"The Climber" premiered. Fortunately, the word of mouth has not overturned. Congratulations to Wu Jing for adding another 10 billion box office

In recent years, Wu Jing's popularity as a director and actor has remained high.

"Wolf Warrior 2" still won the box office of 5.6 billion in the voice of personal heroism, becoming the first box office of Chinese film history.

"The Wandering Earth" followed closely, with a box office of 4.6 billion.

With only two movies, Wu Jing successfully entered the tens of billions club.

The commendable thing is that Wu Jing never has his own money. After the military theme became popular, he went to participate in science fiction movies. After science fiction movies became popular, he took up mountaineering themes.

"The Climber" is the subject of a mountain adventure that is rarely tried in Chinese movies, and it truly reproduces the experience of the Chinese team climbing Mount Everest.

However, the accumulated doubts from "Wolf Warriors 2" have been grafted onto "The Climber" this time. A month ago, "The Climber" had not yet been finalized, and a certain platform had gathered more than 5,000 negative reviews.

Most of them are worried about "The Climber" because "Wolf Warriors 2" is too personal heroism and low artistic value.

Yesterday, the film "The Climber" was premiered in Beijing, and film activities in various regions have also started. That is to say, some people have already watched the movie in advance, and the word of mouth has already begun to see how it is.

Let’s take a look at their real-time feedback, and the editor found a few Weibo that revealed more information.

First of all, the trailers of "The Climber" that everyone is seeing are actually only a small part, and more "Hundred Turns and Thousands" are included in the main film. The process is thrilling and the scene is shocking, there is no doubt.

As for the concerns that everyone is too individualistic and too vain, this friend also mentioned it. He described it as "It's not enough to talk about the ordinary or the great, the passion or the truth. The meaning of the movie is to keep the image forever." In the words of

, ​​this movie did not disappoint, and it greatly restored the original The true situation.

the other said more directly. This movie has a story for everyone, everyone is the protagonist and hero, not a one-man show. The emotional line in the

spoiler is also not offensive. The team members whose lives came to an abrupt end for the country and their teammates, and the girl they like farewell, and the love that has not been declared in the mouth is in line with the background of that era.

It seems that the plot of the movie is not only exciting and shocking, but also very full and full.

"The Climber" had a good first-day pre-sale results. It ranked second in the fierce competition of various blockbusters, with a box office of 70 million and an attendance rate of 11%, second only to "My Motherland and Me". It's normal for

to lose to "My Motherland and Me", because the film has a lot of big names, and it is being promoted from CCTV news to various media, which is much stronger than "The Climber".

Wu Jing is also very open to the box office. A reporter once asked him what to do if he is strong at the box office?

Wu Jing’s answer is the same as he said when "The Wandering Earth" was released, "I have won a process, a new type, no one has done it, this kind of experience is only a few people have, this is the greatest wealth." When filming "The Wandering Earth", Wu Jing said the same thing as

. "Even if the film is bad, it is better than no one. In fact, we have succeeded. Because 7,000 people have participated in the production of this film. In the future, these 7,000 people will be the seeds of Chinese science fiction movies."

Wu Jing's mentality It's really admirable. The film needs exactly this kind of person. Regardless of whether "Climber" is the next "Wandering Earth", Wu Jing's tens of billions of box office will have to be added.