The Year of the Dragon is approaching, but the Spring Festival Gala stage has encountered an unprecedented star shortage. Looking back on the past, Zhao Benshan's classic sketches were once the expectations of countless audiences, but now, that time has long become a memory. Now,

The Year of the Dragon is approaching, but the Spring Festival Gala stage has encountered an unprecedented star shortage. Looking back on the past, Zhao Benshan's classic sketches were once the expectations of countless audiences, but now, that time has long become a memory. Now, those dazzling superstars have said "no" to the Spring Festival Gala. What kind of story is hidden behind this?

Twelve long years have passed since Zhao Benshan left the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. During the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala every year, the audience always looks forward to Zhao Benshan and looks forward to seeing his wonderful performance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again. However, it is a pity that Uncle Zhao Benshan seems to have developed awe of the Spring Festival Gala stage and no longer participates in this arena.

Although he has promised that as long as the audience needs it, he will step on the stage to bring laughter to the audience. But now, the Spring Festival Gala seems to be no longer his stage. On the one hand, as he is nearly 70 years old, his physical condition can no longer withstand the high-intensity rehearsals of the Spring Festival Gala. On the other hand, his creative style and concepts seem to be out of step with today's environment, and the Spring Festival Gala's time limit and other restrictions also make him feel more constrained in his creation.

Zhao Benshan’s choice is wise. He has presented countless classic works to the audience, and his name has been deeply engraved in the history of the Spring Festival Gala. Now, he should put down his burdens and enjoy his old age and spend quality time with his family. At the same time, he should also leave opportunities to young people so that they can shine on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Looking back at Zhao Benshan’s Spring Festival Gala career, we can’t help but feel deeply. Those classic lines, those deeply rooted characters, those laughter and touches that it brought us will all become our eternal memories. Let us remember Zhao Benshan’s glorious history and look forward to new glory on the Spring Festival Gala stage in the future!

It is said that Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan, the golden pair, became famous in the 1995 Spring Festival Gala stage and became dazzling stars in the sketch world. But the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is like a pressure cooker, making people breathless. As you know, the Spring Festival Gala programs are notoriously strict in censorship, and they are even more troublesome than Tang Monk’s tightening curse. Those carefully prepared programs are sometimes mercilessly cut off at the last minute. Would you say this is a lot of pressure?

Just like this, these Spring Festival Gala performers are on tenterhooks every day. Their nerves are like a fully drawn bow that may break at any time.

The long-term high-pressure state has also caused conflicts between partners to spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan are no exception. In fact, there were signs of their separation during their two performances in 2002 and 2005.

In those two performances, Fan Wei made a mistake and said the wrong word. What was the result? Not only was he blamed by Zhao Benshan, but also his own regret and shame. It felt like stepping on a landmine that exploded instantly. In the end, Fan Wei decided to withdraw from the Spring Festival Gala stage and completely bid farewell to this place that made him feel stressed.

Zhao Benshan was of course confused when he heard the news. He felt that Fan Wei started to drift off when he became popular, so he changed his partner. But actually? Fan Wei just went to the film and television drama industry to find a new stage.

Look, this is the story of Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan’s Spring Festival Gala, and it is also an important journey in their lives. Although they later parted ways, those past glories and setbacks have become an integral part of their lives.

In a 2020 interview scene full of flashlights and microphones, Song Dandan, the comedy queen we know and love, accidentally dropped a shocking "bomb." She actually announced that she would bid farewell to the Spring Festival Gala stage that brings us countless laughter every year! This news is like a bolt from the blue, which makes people wonder: Will the Spring Festival Gala still have the same flavor without Song Dandan?

Mentioning the reason for quitting, Song Dandan said frankly that the pressure of the Spring Festival Gala's live broadcast made her feel like she was walking on a tightrope every time she took the stage. Can you imagine? Every time she stood in the spotlight, preparing to present us with a wonderful sketch, she was actually beating a drum in her heart, fearing that if she were not careful, the audience across the country would see some "unexpected surprise."This kind of pressure is really overwhelming for the 60-year-old woman.

But having said that, for an ordinary person, isn’t 60 the age to retire and enjoy happiness? Song Dandan is no exception. She said with emotion that in the past few days, she had been so busy like a top that she missed many beautiful moments of her children's growth. Now, she wants to devote 95% of her precious time to the warm people and things at home.

Imagine that Song Dandan in the future may sit in her courtyard on a sunny afternoon, drinking tea and watching her children play. Isn't that kind of warmth and comfort the life she has always longed for? So, dear viewers, let us wish her well! I wish her to truly enjoy life and enjoy every beautiful moment with her family in the days to come.

Chen Peisi's departure undoubtedly caused quite a stir in the sketch world. Audiences who are accustomed to seeing his familiar figure on Spring Festival evenings will inevitably feel a little regretful in their hearts. However, this seemingly "self-destructive" move actually demonstrates Chen Peisi's firm character as a true "artist".

The story goes back to 1999, when Chen Peisi was shocked to find that his hard work on the Spring Festival Gala had been quietly pirated and sold on CDs in the market. After an in-depth investigation, he was even more surprised to find that the mastermind behind the incident turned out to be a television company affiliated with CCTV. Faced with such infringement, Chen Peisi resolutely chose to stand up and defend his rights and took the company to court.

Although the law finally gave Chen Peisi a fair verdict, he also forged an inscrutable hatred with CCTV. Since then, he has never been seen on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Some people may think that Chen Peisi was too impulsive in doing this, ruining his brilliant future at CCTV for a mere profit. But in Chen Peisi's heart, this has never been a battle about money, but a battle about the artist's dignity and integrity.

He once said: "I cannot tolerate my works being wasted in this way, and I don't want future generations to laugh at me as a person who bows his head in front of power." It is this firm belief and courage that supports Chen Peisi. On this seemingly difficult road.

After leaving the Spring Festival Gala, Chen Peisi did not feel depressed. Instead, he found a new direction and motivation on his own small stage. He continues to devote himself to artistic creation and performance, using his talent and enthusiasm to bring joy and touching to the audience. Although the road to the Spring Festival Gala has been blocked, Chen Peisi's artistic road is getting wider and wider.

The "missing" superstar on the Spring Festival Gala stage: Jet Li's low-key mystery

On the Spring Festival Gala stage, there are bright stars, but there is one superstar who has never appeared. He is the kung fu superstar Jet Li. Unlike other stars who are eager to take advantage of the Spring Festival Gala stage to soar to the sky, Jet Li has chosen a unique path.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala is a coveted holy place for many celebrities. But Jet Li, the internationally renowned kung fu star, has declined invitations to the Spring Festival Gala many times. What is the reason for this?

Some people say that Jet Li felt that the Spring Festival Gala was too high-profile, which was inconsistent with his low-key personality. Indeed, Jet Li is low-key by nature and does not like to show himself excessively in front of the public. For him, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala may be too dazzling and noisy, which is not the lifestyle he wants.

Once upon a time, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala crew approached Jet Li and hoped that he could participate in the 2008 Spring Festival Gala. They even proposed that as long as Jet Li appears for one minute, they can promote the "One Foundation". Such an offer may be irresistible to many people, but Jet Li still refused without hesitation. He said that he had appeared frequently for charity work this year, and it was a bit annoying to make his presence felt on the Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, Jet Li is really such a low-key and measured person.Earlier during the filming of the movie, he had specifically stated that his name only appeared once, and never messed up with a long string of prefixes, which would be equivalent to putting him on the fire.

Therefore, Jet Li's refusal to appear on a national stage such as the Spring Festival Gala is not because he is a big name or showing off, but because he really does not want to participate. He prefers to invest his time and energy in causes that he is truly passionate about, rather than showing off on the stage. Jet Li like this makes people full of respect for him.

Jacky Cheung, the unique "god of song" in the music world, actually missed the Spring Festival Gala stage? Yes, you heard it right.

When we look back at the Spring Festival Gala history of the four kings, Andy Lau appeared 6 times, Aaron Kwok also appeared twice, and Lai Ming also appeared on stage once. Only Jacky Cheung seemed to have missed the Spring Festival Gala.

But that is not the case. It is reported that the Spring Festival Gala program team has extended an olive branch to Jacky Cheung many times, hoping that he can sing for the national audience on New Year's Eve. However, he declined each time. There is no other reason, just because Jacky Cheung has a more important agreement in his heart - that is to spend the Spring Festival with his family.

Jacky Cheung is a well-known family man. On the stage, he can be a dazzling singer, but when he returns to life, he is an ordinary husband and father. He cherishes every moment with his family, especially the Spring Festival, a day of family reunion. Therefore, when the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala conflicted with the family reunion, he chose the latter without hesitation.

We can imagine that it is not easy for Jacky Cheung to refuse the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala. After all, it is a stage that countless artists dream of. But family weighs more in his heart. He knows that no matter how brilliant his career is, home is always the warmest harbor.

Therefore, when we feel sorry for Jacky Cheung’s failure to appear on the Spring Festival Gala stage, we should also understand his choice. Because in his heart, the position of home cannot be replaced by anyone.

The "relict pearl" on the Spring Festival Gala stage: Chow Yun-fat's low-key life

In the Chinese entertainment industry, Chow Yun-fat is a name that everyone knows and knows. He has been in the entertainment industry for more than 40 years, won the honor of Best Actor five times, and became an idol in the hearts of countless people. But such a big shot has never stepped onto the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Is it because the Spring Festival Gala stage is not suitable for him?

Actually, the reason why Chow Yun-fat did not appear on the Spring Festival Gala stage was not because the program team did not invite him, but because he did not want to go. Why is this? Isn't the stage of the Spring Festival Gala not enough to arouse Chow Yun-fat's interest?

It turns out that Chow Yun-fat chose family as his shield. He already has fame and fortune, but for him, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is not what he needs. He prefers to devote his time and energy to reuniting with his family and enjoying the ordinary and sincere happiness.

In this special program, Chow Yun-fat chose to put aside the busyness and hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and spend quality time with his family. This choice may be the real happiness for him.

Chow Yun-fat's choice allows us to see a star's sobriety and wisdom in the face of fame and fortune. He was not fooled by fame and fortune, but chose to spend time with his family and enjoy the simple and pure happiness. Such Chow Yun-fat makes us full of respect for him.

The popularity of "Rakshasa Haishi" has made many people look forward to Daolang's stage performance. However, the rumored invitation to the Spring Festival Gala was declined by Daolang, making people curious about the reason for his refusal. This article will analyze Daolang’s reasons for rejecting the Spring Festival Gala based on his personality and musical philosophy.

First of all, Daolang is a musician who loves freedom. He prefers to create and sing in an unfettered environment. As one of the largest stages in the country, the Spring Festival Gala will undoubtedly impose restrictions on the form and content of Daolang's performances. The Spring Festival Gala has a wide audience. In order to cater to public tastes and aesthetic standards, Daolang may need to change his music style and singing method. This change may go against his original intention of music, so he chose to refuse the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala.

Secondly, Daolang is a low-key musician. He rarely participates in commercial activities to maintain the purity of his music. As a commercial program, the Spring Festival Gala will commercialize Daolang's music, which goes against his original intention. Daolang hopes that his music can convey sincere emotions and unique artistic style, rather than becoming the product of commercial interests.

Finally, another reason for Daolang's rejection of the Spring Festival Gala may be his inability to adapt to the requirements and pressure of the Spring Festival Gala program. The review and rehearsal process for the Spring Festival Gala program is strict and cumbersome, requiring a lot of time and energy from the artists. For Daolang, who pursues free creation, this high-intensity work pressure may affect his creative inspiration and performance status.

To sum up, Dao Lang’s rejection of the Spring Festival Gala invitation was based on his pursuit of free creation, his insistence on the purity of music, and his incompatibility with the requirements of the Spring Festival Gala program. Although he regretted not being able to appear on the Spring Festival Gala stage, Dao Lang's choice showed us the courage and determination of an artist to stick to his original intention in the face of fame and fortune.

Guo Degang: A "passer-by" on the Spring Festival Gala stage

11 years ago, Guo Degang's appearance in the Spring Festival Gala was "earth-breaking". The cross talk "The Prodigal Son" performed by him and Yu Qian jointly made people see the charm of traditional cross talk on the Spring Festival Gala stage. At that time, rumors were flying everywhere that the lounge used by Guo Degang was left by Zhao Benshan, which seemed to imply that he would become Zhao Benshan's successor and carry the banner of the Spring Festival Gala.

But who would have thought that it would become Lao Guo’s swan song in the Spring Festival Gala! Since then, he has disappeared from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and only occasionally appeared in some local Spring Festival Galas. This makes people wonder, did something unpleasant happen during that performance in 2013?

If you ask me, that performance brought quite a lot of controversy to Guo Degang. Some people think that his cross talk is too vulgar and full of nonsense, which is not suitable for a stage like the Spring Festival Gala where the whole family can watch; some people think that he can only get along on a small stage and show his timidity when he gets on the big stage. These criticisms and questions are not good words for Lao Guo.

In addition to the controversy from the outside world, Lao Guo also has his own considerations. He is a smart man and knows the rules and restrictions of the Spring Festival Gala stage. First of all, there is the issue of time. The Spring Festival Gala is very long, which is a big challenge for the cross talk that needs to unfold slowly. And even if you put a lot of effort into preparing a program, you may still be killed during the second trial. This kind of pressure is no joke.

So, after careful consideration, Lao Guo decided to withdraw from the Spring Festival Gala stage. In this way, he can maintain his artistic style while avoiding unnecessary controversy and pressure. I have to say, Lao Guo’s move is really clever!