Once the Lantern Festival is over, this new year’s festival is also over. In the new year, everyone has also undergone new changes. Compared with when they debuted, they are not only more mature, but also more sophisticated as time goes by, and there is even a tendency to rejuven

As soon as the Lantern Festival is over, this new year's festival is also over. In the new year, everyone has also undergone new changes. Compared with when they debuted, they are not only more mature, but also more sophisticated as time goes by, and there is even a tendency to rejuvenate.

Yang Mi

Yang Mi debuted when she was very young. The incident of tooth extraction and weight loss also attracted everyone's attention. In the early years, when Yang Mi first debuted, her face was relatively square and her teeth were somewhat bucked when she smiled.

But then it changed directly from a square chin to a pointed chin, and the facial lines became smoother. At that time, there was also controversy surrounding Yang Mi's plastic surgery. Later, Yang Mi explained that she became like this after having her teeth extracted.

However, Yang Mi has been in a state of overturning several times since 2020. Whether it is a variety show, Reuters or private photos, her facial condition is very strange. Either there are three layers of eyelids, or the bridge of the nose is crooked, the face is stiff and swollen, and even They are all a bit unable to hang their flesh, and I wonder if they are affected by the sequelae of tooth extraction.

But after the epidemic, spring slowly returned. In the photos released by Yang Mi's studio during the Lantern Festival, Yang Mi not only returned to her previous double eyelids, but her face was not stiff and swollen before. Instead, it looked full of collagen and even a little fleshy. Cute, Yang Mi’s appearance has a lot of ups and downs.

Liu Shishi

As a good friend of Yang Mi, Liu Shishi has always followed a refreshing and quiet route. When she debuted in the early years, she still had some baby fat on her face. The bridge of her nose at that time was not as straight as it is now, but she also had a slightly crooked mouth.

Now Liu Shishi not only has an obvious crooked mouth, but also has some asymmetry on the left and right sides of her face. The bridge of her nose is getting longer, clearer and straighter, and even her eyes are much bigger than before. Maybe Liu Shishi has also discovered this problem. Many times her hairstyle is Side parting covers half of the face to reduce the sense of disharmony in proportions.

Tang Yan

Tang Yan's resources jumped several levels after the broadcast of "Flowers". While others were still waiting to start work, Tang Yan had already gone to compete in Fashion Week. The makeup artist showed off Tang Yan's fashion week makeup. She is full of energy and her skin is in good condition. She is completely different from when she debuted.

When Tang Yan participated in the audition, she still had buck teeth and a high hairline, but later Tang Yan probably also had her teeth straightened. At that time, Tang Yan often wore straight bangs, probably to solve the problem of receding hairline.

Qi Wei

Speaking of fashion week, the most surprising one is Qi Wei. Qi Wei appeared in Milan wearing a "drowned rat" look. Not only did her hair look sparse, but her face was also "steamed," stiff and swollen.

Qi Wei's appearance was still very good when she debuted, but her face also had obvious baby fat, her breast fat could not be reduced, and her rabbit teeth were also very obvious. But later on, not only did I lose the baby fat, my nose also became much smaller. Nowadays, her condition is declining. I wonder if it is due to the influence of Qi Wei giving birth to a child at the age of 38.

Yang Zi

As a child star, Yang Zi debuted very early, and everyone noticed the changes in her appearance. When she was a child, Yang Zi had a chubby face and looked soft and waxy. When she smiled, her teeth were not very straight, and her nose was relatively big.

After transitioning into filming fairy tale dramas, although Yang Zi's face is still very fleshy, it is obviously not as soft and waxy as before. It suddenly became a little stiff and swollen, and the facial contour suddenly became very smooth, with a mutated oval face.

When Yang Zi posted photos during the Lantern Festival this year, everyone suddenly discovered that the chubby "Xiao Xue" had suddenly turned into a mature woman. In 1992, Yang Zi's age suddenly increased, and her facial stiffness became more obvious. The wings of her nose shrank a lot and the bridge of her nose became straighter.

Jin Chen

Jin Chen has been doing a lot of good things recently. A new drama has been released and there are rumors about romance. During the Chinese New Year, there are also hot searches.But Jin Chen's early appearance was not conspicuous, and his figure was not as thin as it is now. The face is also fleshy, the nose is flat and the nose is large, and he is very lucky.

But now Jin Chen’s nose has not only become straighter and pointed, but also the wings of his nose have become narrower, and his sharp chin is also obvious. Can Jin Chen’s nose be reduced by exercising and losing weight?

From the comparison of these stars from their debut to the present, we can also see that no one is born with beauty, and in the process of growing up, the habit of talking and making expressions will affect the direction of facial muscles, thus affecting the layout of the entire face. However, it is also amazing that the nose becomes straighter, the wings of the nose become narrower, and the wide chin becomes pointed.

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