Death, torture, drugs, sex and ghosts | "White Deer Plain" Survival Guide, how many levels can you survive?

Shaanxi Renyi's drama "White Deer Plain" has been popular for three years, and it is getting more and more popular. This media unanimously praised by the seven-star "decade of conscience of drama" and "the masterpiece of Chinese drama", it has traveled to 50 theaters in 45 cities across the country, and brought nearly 400,000 viewers back to the barren, strong and treacherous area. And the heavy land. The original novel of

spans half a century, with a mighty 500,000 characters and over a hundred characters, such as the Mailang in the Guanzhong Plain, which is boundless. In drama performances, in addition to serious literary collisions, the original secrets and customs of Guanzhong, such as "Soaking Dates", "Seven Wives", "Ghost Possession", "Kneeling Ancestral Hall" and "Family Law" ...also aroused the audience. Lively discussion.

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Many viewers said-

"two hours is not addictive It’s time to perform for four hours, eight hours, and all aspects of the performance are "

" watching these original old Shaanxi dramas, and I don’t get bored of watching it for a day, the time is too short!"

"These actors are just like Bailuyuan. The creatures on the world feel like they have passed through!”

So, the editor had a whim,

If we really go back to the Bailu Plain 100 years ago,

will return to the land constrained by the clan and crushed by the times. ,

can we survive?

What kind of strange situation will we face?

Screenwriter teacher Meng Bing has long been "the devil is hidden in the details" , the real and cruel Bailuyuan has always been on the stage, hidden in the lines, covering every creature. Now, let the editor take you to follow these thoughtful and terrifying lines, travel back to the Bailuyuan 100 years ago, and explore

If you travel back to the Bailuyuan 100 years ago,

, as an ordinary old Shan,

, what should you do? live.

When you open your eyes, you become an ordinary citizen in Bailuyuan, Guanzhong. You remember the first sentence of the novel "White Deer Plain":


"Bai Jiaxuan later cited the heroic person who had married a seven-bedroom woman in his life."

But at this moment, you shouldn't think about the legendary life of "marrying a seven-bedroom woman", you should think about it, why doesn't a six-bedroom woman? As a modern science-speaking person, of course you know that this is definitely not Bai Jiaxuan's fault for "carrying a poisonous hook below" or "the ancestral grave was not buried".

Scientifically speaking, these six-room women are all who died of illness. The first term of

, too young, died of dystocia.

second term, tuberculosis, which is tuberculosis.

The third term, vomiting blood, was extremely weight loss, suspected of cancer.

Fourth term, wool boil, sudden stomach pain, blood clotting.

fifth term, epilepsy.

sixth term, heart failure caused by fright.

Maybe these diseases do not sound so common, but the reason that Bai Jiaxuan must continue to marry is a common disease. He is the only seedling of the Bai family. His mother gave birth to several children. Only one survived. The other children Most of the deaths were caused by "four or six winds" . This sounds very uncommon, but it is actually neonatal tetanus.

Without vaccines, without antibiotics, one tetanus can easily kill people. The citizens naturally attribute these uncontrollable and sudden deaths to the unpredictable power of gods and ghosts. And death is so frequent that everyone feels numb to death. The dead babies are buried in the cattle pens, their flesh and bones are corroded into dung, and they are watered into the ground together. The ground connects the blood of the living and the dead. Together.

This is Bailuyuan, one can die easilyThe place where it deserves the . Therefore, to live on Bailuyuan, it is not just "you have to hold a knife in your heart" as Bai Jiaxuan said, but more importantly, God bless you not to catch a cold and fever.

Okay, God bless you, you survive on the Bailu Plain in a healthy way, and then you have to consider 's rules for survival on the original .

violated the original rules, the consequences are quite serious.

In the process of creating "White Deer Plain", Mr. Chen Zhongshi discovered "Lv's Township Agreement" when he searched for information in Lantian County, Shaanxi, and integrated it into the novel. This folk law, born in the mid-North Song Dynasty, is the first township regulations and folk conventions in Chinese history. It restricts the behavior of people in the countryside. It is in charge of the patriarch and controls all aspects of your life, such as drinking and gambling, fighting, and spreading rumors. Defamation, uncivilized behavior, prostitutes smoking big cigarettes, disrespect for the old and caring for the young, disobedience to speak...

Once you offend, I'm sorry, you have to be taken to the ancestral hall. The patriarch gathers the clansmen over the age of 16 and listens to the report in front of the ancestor's tablet, then sends wax and incense, bows to the clansman three times, and recites the town you triggered. The terms of the agreement, and finally sentence you to punishment. Punishment is not just as simple as fines and kneeling, it will be "stabbed" by . In "Bai Lu Yuan," Bai Xiaowen was beaten by a stabbing brush because he had cheated on Tian Xiao'e, screaming after another. And the other "suspected" affair with Tian Xiaoe's dog egg was directly struck to death by the forty sting brush.

This is Bailuyuan. It has the same harsh laws in the harsh natural environment. Although the lifestyle advocated in the township agreement reflects Confucian ideals, it is a bloody torture system that allows the township agreement to continue and operate. Therefore, if you return to Bailuyuan, it is best to read the township agreement to save your life.

Finally, you who are healthy and abiding by the rules have grown up on Bailu Plain, and you have begun to think about how to make a fortune. At this time, you discovered that your beloved patriarch Bai Jiaxuan worked hard to get rich and the path to the local tyrants was drug trafficking .

The first act of the drama "White Deer Plain" is very delicate. The first act is Bai Jiaxuan "Feng Shui Land" , which not only explains the background of the two white deers, but also explains the legend of the white deer. The foreshadowing of the whole play. The second act of

is 20 years later, Baijia has developed . How did

develop? ——Bai Jiaxuan, who had lost his feng shui land and died of six wives, was finally immortal. The seventh wife, Immortal Grass, brought poppy seeds, which he bought heavily when his husband came to Hankou. The power of the

example is endless. Bai Jiaxuan has developed, "In three to five years, the plains on the Bailu Plain and the rivers under the Bailu Plain have become the kingdom of poppies."

In fact, Guanzhong has a long history of opium cultivation. Baoji, Yinxian, Zhouzhi, and Huxian are the central areas of tobacco growing in Shaanxi. There are more than 150,000 mu of land for opium cultivation.

Although the central government gradually promoted the ban on smoking, because the smoke soil was very profitable, it was also an important resource material for warlords in various regions. Some local governments even forced the people to plant it and levied taxes on the acre. With the "space tax", in some places where the opium trade is prosperous, the smoke soil also serves as the transaction currency, and everyone receives the salary directly.

But in Bailuyuan, , you can’t be addicted to it. In Bailuyuan, Bai Jiaxuan punished two smokers who had smoked bankruptcy. He stabbed a brush, burned his hands with boiling water, and took the stool as a "good medicine". He let the two smokers quit opium.

At this time, when you travel back to Bailuyuan, you have to face an important soul to ask: Are you going to grow opium with everyone and run for a well-off society, or will you be honestly poor according to the moral standards of modern people?

Now you are at a certain ageIn Bailuyuan, it is necessary to consider the problem of finding a target, but the matter of finding a target is fundamental, and there is a big difference between men and women.

Mr. Chen Zhongshi wrote in his writing notes: "A county chronicle with more than 20 volumes has four or five volumes, which are used to record the deeds or names of the virgin women since written records in this county... The first thing I feel is the most basic torture of the nature of a woman..."

Aside from the Bai Ling who died outside Bailuyuan, most women in the original have suffered the torture that Mr. Chen Zhongshi felt-

"Wife" Tian Xiaoe was stabbed to death by Lu San with a dart gun, and was burned to ashes and suppressed under the tower;

Lu Zhaopeng's wife, who had not seen her husband for a long time, was considered to be suffering from adultery and was sent away by a dose of medicine from her father. ;

Bai Xiaowen’s first daughter-in-law soon got married because of her husband’s intemperance and was humiliated by her elder slut, and finally starved to death at her husband’s house because of her husband’s affair... In the original work of

, there is a legend in the famine in Bailuyuan, a woman I heard that my parents-in-law and my husband were discussing killing myself to satisfy their hunger. Anyway, I survived the famine and could marry another house.

This is probably the epitome of the fate of women on the White Deer Plain- a property used to pass on the family line .

There is a more ironic story in Bailuyuan. Bai Jiaxuan’s youngest son Bai Xiaoyi has never had a future. Mr. Leng gave an idea to let his daughter-in-law attend the "Bandham Club". To put it bluntly, he took the opportunity to worship the temple fair. "Borrow seeds" with other healthy men. Although Bai Jiaxuan did not adopt this suggestion on the face of it, he privately arranged for the little daughter-in-law and the rabbit of Lu Sanjia to sleep in order to conceive the child. According to

, although is a heinous crime for women on the Bailu Plain, it is not a problem before the lineage is passed down.

While women are highly depressed, the men on Bailuyuan lead a completely different open life. Bai Jiaxuan’s seven-bedroom wife, Lu Zilin’s dozens of unclear godsons, Heiwa and Bai Xiaowen, although they were asleep for a while. The prostitute was not tolerated by the family, and turned around to marry a daughter-in-law that everyone can accept. The door of the clan ancestral hall was immediately opened for them again.

So, God bless you, travels back to the Bailuyuan you 100 years ago, but you must be a man, because the women on the Bailuyuan are too bitter.

Perhaps you are the luckiest cub on the Bailu Plain. You are healthy, observant, and cautious. Whether it is partisan disputes or the scourge of war, you can hide and hide, you can hide and hide, honestly be a little onlooker, no Like those in the original book, those influential figures make the tide, pit and kill each other.

However, there are always things you can't avoid in the original. Such as plague, such as severe drought. How are these usually solved? —— worship God and exorcise ghosts .

Yes, living in Bailuyuan, there is another important lesson you have to learn, that is, how to deal with ghosts and gods. The unbearable pain of fate was attributed to ghosts and gods by the living people, and 10,000 ways to exorcise ghosts and gods were invented.

The bones of the dead adulteress have been plagued and will be burned to death, and Getta suppressed;

, the woman forced to die, will be sharpened and nailed into the palms of the palms;

needs body to avoid the ghost possession of the dead woman Wear a red cloth to ward off evil spirits;

To keep the child alive, you need to wrap the reins around the palm of the bodhisattva for three turns and then wrap it around your neck;


These rituals sound pretty easy to perform, but there are deadly exorcists. God-inviting ceremonies, such as the traditional cut horse horns in Guanzhong to ask for rain .

All men over the age of twelve must kneel on the temple grounds. The selected men take turns to play, holding the yellow paper in their hands, and then grab the red iron. After the yellow paper is burned, Then pass the red steel drill from the left cheek to the right cheek, the flesh is burnt, please God's upper body. This ritual will be tried one by one until thatA person possessed by the "Black Crow". "Grab the iron, insert the steel rod" means to be tortured for the people, in order to pray for God's mercy, and to give rain early. Only by withstanding the test of such torture can we complete the great cause of asking God for rain.

In the White Deer Plain, Bai Jiaxuan is the one who finally realized the piercing of flesh and flesh and the upper body of God.

Therefore, familiar with how to have a dialogue with ghosts and gods, although it does not help to solve the problem, it can help you better integrate into the life of Bailuyuan, and find the spiritual sustenance of facing natural disasters with the people around you.

Looking back on this journey through, the editor can only say that it was too difficult for to survive and live in Bailuyuan 100 years ago.

Today, we sit in the audience and watch the actors on the stage perform the desires, ideals, stupidity, and absurdity of more than a century ago. This is the life our ancestors once had. They are burdened by the shackles of a thousand-year-old clan, and they are also facing a major change that has not been seen in a thousand years. Diseases, plagues, droughts, famines, revolutions, wars... Personal desires and ideals whizzed past, countless people were run over, no bones left, no traces of investigation.

Fortunately, we still have words, a writer's pen, a stage and more than 100 pure Shaanxi actors. Every Bai Jiaxuan, every Lu Zilin, every Tian Xiaoe, every Bai Ling, every black baby, every Bai Xiaowen, every Lu San, every Zhu Sir, there are countless other people who have ever existed, and they all return to their hometowns.

No matter how cruel, sad, and unbearable our past is to read, we must face it. Only in this way can we recognize ourselves and move on.

In 2019, the Shaanxi People’s Art version of the drama "White Deer Plain"

This is a journey of return through 100 years

This is also a road of courage leading to the secret of the national soul