On the morning of January 5th, the account of “Qiqifu” updated a video. Her parents announced that “Qiqifu” had passed away. In the video, Qiqi’s mother issued an obituary: “At 2:27 a.m. on January 4, 2024,...

On the morning of January 5th,

"Qiqi Fu" account update video

His parents announced

"Qi Qi Fu" has passed away

In the video

Qiqi's mother issued an obituary:

"January 4, 2024, 2:27 a.m. ,

My precious daughter Qiqi

After fighting cancer for 5 and a half years,

left us forever in Yangzhou."

Still optimistic despite being terminally ill

Sharing anti-cancer experience to convey warmth

Qi Qifu, formerly known as Qi Shumei, was born in In 1996, I came from Northeast China. I majored in broadcasting and hosting in college. I got a tour guide certificate because I love traveling. In March 2018, Qi Qifu went to work at a travel agency in Shanghai, but in July of the same year, she was diagnosed with T-type acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

In 2019, she began to share her daily anti-cancer experience on the short video platform. Every time she starts with "Hey, brother dei (brother)", she is known as the "strong cancer-fighting beautiful girl". She inspires and warms countless netizens, and is also encouraged and supported by countless "brothers with different surnames". In the past few years, Qiqifu has attracted the attention of more than 300,000 fans.

Until recently, her lung disease worsened, and she was transferred to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine on December 26, 2023, to prepare for a lung transplant.

His father donated bone marrow twice

He honed his cooking skills and took care of his daughter

In order to save his daughter's life, Qi Qifu's father donated his own bone marrow twice. During the treatment days, her mother took care of Qiqi in the hospital, and her father went home to cook.

In order to let his daughter eat better, his father changed from a person who couldn't cook to a "chef" now.

Source: China Youth Daily

Dad never brought negative emotions to her. Qi Qifu recalled that what his father always said was, "Oh, we are fine."

Qi Qifu said: " He loved me, more than once; he loved me, not just in words; I loved him, Trying desperately to survive.

This incident has become a hot search topic, and countless netizens have burst into tears.

Anti-cancer diary has become a hit

Recording touching moments with parents

On December 26, 2021, Qi Qifu’s anti-cancer diary "Brother, Everything Will Get Better" was officially put on sale on the online platform. In just two days, this This new book has rushed to the top 10 of the most popular literary books on a certain platform.

Qiqifu before getting sick Source: China Youth Daily

In Qiqifu’s anti-cancer diary, she wrote many touching moments with her parents.

Many readers were moved by Qi Qifu’s optimism and innocence, and shared their reading experiences on the Internet. A reader left a message: " I can't imagine that this is written by a girl in her 20s. The naughty and relaxed writing style depicts the most painful picture in the world. She is unfortunate and lucky. I hope she can achieve the final victory." , to defeat the disease."

Some readers commented on this book: "I cried and laughed while reading it."

In two years, had a recurrence, two bone marrow transplants, and became blind in her left eye. , but she said: "It's mine. Blessings, I enjoy; it is my calamity, I break through it."

Qi Qifu fighting the disease Source: China Youth Daily

Qi Qifu once said, " I am grateful for this experience. I enjoy it more than before. I am braver now. I have never given up hope and have been working hard in life. believes that difficulties are only temporary. After my body recovers, I will continue to pass on this love and help more people in need like me. People."