Where does "cleansing oil acting" come from? Nortel teacher "Today's Film Critic" will give you a professional review

While we are being “persuaded” by some greasy performances in TV series, the film industry is collectively “removing makeup and removing oil”. From Zhu Yilong and Zhang Yixing in "The Lost Girl" and "All or Nothing" to Yan Ni in "The Last Truth", popular actors refuse to look makeup, and senior actors appear without makeup. Why can they remove their "baggage", and where does this "cleansing oil-style acting" that allows actors to return to their original nature come from?

html On August 29, Sui Lan, a teacher from the Acting Department of Beijing Film Academy, was invited to be a guest on the movie channel's "Today's Film Review" program to comment professionally on the "cleansing oil-style acting" presented in recent popular films, and to provide a detailed interpretation of the driving force behind the performance for the audience.

"Cleansing Oil" takes off the disguise

Real performance is convincing

What does an actor with "cleansing oil-style acting" "remove"? According to Sui Lan, who was a guest on "Today's Film Critic", these actors have shed their halo, burden, and the "pretending" side of themselves. Regarding Yan Ni's performance in the recently released "The Last Truth", Sui Lan continued to point out that "makeup-removing oil acting" puts aside the original scruples, that is, dare not make expressions that may be distorted in exciting moments, so "makeup-removing oil" The first layer of "oil-style acting" comes from the freedom of inner emotions.

Combined with a scene of Yan Ni in the dock, Sui Lan's "Today's Film Review" pulled up the film for analysis on the spot. In her opinion, Yan Ni’s ability to express inner emotions with her eyes is very profound. You see, we saw that she used her eyes to perform micro-expressions in many places in this movie. When she was coerced and lured by the character played by Huang Xiaoming, , Yan Ni took a deep breath, drooped her eyelids, and did not look forward, showing that she did not want to tell the truth or look directly. However, after finally speaking out, Yan Ni's eyes were full of firmness and fierceness, showing an appropriate state. . In addition, Yan Ni's own performance without makeup also gave the audience a convincing reason.

Young idols abandon the glamorous

Creative environment is rationally driven

In the recently hotly discussed movie "I've been through the storm", Tong Liya stayed up late continuously to fit the image of a tired mother who was subjected to domestic violence. In this regard, Sui Lan pointed out to "Today's Film Critic" that this is pursuing a sense of reality and nature. In her view, more and more actors are letting go of their "idol baggage" side when portraying roles. Even many "idol actors" don't care whether they need fewer wrinkles on their faces or whether their faces need them when they act. To put it bluntly, young actors such as Wang Yibo and Zhang Yixing are willing to abandon the glamor of the stage for film performances.

The stars are far away from us, but the actors’ roles need to be very close to us. Sui Lan continued to tell "Today's Film Critic" that actors are just a "tool" in the film industry, and they need to become more and more clear about their own position. They will no longer resist "ugly" makeup because of their celebrity status, nor should they be afraid of "face-offending" "Shoot. Regarding this new performance phenomenon that is increasingly recognized by all parties, she happily pointed out to "Today's Film Critic" that this is directly related to the current overall environment. More and more film works are pursuing naturalness and authenticity, and the audience is interested in Actors' requirements are also getting higher and higher. As an example, she pointed out that there were fans who questioned why their idol as an actor was "not handsome anymore" in the movie, but failed to realize that the actor could not have neat hair in that fight scene. "So in the past, the 'baggage' that the overall market environment brought to the actor may not be his own, but was imposed on him by his fans and audiences. But now everyone is starting to become rational, and the entire market environment has given actors more freedom to create." Space, use 'cleansing oil' to return yourself to your true self."

It is reported that the daily film and culture review column "Today's Film Review" is broadcast on CCTV-6 Movie Channel at 19:45 every night, Monday to Sunday The golden time of the day will light up your every night of light and shadow.