The premiere of "Family Time" showed a lot of social scenes. In the program on December 2, the seemingly happy tea party turned into three "small teams". On one side, Mao Amin, Han Hong, and Sun Nan chatted cordially about their parents' personal problems. On the other side, Zhan

The premiere of

's "Continuous Sound: Family Time" showed many social scenes. In the program on December 2, the seemingly happy tea party turned into three "small teams".

On one side, Mao Amin, Han Hong, and Sun Nan chatted cordially about their parents' personal problems. On the other side, Zhang Qi tried to join Tan Weiwei and Yu Kewei's "circle of friends" in Sichuan and Chongqing, and exchanged awkward pleasantries with them.

Wang Sulong and Zhou Shen, who were popular in various variety shows, huddled in the corner of the table. They had nothing to talk about, and even shouted to the director team to bring fifty more cups, hoping to wash them. cup to ease the embarrassment.

A long table seems to have an invisible barrier. From the details, it is not difficult to see that musicians also have their own social circles.

The "social circle" of musicians

As soon as Mao Amin, Sun Nan, Han Hong and Huang Qishan appeared on the scene, they were automatically classified into a circle, representing "veteran singers". Even Mao Amin himself joked that they were the four " "Laobang Cai".

Privately, Han Hong and Sun Nan have been close friends for 25 years. Sun Nan's children affectionately call Han Hong "third uncle."

Not to mention Mao Amin. As soon as she appeared on the stage, Han Hong called out "Our sister is here" and stood up to greet her. She was so shy that she instantly became a "little fangirl".

Zhou Shen, who was repeatedly praised by Mao Amin as a "little lark" because of a song, was blocked from the "group chat" together with Wang Sulong, and became the awkward person behind the hot chat between Mao Amin, Han Hong and others. "background".

Huang Qishan appeared together with Yu Kewei and Tan Weiwei. The three of them are singers from the Sichuan and Chongqing regions and must sit together when they meet.

It is worth mentioning that Huang Qishan, Yu Kewei, and Tan Weiwei have all starred in the musical "Love in the Memory of Alzheimer" directed by Han Hong.

But after a brief exchange of greetings, only Huang Qishan sat down next to Han Hong, and chatted with her about her family's shortcomings.

On one side, the veteran singers are chatting hotly, while on the other side, middle and new generation singers such as Wang Sulong, Zhou Shen, Song Yaxuan, Yu Kewei, Tan Weiwei, etc. are so embarrassed that they form a group to wash cups, because they look up to the seniors too much and cannot integrate.

Even Mao Amin, who said he likes young people, has been chatting with Han Hong, Sun Nan and others, unknowingly revealing the social circle among musicians.

The social network of variety shows appeared

With the entrance of Hu Yanbin, Chen Chusheng, Ku Juji and others, the scene has changed again with the addition of variety shows.

First, Han Hong and Sun Nan enthusiastically embraced Ku Juji and summoned the members of "I Am a Singer 3" on the spot to form a new "group chat team."

Tuliu, Yu Kewei, Huang Qishan, and Zhou Shen lamented that it was "a bit excessive" in different seasons of the same show.

Wang Sulong, who has never participated in "Singer", clapped awkwardly in different shots.

After Cyndi Wang appeared on the stage, Tan Weiwei, who also participated in "Sister Lang 3", immediately stood up to greet her, and even gave her place to her, showing her sisterly friendship.

However, this "sisterhood" did not last long. When Tan Weiwei found that there was only one empty seat next to Han Hong in the audience, she quickly turned around and pulled Cyndi Wang over. During this process, Cyndi Wang's expression Changes can be called a new social scene.

In addition, Song Yaxuan, who is only 19 years old, once again shared the stage with Ku Juji, who had a "teacher-student relationship". Although it did not seem close, it was enough to make the audience feel that they had a lot of fate.

Wang Sulong was also in the same frame as Yu Kewei who was "hit in the face", breaking the magical dimensional wall.

Perhaps as the show goes on, the singers will cherish each other and accumulate a deeper friendship, but when they first appeared, they still showed the invisible circle between musicians.