Great Expectations Episode 17 Plot Introduction

Great Expectations Episode 17 Plot Introduction

   Zhang Wanlin forced Qi Lin to betray Hong Sanyuan, Lu Lingchun's whereabouts leaked and was brutally killed

The richest man in Shanghai came to the house. Red Sunflower, fearing that he would be underestimated by others, deliberately put on all the accessories that Yu Mengzhu bought for her in the mall that day, dressed up to entertain Yu Hangxing, but Yu Hangxing But she didn't pay attention to her at all. Hearing that her daughter, who had never touched Yang Chunshui from a young age, even started cooking here. Yu Hangxing was very surprised and asked to try her craft. Yu Mengzhu took the red sunflower to the kitchen to cook wontons.

Even though the red sunflower saw Yu Hangxing is not young, he still has the same style, handsome, and can't help but move his heart. He tells Yu Mengzhu without any secret that he wants to be her stepmother. Yu Mengzhu is very embarrassed when he hears that. How to answer, I had to say that I had to ask my father about this. For a while, Red Sunflower and Guaye went in and out, and they were fighting fiercely. Guaye had already regarded her as his wife in his heart. After he entered the door, he heard what Red Sunflower said. He couldn't help feeling jealous when he saw that she had changed so much. Tossed, threw the rice bowl heavily on the stove, turned around and went out.

   Lin Yiyi felt angry in front of the red sunflower, so he went to the kitchen to boil the wontons he wrapped while there was no one. He deliberately put a lot of salt and pepper in it and gave it to Hong Sanyuan to eat. Hong Sanyuan almost choked his eyes on the salty and spicy wonton, but Lin Yiyi reluctantly forced him to eat the whole bowl. Seeing Hong Sanyuan frowning and squeezing tears in embarrassment, Lin Yiyi felt a sigh of anger.

   It is the first time that Yu Hangxing ate something made by his own daughter, who had been a princess for more than 20 years, but at this time, he couldn't help feeling mixed. Yu Hangxing knew that her daughter was determined to associate with Hong Sanyuan. She was afraid that the more she blocked her, the more she would resist, so she had to change her strategy. He said to Hong Sanyuan very seriously that the family background of their two families is too far apart, and he still looks down upon him now, hoping that one day he can use his efforts to impress himself, otherwise, even if he married his own daughter, he would only Being ridiculed by climbing dragon and phoenix. After that, Yu Hangxing earnestly exhorted Yu Mengzhu that love is not a child’s play, you must know people with your eyes, or you will regret it for life, Hong Sanyuan and Yu Mengzhu solemnly nodded their heads.

Qi Lin was caught in front of Zhang Wanlin with a headgear. Zhang Wanlin first comforted Qi Lin with a kind words, saying that he had his own demeanor of the year, showing that he was willing to accept him as a sect, then the conversation changed, and he said that if he is not confused Out of a personal appearance, he can only be Hong Sanyuan's little follower, and the woman he likes will never get. Zhang Wanlin crosses Shanghai on the beach, what kind of person has he not seen? He is used to observing words and expressions and trying to figure out people's hearts. Seeing that Qi Lin has been aroused by jealousy and fighting, he proposed to let him follow Hong Sanyuan secretly and look for Lu Lingchun's whereabouts. . Qi Lin was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged Zhang Wanlin to let him go. Although he also wanted to seek a great future for himself, he did not want to betray his brother. Zhang Wanlin threatened Hong Sanyuan’s life again, saying that he would not have sex. When Lingchun appeared, Hong Sanyuan had to die, and Qi Lin was in a dilemma.

   After thinking twice, Qi Lin finally chose to obey Zhang Wanlin for the sake of his own career, and to keep Hong Sanyuan. That night, while Qi Lin fell asleep, Hong Sanyuan quietly got up and took two bottles of rice wine and roast chicken, went to the Xueji cheongsam shop, gave it to Xue Er from the window, and told him to tell himself if he needed anything. Xue Er is extremely grateful to Hong Sanyuan. Hong Sanyuan thought he was doing something unconsciously, but he didn't know Qi Lin was trailing behind him and saw all this in his eyes.

   The next day, Zhang Wanlin got a clue from Qi Lin, so he broke in with someone and broke into the secret room of Xue Ji's cheongsam shop. Xue Er and Lu Lingchun were so scared, Lu Lingchun knelt on the ground and asked Zhang Wanlin to give herself a chance to see Huo Tianhong. Zhang Wanlin was a cruel character, how could she be moved by a few pleadings? He immediately strangled the two without mercy.

After   , Huo Tianhong summoned Hong Sanyuan to the Huo Mansion. Seeing that Qi Lin was also there, Hong Sanyuan subconsciously felt that something was wrong. When he arrived in the hall, he saw two human-shaped bulges under the white cloth sheet on the ground, and he played the drum even more. When Huo Tianhong tells it personally, QiLin provided clues to help find Lu Lingchun. Now that the two of them have committed suicide in fear of sin, Hong Sanyuan's heart has completely sunk into the abyss. Shaking his hands, he uncovered the white sheet on the ground. Seeing the tragic faces of Lu Lingchun and Xue Er, he suddenly surged in blood and slumped on the ground and retched.

   Huo Tianhong knew that Hong Sanyuan knew not to report, but did not show his composure. He calmly asked him to go to the police station to make a statement, implying that he should speak his own way. At this point, Hong Sanyuan had to agree. Zhang Wanlin proposed to reward Qi Lin and asked him what he wanted. Qi Lin stood up and said categorically that he wanted to follow Zhang Wanlin, and Zhang Wanlin agreed. At this time, Lu Yusheng got up and helped Hong Sanyuan, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, to express that he had the merits of retrieving the Qingzhen iron scroll and deserved a reward. He also offered to accept Hong Sanyuan as his subordinate. Naturally, Hong Sanyuan had nothing but Huo Tianhong didn't object to the promise, and sent Hong Sanyuan and Qi Lin blankly.

Zhang Wanlin saw that Lu Yusheng’s move was obviously to save Hong Sanyuan’s life. He didn’t understand why Lu Yusheng did it. Lu Yusheng said calmly that Hong Sanyuan escorted the goods to lower Qin Hu and remove Qin Leopard. You are courageous and witty, you have won the double spring meeting. It is for the sake of tactics. Before encountering Shen Qingshan to buy it and not being tempted, it is for loyalty, knowing that Lingchun's traces have not been reported, it is for righteousness. The brave, loyal and righteous person must of course protect him. Of course, there is another most important reason why Lu Yusheng appreciates Hong Sanyuan, and that is his other identity-Yu Hangxing's prospective son-in-law. Yongxin will go on the right path in the future and will need a lot of capital turnover. The future of this Hong Sanyuan is promising and the future is unlimited. Huo Tianhong couldn’t help laughing after hearing what Lu Yusheng said. He heard from these words that Lu Yusheng seemed to regard Hong Sanyuan as the fourth head of Yongxin in the future, but Zhang Wanlin disapproved it very much. He offered to gamble with Lu Yusheng. To bet on whether Hong Sanyuan or Qi Lin has a better future, Lu Yucheng agreed with a smile, and Huo Tianhong also came to be interested, saying that he would testify to the two and let them teach their skills to each other, and see Hong Sanyuan and Qi Lin is lighter and heavier.

   Hong Sanyuan left the Huo Mansion without saying a word. No matter what Qi Lin explained along the way, Hong Sanyuan ignored him. Returning to the Da Zayuan, Hong Sanyuan plugged in the door and beat Qi Lin with three punches. Red Sunflower and others hurriedly moved forward and opened the two of them. With red eyes, Hong Sanyuan asked Qi Lin why he wanted to betray Lu Lingchun, which caused their deaths in Huangquan. Qi Lin was also irritated by the beating. He pointed to Hong Sanyuan’s nose and yelled, saying that if it weren’t for him, Whatever heroes play to save the United States will not attract Wang Yuqiao, nor will all the following things happen, and Lu Lingchun and Xue Er will not die. Hong Sanyuan was speechless when he heard these words, he turned around and entered the room and closed the door.

   Qi Lin's words made Hong Sanyuan feel guilty, and he couldn't recover for a few days. He was deeply regretful, depressed and listless all day long. Yu Mengzhu knew the cause and effect from Qi Lin’s words, so he persuaded Hong Sanyuan. If he hadn’t come up with the idea of ​​a double spring meeting, Lu Lingchun would not spend this complete sweet time with her sweetheart. , Xu Guoliang would not be assassinated, and Xu Guoliang would sacrifice more revolutionaries if he did not die, and he would not know himself. After hearing this, Hong Sanyuan no longer blamed himself.

   Lin Yiyi knew that Qi Lin was not feeling well at this time, so he came to comfort him and asked him not to blame Hong Sanyuan, after all, these are three lives. Qi Lin felt even more uncomfortable when he heard this. The only person who wanted to comfort him was for Hong Sanyuan, which made the fire of jealousy in his heart more intense. Both of them knew that the one they loved in each other's heart was also the one that could not be loved. At this time, there was some pity for the same disease. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To