"The Salt Lake Project" is tentatively scheduled to be released on December 15, opening up a new market for hard-core western road movies

Directed by Lu Lei, Li Lei serves as the chief producer, starring Wu Zhenyu, Xu Juncong, and Sheng Guansen, and starring Zhao Zizhen, Guan Xueying, Tong Lei, Du Yuan, Li Beilei, and Wang Hongliang, the movie "Salt Lake Project" is tentatively scheduled to be released on December 15. This is a road comedy movie that spans 1,700 kilometers and runs through all the fantastic landforms in western China. It truly shows the persistence of love and the resistance of dark forces by small people. The black humor of "Road +" has opened up the hard-core road market that has been vacant recently.

Wu Zhenyu and Zhao Zizhen's true love surges, and they depend on each other for life and death on the way home

"Salt Lake Project" is based on the love between the photographer Lao Xiang, played by Wu Zhenyu, and the police officer Yu Ruohe, played by Zhao Zizhen, focusing on the journey to find the missing lover. , the complex contradictions, life and death interests. Their love is like wild geese, loyal, delicate and sung. The film uses high brightness and high saturation to show the iron-blooded tenderness and persistence of love of a northwest man.

In addition to the touching love, the friendship in the film is also very touching. Wu Zhenyu and Sheng Guansen transform from an employment relationship to a life-and-death friendship. Xu Juncong plays the affectionate and righteous green forest hero, and Guan Xueying plays the love-starved girl. It gives the characters full emotional color without beautifying the villain.

Harley motorcycle + hardcore western highway, beautiful scenery showing alternative softness

"Salt Lake Project" spans 1,700 kilometers, from Zhengzhou to no man's land, showing the unique landforms of the west and the vigor and sassiness of local men and women but also delicate. Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the western loess bring the impression of dusty roads to the film; the beautiful skyscapes of Chaka Salt Lake and Jinel Lake give the hardcore western a softer side. The scenery reflects people's hearts, and the different welcomes reflect the protagonist's complex mood, achieving the ultimate goal of "highway +".

Henan's first commercial film in its true sense

When it comes to Henan movies, you may think more of "red" films like "Jiao Yulu". History has reminded people of Henan's reliability, so they pay tribute to their ancestors. However, in today's world where commercial movies appear frequently, there is no familiar commercial movie when mentioning Henan. Director Lu Lei, a native of Henan, has been deeply involved in the film and television industry for many years, but he always wanted to make some contribution to the film industry in his hometown. The "Salt Lake Plan" has received strong support from the Henan government since its establishment. "Salt Lake Project" will not only be a pioneer in road movies in recent years, but also a pioneer in Henan commercial movies!

The movie "Salt Lake Project" is produced by Henan Yilan Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., North Tianjin Firefly Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Times Boya Culture Media Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Zhonglian Culture Media Investment Co., Ltd., Wuhan Yule Culture Media Co., Ltd. , jointly produced by Beijing Yilan Film and Media Co., Ltd.

Looking for the lost lover, looking for the lost self. "Salt Lake Project", soaring towards the sun!