Mr. Liu's popularity to attract traffic, sell goods, and make profits from it. This behavior has seriously infringed on Mr. Andy Lau's portrait rights, name rights and voice rights, and is suspected of constituting fraud.

In recent years, "AI face-changing" scams have emerged one after another.In November last year, the Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a risk warning to beware of new fraud methods such as "AI face-changing".

Dong Mingzhu responded to the rose air conditioner soil

Recently, in the "Dialogue" column of CCTV Finance, Gree Electric Chairman Dong Mingzhu talked about the heated discussion caused by Gree's "Rose Air Conditioner".

Dong Mingzhu said that she wants to integrate products with family life. "Many people complain that Dong Mingzhu is very earthy, so I am earthy, and all kinds of people stand in different dimensions."

Dong Mingzhu said, "We will continue to innovate. We must make the air conditioner a work of art at home. This is my goal."

It is reported that this cabinet-type rose air conditioner owned by Gree Electric was operated by Dong Mingzhu himself a few years ago. The knife design, named "Rose Air Conditioner", is suitable for newlyweds, golden and silver weddings. The top of the

air conditioner is like a blooming pink rose. When the light is turned on, the rose leaves will slowly change color, from pink to purple, and the petals will slowly flutter, as if flying in the wind. Not only that, the design also contains many small ideas. For example, when the air conditioner is running, 19 blooming roses will appear faintly on the column. The flower language is "waiting for a lifetime, the highest point of love."

At the same time, in response to the unique customer group of newlyweds, many functions have been added, such as voice-on-demand news radio, weather and almanac time, AI parent-child education, etc.

On the Chinese Valentine's Day in 2023, Gree will use rose air conditioners as the main brand of the festival. With the poster of Dong Yong's seven fairies meeting on the Magpie Bridge, the romantic atmosphere is full.

Editor: Zhang Qianyao

Proofreading: Yang Lilin