There are many respected and well-known veteran actors in the entertainment industry, and Du Zhiguo is one of them. Du Zhiguo, who has been in the industry for 38 years, has participated in 120 film and television works so far. "Yongzheng Dynasty", "Operation Mekong", etc. are al

There are many well-known and respected actors in the

entertainment circle, and Du Zhiguo is one of them. Du Zhiguo, who has been in the industry for 38 years, has participated in 120 film and television works so far. "Yongzheng Dynasty", "Operation Mekong", etc. are all high-scoring masterpieces.

Du Zhiguo in the play always gives people a "righteous and awe-inspiring" feeling. During the interview, he also spoke little and seemed honest and honest. But in reality, he was called an "old pervert" by netizens.

So far, Du Zhiguo has experienced three marriages. From Yang Li to Zhao Na and then to Zheng Weili, each one is younger and more beautiful than the last. It's a pity that none of the three goddesses could change Du Zhiguo's romantic nature.

However, this veteran actor has an old heart. Three marriages in his life were not enough. During the Qingming Festival in 2017, Du Zhiguo, who was over 60 years old, was exposed to have cheated on the 45-year-old Ms. Yang and made her pregnant.

Afterwards, Ms. Yang desperately wanted to marry him, but he was already a married woman. So how did this farce end?

On September 29, 1954, Du Zhiguo was born in an ordinary family in Hebei. He was extremely talented in art since he was a child. He was admitted to the Tianjin Police District Art Troupe at the age of 16.

has a tall height of 180cm and a handsome appearance. He has been very popular with girls since he was young.

He has lived in Tianjin for 7 years, starred in many dramas, and also found love.

In 1978, 24-year-old Du Zhiguo was still a dancer in the Tianjin Police District Art Troupe. He fell in love with Yang Li, a dancer in the troupe. At that time, Yang Li was young, beautiful, and in good shape. Du Zhiguo began to pursue her unremittingly. pursue.

As a dancer, Du Zhiguo was tall, burly, handsome, and Yang Li quickly accepted Du Zhiguo.

In 1979, Du Zhiguo and Yang Li entered the palace of marriage with the blessings of their friends. Soon after their marriage, the two expanded their world to a family of three and gave birth to a son named Du Chun.

Not long after they got married, the two had the fruit of their love, their only son - Du Chun.

At that time, Du Zhiguo was still an unknown little actor in the art troupe. His life was regular, three o'clock and one line. He got off work at the same time every day and came home on time. Although the life of a family of three was dull, it was also harmonious and warm.

In 1985, by chance, Du Zhiguo participated in the performance of the movie "Ding Rujun" and officially entered the film and television industry. After that, his work became busy.

's later story is very cliche. The two people get together less and stay apart more often, quarrel together, their relationship gradually fades away, and breaking up becomes an inevitable choice for the two people.

But Du Chun couldn't accept this. After learning that his parents were divorced, he collapsed and cried and refused to let his father leave. After Du Zhiguo left, Du Chun became depressed, his academic performance plummeted, and he began to rebel. , Yang Li can't control it anymore.

Seeing that the child would be ruined if this situation continued, the couple decided to remarry in order to stitch the broken home together again for Du Chun. Du Chun was very happy and regained his former well-behaved nature, but Du Zhiguo and Yang Li felt that life was like a year. After remarrying, their relationship could not be repaired. After Du Chun was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, they divorced again. In 1993, they signed a divorce agreement, letting themselves and each other go.

Although Du Chun, who has grown up, is still reluctant to bear the divorce of his parents, he has understood that he cannot force emotional matters and can only accept this fact.

Over the years, Du Zhiguo has changed his career from an unknown drama actor to a television actor. His role as Nian Gengyao in "Yongzheng Dynasty" received unanimous praise, and he has since established a place in the entertainment industry.

After the divorce, Du Chun was sentenced to be raised by his mother Yang Li, while Du Zhiguo, who had no wife and no children, soon found his second love - actress Zhao Na.

Zhao Na was also a well-known actress in the 1980s. She also had a relationship history before meeting Du Zhiguo.

When she was filming "The Death of the Marshal", she met Zhu Yanping, fell in love, and got married together. Later, because they spent less time together and separated more, the two gradually became estranged and eventually divorced. The two also had a son who was raised by Zhao Na.

Zhao Na has been divorced for many years. Many people introduced partners to Zhao Na, but Zhao Na turned them away because of their children. After her son grew up, Zhao Na began to worry about her life-long affairs.

When Zhao Na's heart gradually opened up, Du Zhiguo broke in, and the two really developed feelings. They cherished each other even more and soon came together.

In 2004, they officially held their wedding, but this was not the end.

At that time, Du Chun was in a rebellious stage. He was very dissatisfied with his father's quick decision to find a stepmother for him, and the relationship between the family gradually became tense.

Zhao Na and Du Zhiguo had a flash marriage, and they didn’t know each other well. After

got married, their differences in various concepts such as family atmosphere and children's education quickly wiped out the relationship between the two, and their marriage completely reached a deadlock.

Just two years later, at the end of 2006, this marriage came to an end, but this did not dampen Du Zhiguo's interest in marrying again.

In 2008, while filming the TV series "Cang Hai", Du Zhiguo met actress Zheng Weili who was in the same crew.

Zheng Weili was single at the time. Her whole body was filled with a kind of gentle and intellectual beauty, which almost instantly conquered him after thousands of years of experience.

Du Zhiguo is 12 years older than Zheng Weili, and the age gap between the two is not small. Fortunately, Du Zhiguo usually pays attention to sports, has a strong figure, black hair, and full of energy. He does not look old in front of Zheng Weili.

Zheng Weili admired him quite a lot, and soon fell into his love.

Fortunately, as a reorganized family, their children are not resistant to each other, which also gives them great confidence.

In October 2009, Zheng Weili and Du Zhiguo officially held their wedding.

This is already the third marriage in Du Zhiguo's life. Everyone thought that he should calm down at this age, but unexpectedly, the tree is still but the wind is not stopping.

After getting married, Du Zhiguo respected Zheng Weili very much. Usually when Zheng Weili went out to film, he would personally take care of his stepson. Even Du Chun loved this younger brother as if he were his own. The family lived happily, which can be called a circle. Internal role model.

Unfortunately, nature is easy to change but hard to change. Even though Du Zhiguo is older, his romantic habits remain unchanged.

However, within a few years of such peaceful days, news of Du Zhiguo's cheating was revealed.

In 2017, a woman named Yang broke the news to the media that she was "seduced" by Du Zhiguo in July.

This woman said that Du Zhiguo "seduced" her when he returned to his hometown and made her pregnant.

Ms. Yang said that she was invited to the hotel by Du Zhiguo to chat, but she fell unconscious after drinking a glass of water poured by him.

In order to make this matter true, she also exposed Du Zhiguo's "bed photos" and the chat history of the two.

Ms. Yang also exposed her pregnancy case, but when she still wanted to find Du Zhiguo, But he found that he had been blocked by the other party.

Regarding Ms. Yang’s statement, Du Zhiguo denied that he had been drugged by the other party and was extorted tens of millions of dollars from the other party.

Both parties have their own opinions and insist on their own opinions.

When the two were in a stalemate, "Gossip Brother" Zhuo Wei took action and released the recording of Du Zhiguo's cheating phone call.

In this recording, the chat between the two was very exciting.

Du Zhiguo said that if he was pregnant He would raise the child after he was born, and said:

"I can only give you emotions, but I can't give you a family. This emotion and family are two different things." "

Judging from the recordings exposed by Zhuo Wei, it was Du Zhiguo who was trying to persuade the other party not to confuse feelings with family.

More importantly, he is even more afraid that his family and career will be destroyed in this relationship. As he said:

"Your reputation is much worse than mine. You will destroy my family. If you don't have an old love now, you will destroy my family and everything in my career."

This year, Du Zhiguo completely "turned over" because of this incident. I don’t know if the matter was resolved privately by both parties in the end, or if it was simply a "conspiracy."

His wife Zheng Weili was very calm about this, and the family's life was not affected at all afterwards. In short, Du Zhiguo slowly returned to the screen.

In April 2021, Du Chun and his wife Wang Can gave birth to a lovely baby girl.

In the photos they posted, three generations of grandparents and grandchildren gathered together. Du Zhiguo, who was strong and strong, sat next to Zheng Shili, who had a gentle face. Both of them smiled and looked at their little granddaughter, and she was in good spirits.

The influence of the "cheating scandal" seems to have faded away in their lives. On July 29, 2023, some netizens encountered him and Zheng Weili traveling to Longquan Ancient Town hand in hand.

Du Zhiguo wears gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and a luxurious gold watch on his hand. He is a high-spirited and successful person, which is enviable.

As a veteran actor, Du Zhiguo has always been universally respected by people inside and outside the industry. Unexpectedly, he has not changed his romantic nature even after reaching his sixties. His cheating drama caused a huge stir and attracted the attention of people across the country. In the end, he ended up late. The fate of not being guaranteed is really deplorable and hateful.

Therefore, as a human being, you still need to know how to restrain your desires, otherwise you will easily slip into the abyss of desire.