Jin Chen has received the most negative reviews among many actors since the premiere of "Southern to Northbound". The focus of the audience's negative reviews is basically the same, which is Jin Chen's Ma Yan. In addition to rolling her eyes, she still rolled her eyes. Except for

Jin Chen has received the most negative reviews among many actors since the premiere of "Southern to Northbound". Jin Chen has received the most negative reviews. The focus of negative reviews from the audience is basically the same, which is Ma Yan played by Jin Chen. In addition to rolling her eyes, she still rolls her eyes.

Apart from rolling her eyes frequently, Ma Yan has almost the same expression from beginning to end. Compared with Yao Yuling, played by Jiang Yan, who is charming and ever-changing, Ma Yan seems to be just a wooden person.

Among the young actresses in China, Wang Zixuan is recognized as the one who looks most like Jin Chen. Apart from their looks, they are also about the same age.

Jin Chen's performance as Ma Yan was criticized by negative reviews. What would be the effect if Wang Zixuan were to play the role?

Wang Zixuan can play and dare to play almost any role, and her image is changeable and unrestricted. Whether it is a brave female police officer or a blaring goddess, they all give people a sense of reality. At the same time, her emotions and expressions change very quickly, with almost no unnaturalness and she looks very real.

But, is Wang Zixuan’s acting style really suitable for playing Ma Yan?

For the character Ma Yan, her father, Ma Kui, was wrongly accused and imprisoned for 10 years when she was 7 years old. During these 10 years, Ma Yan was looked down upon, laughed at, and bullied by others. In addition to swallowing her anger, she still swallowed her anger. After such an experience, can Ma Yan become cheerful? impossible.

Although Ma Kui later came out and became a policeman again. However, Ma Yan's character has been formed and her behavior pattern has been solidified, which is difficult to change in a short period of time.

Ma Kui is back, and according to Wang Sufang's words, he is getting more and more ambitious. However, Wang Sufang died of lung cancer soon after. His father came back, but his mother left. Ma Yan did not have many happy days.

Why does the character Ma Yan roll her eyes when something happens, and why does she only roll her eyes? Don't forget, without Ma Kui's protection, when she was bullied by others, she could only swallow her anger, or at most she would lower her head and look at the other person fiercely. After experiencing this kind of thing too much, rolling your eyes becomes a habit and a conditioned reflex.

Actually, Jin Chen’s eye roll was quite good and spot on. Her expression is single and she rolls her eyes frequently. It's not that her acting skills are bad, but it shows that she has performed well.

From the perspective of audience expectations, Ma Yan is indeed a bit stupid. But from the character's perspective, it's very natural.

If Wang Zixuan plays Ma Yan, if her expressions are too rich and changeable, the character of Ma Yan will deviate from her experience, which is not good.

In addition to Wang Zixuan and Jin Chen, Xuan Lu is more similar to Jiang Yan. When it comes to various styles, Xuan Lu has nothing to say.

Yao Yuling was born in the Year of the Pig. In 1984, she was 25 years old.

Jiang Yan was born in 1986. The 38-year-old played the role of the 20-year-old Yao Yuling. The age gap is basically invisible, but there is still some difference in body shape. The maturity of the body is difficult to be changed by acting skills.

Xuan Lu was born in 1991. If she played Yao Yuling, her age would be more appropriate. I don’t know if the crew had considered Xuan Lu at first. After all, for a period drama like "North and South", even if there is zero pay, there will be a lot of stars trying their best to get in.

If Xuan Lu played Yao Yuling, in terms of eyes, expression, and posture, Yao Yuling might be more charming and charming.

It is estimated that by then, it will not only be Dali and Jia Jinlong who will be fascinated. Wang Xin, Dali, Cai Xiaonian, Jia Jinlong and others are probably about to have a fight.

If this is the case, the plot of "South to North" will have to be changed. Cai Xiaonian may not marry Yanhong, and Wang Xin may not pursue Ma Yan. Dali is in trouble, and I guess the brothers will not either Helped.

Xuanlu version Yao Yuling is no longer the first generation Internet celebrity and fashion blogger in the railway compound. It is estimated that the whole of Ningyang is famous.

Men fight for her and get drunk for her. The girls hated her so much that they had to imitate her and learn from her. Young wives will stare at their husbands day and night and cover their wallets tightly.

Lao Wu, Lao Lu’s daughter-in-law and other gossip reporters in the compound probably have enough saliva to gossip about Yao Yuling’s various news.

It is indeed a big regret that Xuan Lu did not play Yao Yuling. I hope that Xuan Lu can play a role like Yao Yuling in other dramas, so that the audience, especially Xuan Lu fans, can also feel Xuan Lu's performance There are many kinds of styles in the 1980s. What kind of beauty is it?

In addition to the above reasons, Wang Zixuan and Xuan Lu are both from the south. I don’t know what it is like for them to speak Northeastern dialect. It may be difficult to learn it.

The general feeling is that Wang Zixuan is not suitable for the role of Ma Yan, although she is very similar to Jin Chen. Although Xuan Lu is very suitable to play the role of Yao Yuling, if she plays the role, she may be too lethal.

If there is a script like "Train Announcer", I hope Xuan Lu can act in it.