On July 7, a blogger named "Kangkang Farewell" (hereinafter referred to as "Kangkang") released a series of videos of "a homeless uncle trying to break free from the quagmire". Kangkang met an optimistic "vagrant uncle" in Hangzhou and subsidized him 100 yuan. As a result, the uncle reissued his ID

On July 7, a blogger named "Kangkang Farewell" (hereinafter referred to as "Kangkang") released a series of videos of "a wandering uncle trying to break free from the quagmire". Kangkang met an optimistic "vagrant uncle" in Hangzhou and subsidized him 100 yuan. As a result, the uncle reissued his ID card, had his hair cut, and found a job. Later, netizens subsidized his mobile phone and donated more than 10,000 yuan, and the uncle's life was back on track.

The backside of the story is the embarrassing middle-aged situation of the vagabond Shangguan Changjiang. In Shangguan Changjiang's narration, his life has been "backwards" in recent years. He said that after the divorce, the house and three children followed his ex-wife; the family house and fields were all given to his younger brother. At the age of 48, he decided to leave his hometown in Henan and come to Hangzhou, looking for an opportunity for change.

Shangguan Changjiang lived in an abandoned building

In the eyes of the village party secretary in his hometown, Shangguan Changjiang had a habit of drinking for many years, and every time he got drunk, he seemed to be in a coma, so he missed work and caused headaches for his family . His ex-wife cried to the village party secretary, saying that if he divorced, he only needed to support three people, and if he did not divorce, he would have to support four; .

In any case, in Hangzhou, Shangguan Changjiang encountered a "start from scratch". He said that because of an accident, he lost his money, ID card, and mobile phone around March, and he only had the clothes he was wearing all over his body. He was never able to find a job because he did not have an ID card. He started wandering, living in abandoned buildings, and exchanged the scraps he picked up for three meals. During the four months of wandering, the word that appeared the most in his few diaries was "failure".

kept a small notebook by the bedside of Shangguan Changjiang's residence, and on one page was written "My name is Shangguan Changjiang" as well as his household registration address and ID number. He said: "I am worried that if something happens, others will know who I am." In the building, surrounded by a small field, moss and bricks form the entrance of the building; there is a path along the river nearby, with thunderous cicadas, fierce mosquitoes, occasional crabs, and strong taro leaves almost covering the road .

Shangguan Changjiang lives in an abandoned building

The old man who grows vegetables in the field said that this is a building waiting to be demolished. Yes, picking up scraps for a living should be a homeless man.

Shangguan Changjiang's residence basically has no privacy at all, and you can see everything at a glance from the entrance. The handrails of the stairs have been removed, bricks are exposed on the walls, the ceiling is peeled off, and the distribution box has long since been scrapped, with large areas of rust. He kept saying: "Hey, there is no place to sit."

He was dark-skinned and dressed in black, not very talkative, frowning from time to time, with a beard around his silent lips. The dark residence is divided into two parts. The north side is tied with cloth strips to block the wind; the two rooms on the south side are roughly divided into living room and bedroom. In the middle of the residence, he said that it had leaked and could only be left vacant. In addition to the space occupied by waste, he also made a rough classification, freeing up space for drying racks, coffee tables, beds, bedside stools and passages.

Shangguan Changjiang used wooden boards to shelter from the wind

All the items in the house were added by Shangguan Changjiang himself. He said that he found this place in April, and there was nothing in the house, some things were picked up, and some were given by kind people. He earns a living by picking up waste, "The most valuable are aluminum, copper, and cans, which cost four yuan and five (one catty); then plastic bottles, which are one yuan and five (one catty); paper is worthless, only five cents (one catty). I also picked up a lot of helmets, used for battery cars, twelve helmets, and sold for one yuan and eighty cents.” You can wash clothes in the river downstairs, and there is a toilet not far from the river; bathing and fetching water, He would go to the nearby bungalow for help, where there was an old man who worked on the river, and an old woman who did white things. When summer is here, he will occasionally use the air conditioner there.

Shangguan Changjiang said that at the beginning, he spent a lot of time in the house, but after thinking about it, he had to go out and walk around every day. I would pick up waste at night, because I was worried that my appearance would scare others during the day. Not many people have an impression of him. An employee of a company mentioned that at the end of June, Shangguan Changjiang came to apply for a job. A resident and a shop owner in a nearby community mentioned that after seeing the video, they remembered that they had seen Shangguan Changjiang with long hair, but they didn't communicate much.

On one page it says "My name is Shangguan Changjiang", as well as household registration address and ID number. "And his household registration address and ID number. He said: "I am worried that in case of any accident, others will know who I am." There is also a diary in the

book, which was written on April 29, Shangguan Changjiang's birthday. That day, he bought steamed buns and eight yuan wine, and made soup with the seasoning he picked up. Someone gave him a garlic sprout, "It's a failure, it's all done without an ID card." Didn't study hard, worked outside for more than ten years.

In Shangguan Changjiang's view, the most difficult thing in these few months is that he has no ID card, so he can't find a job, and occasionally the shop owner can help him with chores such as moving goods. According to him, he came to Hangzhou around March to do stamping work, fell off the scaffolding, and spent about 5,000 yuan in hospital treatment, and then lost his ID card. For nearly four months in

, he was bothered by the problem of not having an ID card, but he never went to reissue it. Once, he said it was because he was in a bad mood, he didn’t want to deal with it, and he also resisted going to the relief station, “I have hands and feet, why should I go to (the relief station)?” Once, he said that he had saved 500 yuan during his wandering, But the money was spent on treating a toothache. Once again, he mentioned that he had been to the police station twice, but he gave up when it was not during the office hours of the household registration department. It was only later that he learned that the government service center near his residence could reissue his ID card.

Shangguan Changjiang said that Shangguan's surname is more common in his hometown of Sanmenxia City, because of the lack of water in the area, his father named him "Yangtze River".

Regarding his hometown, Shangguan Changjiang remembers that there was an apple orchard between his home and school, and he spent most of his schooling time in the apple orchard. This was his biggest regret. If you read the book carefully, it will not be what it is now. He thought of his classmate, who is now a civil servant in the county. He said that he has changed many jobs, worked in a coal mine in his hometown, learned stamping in Wenzhou, and farmed in Xinjiang. He is 48 years old this year, and has been working outside the home for more than ten years. He only returns home during the Spring Festival every year. It was not until recent years that he returned to his hometown, part of the reason was to accompany his children.

The village party secretary of Shangguan Changjiang’s hometown said that he drank alcohol for six or seven years. After drinking, he seemed to be in a coma. The family relationship is not good. His ex-wife once cried to the village party secretary, "If you don't get a divorce, you have to support four people. If you get a divorce, you only need to support three people (three children)." His children don't expect him to get the money back, brother I hope that he will stay in his hometown, and it is okay for him to be supported by his brothers. In the eyes of the village party secretary, Shangguan Changjiang is introverted and doesn’t talk much. He would smoke a pack of Henan cigarettes worth seven yuan and drink a small bottle of Erguotou. "My family also told me to quit smoking and drinking." He said that when he was young, he still liked to play basketball, but after working part-time, his hobbies were smoking and drinking. Sometimes the workers would drink together. Drink after work." When he was in his hometown, some friends would meet him for a gathering, and he would get drunk. Speaking of these, Shangguan Changjiang didn't have any mood swings, "I quit smoking twice, but I didn't succeed. I probably can't quit alcohol. I will drink less in the future.

Shangguan Changjiang said: "I can't make money in my hometown, and I don't have much work to do, so I have to go out to work." He also admitted that his family did not approve of him going out to work, but "there are children who are in school, and they must be given some living expenses or something." "During his wandering days, he didn't have a mobile phone, couldn't contact his family, and just missed his daughter's wedding; he would also miss home, but when he was homesick, he would stay until the Spring Festival." Also like this. "

found a job:

is engaged in cleaning, with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, hoping to go home and start a factory. Shangguan Changjiang had 200 yuan, but he only took 100 yuan for a haircut and reissue of his ID card. On July 5, he found a cleaning job in a nearby community property, 3,000 yuan a month. On the calendar of his residence, the only The mark is: "On July 1 (a clerical error), I went to work at the XX property in the XX community. "

screenshot of the video

The staff of the property only saw the video with more than 2 million likes after hiring Shangguan Changjiang. Many netizens said in the comments, "I cried watching it. "Uncle lives very hard. "Many people want to help him.

From the staff's point of view, Shangguan Changjiang is "full of honest people, not greedy." Shangguan Changjiang arrives at the garbage station at about 5 o'clock every morning, cleans the garbage cans, and then goes to the periphery of the community to clean up After the lunch break, he cleaned the trash can again until he got off work at 5:00 in the evening. Because of the video, the company gave him lunch and dinner. The staff said that they had specially packed more meat for him, but Shangguan Changjiang refused on the grounds that "if you can't finish it, you will waste it" Yes.

At present, the property company is also considering preparing a residence for Shangguan Changjiang. Shangguan Changjiang said: "I have returned to a normal life now. When I move, I probably don't take anything with me either. "He raised a pot of flowers in the abandoned building, collected pink dolphin dolls, and rubber duckling toys, but he would not call it "home".

On July 14, Shangguan Changjiang received a mobile phone funded by netizens. There is also a mobile phone card, but throughout the day, he hardly communicated with his family, nor did he watch his own videos. "It's not good to play on the mobile phone at work. "That night, he called the reporter and apologized repeatedly: "I accidentally ran into it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

Right now, Shangguan Changjiang still doesn't want to go home. "I don't make enough money, so what can I do when I go back?" He said that it would take four days to go home and back, which was too time-consuming; he also didn't want his family to come to Hangzhou, "My brother has to raise pigs, so he's too busy." "He said that he actually didn't want his family to know what happened to him in Hangzhou. When the reporter asked why, he was silent again.

He learned from Kang Kang that his video had been watched by many people, but he didn't know much about netizens. What did you all say. He is very grateful for the support from netizens, but now he no longer accepts support.

netizens have funded him with a total of more than 10,000 yuan, and Shangguan Changjiang plans to save it. A few years ago, he used to be in his hometown Work in a factory, and the products of the factory are egg trays. "It costs about 200,000 yuan to buy equipment, and the factory can do it with five or six people. It's not difficult. I wish I could open a factory like this. He said, "Earn five or six thousand a month, one thousand for food, and three or four thousand a month." "Shangguan Changjiang said that it will take about 7 years, and when he is 55 years old, he may be able to realize this wish.

This is Shangguan Changjiang's current imagination of the future. He feels that he is still young, so he has not thought about pension issues. He I plan to do cleaning work for a few more months, "If someone gives me a job, I can't leave immediately. "After that, he plans to continue to look for familiar jobs, in factories or construction sites, to Hangzhou or Wenzhou, maybe even further away, as he said in the past, from one city to another until he has his own factory , and then back to his "home".

Red Star News Intern Reporter Chen Xinyi Reporter Lu Yanfei Intern Fu Bingjie

Editor Zhang Li Responsible Editing Feng Lingling

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