Recently, the new drama starring Zhang Songwen was completed. Many fans came to Hengdian to pick him up that night. The scene was crowded and Zhang Songwen was treated like the best. Seeing so many fans coming over, Zhang Songwen bowed repeatedly to thank him, smiled and joked wi

Recently, the new drama starring Zhang Songwen was completed. Many fans came to Hengdian to pick him up that night. The scene was crowded, and Zhang Songwen's treatment was top-notch.

Seeing so many fans coming, Zhang Songwen bowed and thanked him, smiled and joked with the fans, "I thought all my fans were old people, but I didn't expect there were so many young people." The fans responded, "We are all only 18 age".

After some pleasantries, Zhang Songwen said to fans, "Don't spend money on me, spend your money wisely. Keep the scholarships you earn for yourself, and spend the income from work for yourself. I am tonight Filming is finalized. The filming is officially finalized the next day. Tomorrow I have to go to another place to work. Please don’t come to pick me up and drop me off. Don’t disturb order in public places."

In addition, Zhang Songwen also revealed that he will not accept gifts and hopes that fans will not spend money on him. At the same time, he said that he carefully read the letters sent to him, some were sent back to Beijing, and some were in Hengdian.

It is reported that Zhang Songwen's new drama is called "The Code of Along the River During the Qingming Festival". The drama also has powerful actors such as Bai Baihe and Yiwei Yi. Judging from the poster, Fu Huadao is very high-quality, and I look forward to meeting the audience soon.

After Zhang Songwen's remarks came out, he quickly became a hot topic. He does not let fans spend money, nor does he allow fans to send gifts to pick up airports. His three views are sober and sincere, and he has received a lot of praise.

As we all know, Zhang Songwen became famous through "Hurry" and quickly became famous. In fact, he has been in the industry for many years. Before that, he filmed many movies, but they were all lukewarm.

After "Hurry" became popular, Zhang Songwen's past comments were exposed. He has always been kind-hearted and sincere to others, and he even picked up trash while filming in the desert. When faced with questions from fans, his replies were heartwarming and honest. A fan once questioned him about plastic surgery and pouty lips. He responded generously, saying that he would rather buy dog ​​food with the money, which was very practical.

Speaking of which, Zhang Songwen was praised by many netizens for not letting fans spend money on him. His sobriety and sincerity made many traffic stars blush to a certain extent.

Because there are too many popular celebrities who treat their fans like leeks. For example, there was a very out-of-circle meme not long ago. The famous idol Ding Zeren was beaten by the station sister. The station sister spent about 3 million on him. While he was charming his fans, he said After saying "You are my sister, you are my only sister", the other side sued the fans again.

Ding Zeren and his fans were at odds with each other, which caused quite a stir. Fans spent huge sums of money on him, but instead of being grateful, he even blamed the fans for being too intrusive. Nowadays, a new drama starring Ding Zeren has been aired, and his costume style has been ridiculed by the crowd. Whenever he is mentioned, the comment section will mention the "only sister".

Some time ago, Yu Zheng's new drama "Five Blessings" was launched. Fans spent money to support Wu Xuanyi, gave her many gifts, and asked her if she wanted to treat her to dinner.

In the end, Wu Xuanyi accepted the gift, but found an excuse to cry out to her fans, saying that she was not popular enough now, and would treat the staff to dinner later, and would treat fans to dinner when she became more popular.

Wu Xuanyi’s words quickly became a hot search topic and were criticized by many netizens. She used to market rich women from Hainan, but now she has become like this.

Public opinion continues to ferment. Wu Xuanyi responded to the controversy, saying that this was the way of interaction between her and her fans. After the response, there were still many doubts.

In addition, there is Ouyang Nana. She claims to have been polishing the trendy brand she founded for three years, but it sold for "sky-high prices". A pair of pajamas is 998 yuan, a bathrobe is 998 yuan, two pairs of socks are 168 yuan, and None include free shipping.

Moreover, the style and material of the clothes are very simple. Some netizens once paid a high price to buy Ouyang Nana’s trendy brands. However, the eye mask did not block the light, the pajamas were see-through, and the quality did not match the price. It was revealed that the cost was less than 100, and netizens complained and cut leeks wildly. The food looks ugly.

The blogger who reviewed Ouyang Nana’s trendy brand later reviewed Lu Han’s trendy brand. It was also difficult to explain. The clothes priced at 1,500 yuan were full of threads after receiving the goods. It was revealed that the cost was only 60 yuan.

At that time, this matter was quite controversial. The brand responded that it could be returned and exchanged. Lu Han posted an article on the Internet, "It is still a good keyboard warrior", which was criticized by a large number of netizens.

In addition to cutting the leeks of fans, there are also popular celebrities who like to criticize fans and expose their quality and character. For example, Yang Chaoyue had a new manicure. Fans asked, "Is it too purple?" There was no malice. As a result, Yang Chaoyue responded directly, "I didn't do it to you." After the incident escalated, Yang Chaoyue was criticized by netizens, and then he issued an apology to the fan.

Therefore, traffic stars should learn from Zhang Songwen’s sobriety and sincerity. In addition, there was also the exchange of gifts on the previous Weibo night, and we can also see the details and gaps. Zhang Songwen hand-made purple bamboo, which means rising steadily and purple energy coming from the east, full of sincerity.

But Peng Yuchang, Tian Xiwei and others gave 9.9 brooches and 3.9 hair sticks, which were criticized by the public. Although the gifts do not depend on the price, they must at least be thoughtful. The gifts of these two people feel very good. Perfunctory, their comment section has fallen.

After being criticized by netizens, Tian Xiwei said "knock over everyone", which once again made netizens have a bad impression of her.

It is said that character is reflected in the details. Zhang Songwen does everything with sincerity and sincerity. There is a reason why he is liked by people. On the other hand, those traffic stars who are perfunctory, treat fans as tools, and only know how to cut leeks, really should wake up. Wake up and know that sincerity is the only surefire way to win. Don’t lose the big for the small.