Passionate Years Episode 27

Chenggle’s son Batu burst into tears at his father’s tombstone, and solemnly promised to take over his father’s career and continue to protect the nuclear industry and scientists. Yang Jiarong's research work was affirmed by her superiors, and tears filled her eyes. The special train carrying 596 by

was moving forward in the squally wind and night. Everyone in the car saw that there were street lights on the Gobi Desert. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that it was the soldiers who tied themselves to wooden poles and held the signal lights to escort the train. At the western base of

, Huang Kaihua arrived at the railway station to meet him, only to find that his ex-wife, son, and Jiang Shuining had come by the same train. At

Lop Nur base, when the staff reported various preparations, Wang Huaimin pointed out that there were still problems in the nuclear explosion test. Under the explosion tower, Wang Huaimin, who found that the bunker was not in the right position, spoke angrily, but found that it was Yang Jiarong who arranged the bunker. After being persuaded by Yang Jiarong's data and calculation methods, the two sat side by side on the Gobi Desert, full of hope for the future. Zhong Xin received a new task-to become the initiator of 596.