Viewed horizontally, it looks like a ridge and a peak on the side, with different heights near and far. Because of differences in perspective, cognition, appreciation level, etc., different groups of people will have different or even opposite evaluations of the same crosstalk wo

When viewed horizontally, it looks like a ridge and a peak on the side, with different heights from near to far.

Due to differences in perspective, cognition, appreciation level, etc., different groups of people will have different or even opposite evaluations of the same crosstalk work. The group crosstalk "The Director's Concern" on the 2024 Spring Festival Gala encountered this problem.

Some netizens think this cross talk is terrible, worse than Yue Yunpeng Sun Yue cross talk. However, many netizens believe that this crosstalk is at least the best Spring Festival Gala crosstalk in ten years, so "The Director's Mind" has become a "crosstalk appreciation level filter."

Because this cross talk has received a lot of attention, some netizens have exposed the theatrical version of this work on the Internet. Judging from the performance lineup, it is the same as the Spring Festival Gala. It is very comparable and allows us to see it again from another perspective. Appreciate it.

1. The difference between the theater version and the Spring Festival Gala version

"The Director's Worry" should be called "Thinking Too Much" in the theater version. Some netizens also call it "The Boss's Worry" because the person who sent the message to Jin Fei in the theater version is not The director, but the boss.

After the Spring Festival Gala version of "The Director's Mind" replaced the background character boss with the director, the details of the story were also adjusted. For example, "promotion and salary increase" was replaced by "additional scenes and salary increase", and in the end The purpose of sending messages has changed from "getting express delivery" to "buying coffee". The boss of

has been replaced by a director. Is this adaptation good? In fact, it is a matter of opinion. If you consider it from the perspective of the Spring Festival Gala crew, it is obviously easier for the director to understand, but if you look at it from the perspective of the audience in front of the TV, the boss is closer to life.

The more critical adaptation is in terms of duration. The performance time of the theater version is 18 minutes, while the performance time of the Spring Festival Gala version is 13 minutes, a reduction of 5 minutes, mainly because the "Huang Liang Yi Meng" scene in the theater version has been deleted. .

In the theater version, Jin Fei received encouragement from "positive thoughts" and imagined that she became the vice president of the company, and then began to seek nepotism for personal gain, promoted her relatives at will, modified the company's rules and regulations at will, took vacations at will, etc.

The deletion of this section actually makes sense, because this section of random thoughts is a bit outside the entire cross talk, and is a bit offset from the core of spiritual internal friction. It can increase the effect when performing in a theater, but on the Spring Festival Gala stage In order to highlight the theme of the work, it is understandable to delete it.

In addition, in the Spring Festival Gala version, the "little thought that passed by" was added. In the theater version, this "little thought" ran quickly and did not stop both times. Since the stage was relatively small, it really passed by in a flash. , quite a comedic effect.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala is relatively large, and the "little idea" is not Su Bingtian . It cannot really flash by and the effect is not as good as the theatrical version. However, it still adds some lines that are similar to the show, which is similar to the previous performance. Liu Qian In terms of magic, it is a small burden, and at the same time it also allows the "little idea" to show its face, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

2. Which one is better and which one is worse?

After the Spring Festival Gala version of "The Director's Concern" was aired, netizens commented the next day that if this cross talk was performed in a small theater, the effect would be very good.

After watching the 18-minute theatrical version, compared with the Spring Festival Gala version, I feel that it is not that the theatrical version is better, but that each has its own merits.

First of all, the biggest advantage of the theatrical version is that the actors' performances are relatively relaxed and the overall rhythm is relatively leisurely. This is an advantage brought by the performance situation, and it is also a benefit brought by the length of the performance.

Secondly, although the costumes of the actors in the theatrical version are also different in color, overall there is not such a big color difference compared to the Spring Festival Gala.

The reason why this cross talk dazzled the audience during the Spring Festival Gala was, on the one hand, because the color matching of the costumes was indeed too stunning, and on the other hand, it was also related to the CCTV camera lens, which overly highlighted the color of the entire cross talk and made the cross talk dazzling. Many viewers gave it a negative review based on their first visual impression.

Again, judging from the performance of the theatrical version, Li Ding 's "Negative Thoughts" is more outstanding. His lines are slower and more tragic. He can be regarded as the most conspicuous presence in the entire cross talk.

The rhythm of Li Ding's lines in the Spring Festival Gala version is significantly faster than that in the theater version. In addition, the costumes are not so conspicuous, which somewhat dilutes this "negative idea". The most prominent actor becomes the "crooked idea" played by Sheng Wei. .

I'm talking nonsense. In terms of who to highlight, the crew of the Spring Festival Gala must have chosen a "crooked idea". Comparing the theatrical version and the Spring Festival Gala version, although Sheng Wei's role has not changed, the range of his body movements has obviously increased, and the director They also gave many close-ups, explaining that this should be a "little idea" of the Spring Festival Gala director.

Another piece of evidence comes from the Spring Festival Gala hosts Sa Beining and Ma Fanshu. They made a show during the host show, using Sheng Wei's "wrong idea" line "I'm talking nonsense."

If the author's "little idea" is correct, then I really should give a thumbs up to the director of the Spring Festival Gala. Sheng Wei's tilt of his head and "I'm talking nonsense" are undoubtedly the scenes that left the deepest impression on the audience in the entire cross talk. Coupled with Sa Beining's assist, perhaps this meme will gradually be introduced into life and work by netizens.

So, from the performance point of view, the theater version is not necessarily better. Compared with the Spring Festival Gala version, the theater version has a looser and more leisurely performance, but in terms of outstanding themes and outstanding features, the Spring Festival Gala version may be more distinctive, that is. Like actors' coats.

3. Netizen comments

After the theatrical version of "The Director's Mind" was posted online by netizens, many netizens praised it in the comment area, expressing different opinions not only on the theatrical version but also on the Spring Festival Gala version.

Some netizens believe that this group cross talk is eye-catching. The most difficult breakthrough point is to break the relatively fixed group cross talk mode since "Five Senses Strive for Merit". In the end, the roles of teasing and praise can be exchanged.

According to Jin Fei’s introduction during the interview, "You Think Too Much" was originally a cross talk. Later, it was discovered that this cross talk had the potential of group cross talk, so it was modified into a group cross talk and performed in many commercial performances. Pass.

In some commercial performances, the content of this cross talk is richer and the performance lasts longer, and almost every actor has lines and roles. This is probably the fundamental reason why so many actors participate in this work.

Netizens’ evaluations are still very good. The structure of this cross talk is indeed very innovative. The most awesome thing is the foundation of cross talk. The mental internal friction suddenly transferred from Jin Fei to Chen Xi, which highlighted the "reasonable and expected" of cross talk. The comedy effect of "Outside" is a bit like Zhao Benshan's sketch "Heart Disease". It not only has a satirical flavor, but also further sublimates the theme.

Some netizens think that this cross talk is cleverly conceived and does not make bad jokes. It is one of their favorites among the party cross talk in recent years.

Other netizens also agreed. "Don't use bad memes" may seem simple, but it is very valuable in today's cross talk world. You must know that the reason why netizens boycotted "Subject Three" on the Spring Festival Gala is because this kind of bad jokes is equivalent to being The steamed buns that countless people have chewed are not only tasteless but also disgusting.

Of course, some netizens find it strange that the work he and his friends praised so much was scolded by a lot of people online, which is difficult to understand.

This doubt brings the question back to the issue of "crosstalk appreciation level filter". Some people are used to hearing bad jokes and it is difficult to accept innovative works for a while. Some people are used to shallow comedy and it is difficult to understand the connotation of the theme. This is not only The current problems in the cross talk world are actually problems that exist in the sketch world, the opera world, and the film and television drama industry.

It is reported that at the 5th Intangible Cultural Heritage Crosstalk Conference in 2024, Jin Fei and Chen Xi will once again bring "Thinking Too Much". The crosstalk lingo is "take it apart and wash it again." I don't know what they will bring to this work by then. What kind of "crooked idea".