With the awakening of women's consciousness, the image of women who cry and pretend to be pitiful to win the pity of men in order to obtain resources, and who dig wild vegetables and keep cold kilns for men, has been abandoned by modern women. As women who can hold up half the sk

With the awakening of women's consciousness, the image of women who cry and pretend to be pitiful to win the pity of men in order to obtain resources, and who regard men as diggers and dig wild vegetables and work hard in cold kilns has been abandoned by modern women. As women who can hold up half the sky, they will no longer regard themselves as women. Love and marriage are the standards of living, and relying on men is no longer a subconscious choice.

Why does Ren Ruyi fit the image of a leading heroine so well!

1: Take decisive action without hesitation!

Ren Ruyi was sold to Zhu Yiwei by her father when she was a child. In the cruel training, she went through layers of selection and gradually reached the position of Zhu Yiwei's left envoy, becoming the most outstanding female assassin with no defeat.

Later, because Queen Anguo, whom she respected the most, was killed, Ren Ruyi herself was charged with treason and was about to be executed. If someone hadn't saved her, she would have died long ago.

During her escape, she prepared a revenge book, remembered the names of her enemies, and sought them out one by one to seek revenge.

She has no extra compassion for her enemies, and will not argue with them in a gibberish manner, as if saying a few more words to the bad guys and clarifying a few more accusations can dispel her ruthlessness when killing people.

She was originally a killer, lurking and disguising. Killing was her job. Killing focused on speed, hate, and accuracy. She never gave the target a chance to live for one more second. Those who missed the target were eventually bitten by the target. How can you have the nerve to say that you are a killer?

2: Always believe in your own strength and rely on yourself

She wants to find out the people related to the death of the empress, and she will always do it herself. Ning Yuanzhou is the master of Liudao Hall and the person she loves. But she never asked Ning Yuanzhou to use his identity to work for her. Even if Liudaotang helped her a little, it was because of the equal exchange between her and Ning Yuanzhou. She taught Aying, and Ning Yuanzhou gave her information.

She never regards her marriage and love as a bet or bargaining chip. Those who hold on to their marriage and feelings and pick and choose what they want with others, those who try to achieve their own goals by holding their thighs, More often than not, he uses himself as a bargaining chip, letting others work hard and pay for him, and hiding himself behind the protector as the weak one.

Ren Ruyi never feels that he needs to be protected, and never feels that he needs to rely on others. , she always believes in herself and relies on herself.

For such a person, when she fights side by side with others, the people beside her are partners, not bodyguards or protectors.

Three: Don’t be sloppy when dealing with rotten peach blossoms

Chang Qinghou, as Ren Ruyi’s apprentice, was ridiculed and looked down upon because of his status as a handsome man. Under Ren Ruyi’s guidance, he learned to protect himself.

In the process of Ren Ruyi's teaching, the ignorant child packaged and processed a powerful female image in his fantasy, using it as a gift for his first love. In addition, Ren Ruyi later used it in a way that he could never touch again. The way he left his life, this kind of processing in fantasy became more unscrupulous. This kind of unscrupulous fantasy and the failure to get what he wanted after the fantasy made Chang Qinghou regard Ren Ruyi as Bai Yueguang, who couldn't get what he wanted.

So when Ren Ruyi appeared in front of him again, he began to want to attract the moonlight into his arms, but the moonlight had been picked up long ago and became someone else's property. His unwillingness and jealousy led him to start hysteria.

Ren Ruyi learned about Chang Qinghou's changed feelings for her from Jin Meiniang's mouth, and this statement was confirmed in the subsequent interactions. Therefore, in the subsequent interactions, she did not make any move to let Chang Qinghou Misunderstanding, in Chang Qinghou's secret room where he hides all his secrets, Ren Ruyi smashed his jade statue, burned his portrait, and shattered Chang Qinghou's unrealistic nostalgia.

She loves and protects Jiu'er and doesn't let others bully him, but it is definitely not a love between a man and a woman. They are master and apprentice, and only master and apprentice.

What is a heroine? She should fight for what she wants. She should take control of her own life, marriage, love, and family. She should not be ambiguous with others, not blur her relationship with men, and not put her relationship with men into ambiguity. The ambiguity between men takes it as their own trophy.