Chao News client reporter Zhou Xialin, Chen Jie, Du Xuemei. In the past two days, many places in Zhejiang have welcomed the first snow of 2024. Accompanying the snow scene are the inconveniences caused by low temperature and freezing weather. When people try to reduce travel as m

Chao News Client Reporter Zhou Xialin Chen Jie Du Xuemei

In the past two days, many places in Zhejiang have ushered in the first snow of 2024. Accompanying the snow scene are the inconveniences caused by low temperature and freezing weather. When people try to reduce travel, some The figures still insist on being on the road, and the courier boy is one of them.

At this year’s Provincial Two Sessions, Wei Zunhong, a member of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Director of the Provincial Postal Administration, and Party Secretary, and a reporter from Chao News talked about the guys who delivered express delivery in the ice and snow, and they were both proud and distressed.

Express delivery connects thousands of industries and households. It is not only an important channel for smooth production and consumption, but also a window for observing economic development. In 2023, Zhejiang Province's postal industry completed a total of 30.5 billion pieces of mailing business, a year-on-year increase of 15.3%, demonstrating the strong driving force of our province's economy to continue to improve and accelerate the cycle. This excellent report card is inseparable from the countless express delivery companies behind it. Brother’s struggle and hard work.

Wei Zunhong, member of the Provincial CPPCC, director of the Provincial Postal Administration and secretary of the Party Leadership Group. Photo by reporter Du Xuemei

Brothers need someone to protect them in the wind and rain

At the two sessions of the province last year, "strengthening the protection of workers' rights and interests in flexible employment and new employment forms" was one of the topics of the People's Livelihood Consultation Forum and became a member of the CPPCC topics they care about. The committee members suggested that employees should be included in the labor union to protect their rights and interests, and that employees should be allowed to pay five social insurances and one housing fund in their own name.

In the 2023 work report of the Zhejiang Provincial Higher People's Court, judicial measures to explore the protection of the rights and interests of workers in new employment forms such as "online drivers" and "delivery boys" were mentioned again.

One year has passed, how are the caring brothers in Zhejiang doing?

Wei Zunhong showed several data to Chao News reporters. In 2023, the Zhejiang Provincial Postal Administration promoted the operation of "Little Brother Schools" and "Little Brother Colleges" in many places, and the subsidy policy for improving academic qualifications and vocational skills was effectively implemented. Nearly a hundred minors Brother joined the academic qualification improvement plan; carried out 799 condolence activities such as "Express Delivery Youth Service Month", "Sending Coolness in Summer" and "Sending Warmth in Winter", etc., upgraded and added 302 new delivery stations, and served nearly 80,000 delivery customers in total. The Zhejiang Provincial Postal Administration also jointly launched the "Brother's Day" event with the Zhejiang Newspaper Group to jointly create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about the courier group.

The issue of brother’s labor rights that the CPPCC members were concerned about last year has also received an echo. In November 2023, the State Post Bureau and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly issued the "Labor Contract for Express Delivery Personnel (Model Text)". The contract clearly mentioned that the company must provide Pay insurance for my brother.

In 2024, the Provincial Postal Administration will also implement a special action to promote the labor contract system in the express delivery industry, promote the application of labor contract model texts for express delivery employees, and promote express delivery companies to sign labor contracts with employees in accordance with the law and pay social contributions in accordance with the requirements of "sign all required" Insurance, encourage the signing of labor contracts to be included in the internal assessment of the enterprise.

Xu Yuezhong, a postal courier from Xinchang, Shaoxing, who has been working for 34 years, braved the wind and snow to deliver the express parcel to the recipient on time. Picture provided by Zhejiang Provincial Postal Administration

Use Little Brother’s Day as a carrier to pass on the love

“My little brother is really outstanding. ." Wei Zunhong said that the "Brother's Day" activity jointly launched by the Provincial Postal Administration and Zhejiang Newspaper Group in 2023 not only impressed him deeply, but also caused a huge response in the industry.

was founded on Xiao Ge Day in 2022. It is the first IP event in the country initiated by the media and focusing on new employment groups, building a communication bridge between the government, enterprises, society and Xiao Ge.

The second Brother Festival was fully upgraded, and a "Brother's Home" reporting area was opened online on the client to arouse the attention of the whole society to the brothers. Offline, we have linked up with all walks of life to list "Little Brother's Homes". As service points for caring for little brothers, more than 20 have been listed and have expanded to key cities across the country such as Beijing and Chengdu. Chao News has also worked with Zhejiang Open University to create "Brother's Home" "Little Brother Academy" provides free admission.

At the "Brother Night·Power of Example" 2023 Zhejiang Express Delivery Employees Advanced Model Award Ceremony, four front-line delivery boys transformed into "Brother F4" and brought their original song "Hello, Little Brother" "Brother", using the most authentic and simple lyrics and singing voice, sang the voice of the little brother; the courier boy Li Qingheng appeared and told the story of his struggle and journey from a front-line boy to a high-level talent in Hangzhou; 10 outstanding courier boys from all over the province took the stage one by one to convey the power of role models. Their ordinary and extraordinary stories moved many people present...

A "Little Brother's Day" is a reflection of the identity of the little brother and this. The reaffirmation of this social reality is also an effort to help this new professional group integrate into the modern city.

What should caring people do in 2024? Wei Zunhong said that in 2024, the Provincial Postal Administration will further care for grass-roots express delivery outlets and express delivery employees, ensure reasonable delivery income of couriers, continue to reduce unreasonable internal fines, and explore and improve the income distribution system and income growth mechanism. We will continue to carry out the "Warm Bee Action" and "Express Delivery Youth Service Month" activities to further promote the solution of practical difficulties for couriers in housing, children's education, medical examinations, etc.

"We also hope to use 'Little Brother's Day' as a carrier to continue to pass on the care and concern for our little brothers." Wei Zunhong said.

"Brother's Night" event site

"Brother's Night" event site information picture

Off-site response

Delivery boy Yi Yong: Living in Brother's apartment, we have a warm "home"

"The busier we are In fact, the happier we are, we can make more money and have a good year." These days are one of the busiest periods for courier Yi Yong. His hometown is in Henan, and he is a post-90s generation. In 2018, he chose to switch from auto parts to the express delivery industry and applied for SF Express. He worked at the Hangzhou Kangqiao outlet for 5 years.

After getting married and having children, Yi Yong deeply felt that life is just firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, and cannot be separated from the house, car, money, and children. Yi Yong works hard and earns more than 10,000 yuan a month, but the housing problem has troubled him for several years.

In order to save money, Yi Yong's family of three rented in Chongxian. "The rent there is cheap. The rent is about 1,000 yuan per month, and the family of three is squeezed into a single room."

Yi Yong said that the squeeze can be overcome, but moving is too difficult. pain. "At that time, it was normal to move two or three times a year. Some were because the environment was not good, and some were too far away. In short, it was too difficult to find a stable and suitable house."

"It's so fast, less than 2 months later. , I have lived in my brother’s apartment for more than a year.” In March 2023, Yi Yong welcomed the joy of moving and successfully moved into Wujiadun Apartment in Kangqiao.

Wujiadun Newcomer Apartment in Hangzhou is a special place. It is the concentrated residence with the largest number of couriers in Zhejiang Province. There are more than 600 couriers staying here and more than 180 family members. In 2021, Kangqiao Street, Gongshu District, Hangzhou and SF Group will complete the second phase of Wujiadun Newcomer Apartments.

From then on, Yi Yong lived the life of his dreams. The home is only a three- to five-minute walk from the branch. The family of three has two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Including property fees, the monthly rent is 1,240 yuan. They are living a happy life. What makes him and his wife even more gratified is that as long as they are still here, If you work with SF Express, you will never have to move again.

"Although we are very busy every day, the government and the company have always cared about us. With the warmth of home here, we are more motivated to work."

Time flies by. In half a year, Yi Yong's child will be in primary school. A few days ago, he heard from his wife that the child's elementary school had not been decided yet and might be assigned to a school in Gongshu District.

"It would be great if I could go to the nearest elementary school." Yi Yong told reporters that for young people, their children's education is a common concern. "Being closer makes it easier to pick up and drop off, and the children can sleep a few more minutes, which is helpful for their healthy growth." Yi Yong said with a smile.

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