Looking at the entertainment industry through Li Yifeng

star Li Yifeng , who was clamoring to refute rumors a few days ago, has only confirmed his "corruption" by his conduct overnight!

Li, who is a top entertainer and an idol of thousands of young people, dares to risk the world's disdain to do such a depraved thing, which is really surprising!

What I want to say is: if you spend a year in the entertainment industry, you will earn more than the average person earns a lifetime of hard work! In fact, all your money and so-called status are obtained with the support of the common people!

You don't think about giving back to the society with money, but you only want to enjoy yourself, and you completely forget your duty! Now that you're notorious, isn't it your fault?

Do we also need to reflect? Is it true that we hold these so-called "stars" in the entertainment industry too high on weekdays? How about making it easy for him or her to obtain wealth that ordinary people can't get through their hard work in a lifetime?

Their bodyguards accompany them, they are arrogant, they spend all over the world!

Even, there are not a few people who change nationality!

it's time to get rid of them!

took a look at the entire entertainment industry through Li Yifeng. In fact, this is what it looks like:

is a feast for the eyes and a drunkard, and it is very likely that most of the so-called "idol stars" are living in a real state of being.

confirmed the real hammer!