In January 2023, there will be three major changes in pension, medical insurance, and unemployment insurance, and some unemployed people will increase their money again

Some insureds should pay attention. Starting from January 2023, your pension, medical insurance and unemployment insurance will have the following 3 changes, which are related to vital interests such as payment, treatment enjoyment and money increase. I don’t know yet Hurry up and collect it, remember to forward it to relatives and friends, remind everyone not to miss it, or you may lose your own benefits:

First, the resident pension insurance payment standard has been raised

This year, Jinan City has raised the basic pension standard for residents, from 160 per month Yuan, an increase of 10 yuan, after the adjustment, now everyone's monthly standard is 170 yuan. At the same time as the basic pension increases, from next year, some of the standards for residents' pension insurance premiums will also be raised. So what are the differences from the standards implemented before December 31, 2022? First of all, lower the minimum payment level to 100 yuan , but this is only the lowest choice for groups with difficulty paying fees such as severe disabilities , but compared with the previous minimum payment of 300 yuan, it can reduce the payment difficulty of 200 yuan . Secondly, the original minimum payment standard of 300 yuan will be regarded as the second level from next year, but unlike 2022 and previous years, the annual payment will be increased to 350 yuan, which is an increase of 50 yuan compared with the original payment standard. Yuan. Finally, the overall payment level has been reduced from the original 11 levels to 8 . Because the more you pay for the pension, the more you get for the resident pension, the higher the level of payment, the more the subsidy. From January onwards, the highest level of payment is not 5,000 yuan instead of 8,000 yuan. At the same time, the annual government subsidy is 120 yuan. Urban and rural residents will receive more income after retirement in the future.

Second, the payment deadline for resident medical insurance is

. Resident medical insurance is different from employee medical insurance. It is paid once a year. Only non-retired urban and rural residents, even retired old people, still need to pay premiums, because residents' medical insurance does not have the lifelong benefits of employee medical insurance, and they do not need to pay after a certain number of years of retirement. This year, the payment time for medical insurance for residents in many places is concentrated from September to December. Some cities will end the collection of medical insurance in 2023 on December 31. The deadline is on March 31. Overdue, you will lose the reimbursement treatment for medical insurance purchases and medical treatment in 2023. If you meet the payment within the specified time, this year's Jiangmen residents' medical insurance payment standard is 406 yuan a year. Before December 31, 2023, you can enjoy medical insurance reimbursement benefits. Those who have not paid should seize the last time. Otherwise, no matter how much money you spend, you can only pay for it yourself, and the family's financial pressure will be great.

Third, the unemployment insurance benefits have been raised

now that the economy is unstable and is recovering. They belong to the unemployed group and have no income for a short time. Unemployment insurance benefits can be claimed as long as they meet the requirements of paying unemployment insurance for one year or more, resigning without their own will, and willing to apply for a job. Moreover, this income is not fixed, because the unemployment insurance benefits are linked to the minimum wage. After the minimum wage is raised, the unemployment insurance benefits will also increase; another situation is Shanxi Province, which I want to mention here. It has been made clear this year that starting from January 2023, the percentage of unemployment insurance benefits to the minimum wage will be increased from the original 85% to 90%. Special attention must be paid to , 90% does not mean the minimum wage for each level 90%, but 90% of the highest-grade minimum wage. After adjustment, starting from January 2023, based on the current minimum wage of 1880 yuan, the unemployment insurance benefits for the unemployed will reach 1692 yuan per month, compared with the original The level has risen by 94 yuan.

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