Kite Episode 23

kite plot introduction:

kite episode 22

kite plot introduction episode 22-Gong Shun and Yan'e join the mountain city and Han Bing tries every possible way to try Zheng Yaoxian

Gong Shun’s gang of remnants of the Kuomintang forces, all of which are the origins of military police and constitutional KMT armed forces. Acting quite well-organized, doing evil everywhere, posed a huge threat to the people, and the insiders lurking inside were also attacked. The Shancheng Public Security Bureau met to discuss the complete destruction of this gangster.

Song Xiao first tried to contact Zhongtong through radio and failed. He speculated that Zhongtong's radio station should have been destroyed, so he could only send someone to contact him. The palace concubine complained that the road into the city had been blocked long ago, and sent people back without success, saying that the Communist Party did not distinguish between the Central United Army and the military, but only wanted to wipe out the remaining Kuomintang agents. At this time, he missed Zheng Yaoxian, and firmly believed that as long as Zheng Yao was first, he would surely be able to turn the Central and Communist Party around. However, his group did not know Zheng Yaoxian's way of awakening. They asked Taiwan for help many times, but the other party always evasive. The palace concubine did not give up, but only let Song Xiao continue to contact Taiwan. The policemen of the

Public Security Bureau found the location of the palace and their telegrams through the radio direction-finding vehicle. However, all this had been anticipated by the palace. Not only did he take people to move early, but also left mines and bombs. Two communist fighters died.

A few days ago, someone found the palace concubine to peddle Chairman Mao’s protracted debate. Gong Shun knew that Yan'e, like Tian Hu, liked to study Chairman Mao’s thoughts, so he judged that the person selling the book must be a hidden agent of the Central Government. That person was indeed the liaison of the hidden agent and told him the location of the connection, so he Leading Song Xiaoxian and a group of people to join Yan'e in a bamboo forest. He also explained to Song Xiaoxian the protracted warfare in detail, and he admired it, so he decided to act according to it. Song Xiao advised him not to be a daydreaming theorist, but to think about it. At this time someone came, and the palace concubine stepped forward and threw him down, but it was Yan'e, very happy. He had a relationship with Yan'e at that time when he was in Yan'an. However, Yan'e slapped him angrily because it was so painful by his just now. The palace concubine was not angry, and quarreled with Yan'e. Yan'e mocked that Juntong had been sent to the contact station, and when he saw that Gong Shun came with only a handful of people, he laughed wildly.

Han Bing learned the news of the soldiers' sacrifices and was very surprised. She judged that the palace would definitely be broken into pieces, scattered and destroyed, so as not to be wiped out. Ma Xiaowu said that through Zhou Zhiqian's inquiries on the archives, he learned that the military commander had destroyed a batch of secret documents before liberation. The Gongshu archives were among them. He told Han Bing that Zhou Zhiqian was silent, hardworking and capable. Strong, it's hard for people to care about him. Han Bing knew that this was only a professional agent's quality, and it would be difficult to find it if it was thrown in a crowd. However, Ma Xiaowu said that although Zhou Zhigan did not speak, he never suffered. There was a Kuomintang director who wanted to harass his daughter-in-law, but the director's daughter-in-law was sold to the kiln, and Zhou Zhigan only said After a few words, the chief was paralyzed. Han Bing was very puzzled, and then asked whether Xu Baichuan had mentioned Zheng Yaoxian's physical characteristics. Ma Xiaowu told him that Zheng Yaoxian had seventeen scars on his chest, one of which was a dot-like scar, but this time the scars on the front of Zhou Zhiqian's body were all formed from chest to abdomen. The Nanjing investigator also came back to report that there was indeed a person named Zhou Zhigan in Nanjing before, but he later disappeared, and his parents and brothers all died in the Nanjing Massacre. Ma Xiaowu also told Han Bing that Zhou Zhiqian had been very timid recently, for fear of losing his job and salary.

Yan'e reminded Gong Shun that he had never thought that the unlucky people were all members of the military system. There must be ghosts in the military system. She suggested that people in the military system should use the liaison station of the Chinese military system to hide in the mountain city. Gong Shun was unwilling, but Yan'e asked him to focus on the overall situation and stop making any difference between the military and the Chinese. The palace concubine reluctantly agreed, and the two also agreed that the palace concubine had the final say.

Zheng Yaoxian, who is incarnation of Zhou Zhiqian, was asked to work overtime at night. He really needs such an opportunity to work overtime. In this way, his broken kite can avoid others and carefully search every piece of KMT in the vast sea of ​​information. The secret agent's secret file. The reason why he lurked in the Kuomintang Archives was just for the convenience of his position, looking for the shadows that have not yet been exposed, but unfortunately nothing has been achieved so far. But in fact, this overtime was arranged by Han Bing. She took Ma Xiaowu to the archives room, let Zheng Yao busy with her first, and watched on the side, making Zheng Yao a little nervous. She suddenly straightCalling Zheng Yaoxian's name scared Zheng Yaoxian, but Zheng Yaoxian insisted that he was Zhou Zhigan. Ma Xiaowu talked about his trip to northern Shaanxi. Zheng Yaoxian strongly argued that he was born as Zhou Zhiqian. Han Bing did not go after him, but wanted to let him go back. Zheng Yaoxian said that Mo Shaoqun, a Kuomintang policeman, had recognized his appearance, but he was dead. Lin Tao took her daughter and waited for a long time. Seeing that Zheng Yaoxian had finally returned safely, she wiped her tears and relaxed.

Gong Shu and Song Xiaoxian had just entered the mountain city, and they learned that they had brought the confession. They were either arrested or surrendered like the Communist Party. The palace concubine was greatly irritated, but helpless. He learned that the Communist Party did not even mention leniency, saying that the Communist Party knew that he would not surrender, which not only showed that those in power had the power to live and kill, but also told the people that he was the enemy of the people. He originally thought that the gods of war at the Whampoa Military Academy were all on the side of the Communist Party, but now he found that the most talented pen has also joined the Communist Party.

Han Bing asked Zheng Yaoxian to go to the office again. Zheng Yaoxian took the opportunity to tell Section Chief Cui that Han Bing had identified him not with Zhou Zhiqian but with Zheng Yaoxian, and played an emotional card, saying that if he lost his job, his wife would Divorced him. Seeing that he was working hard and being ideologically motivated, Section Chief Cui said that he would give him a certificate of guarantee so that he would not be afraid and boldly go to see Han Bing. Zheng Yaoxian had to come to Han Bing's office, and Han Bing asked for information about his palace concubine. Zheng Yao first pretended to be flustered and talked about the palace's files. But Han Bing asked him how busy he knew Gong Shu was Zheng Yaoxian's student. He said that there are records in Xu Baichuan's files. Han Bing told him directly that Xu Baichuan had been arrested.