Dahua Matchmaker Episode 31-32 Plot Introduction

Dahua Matchmaker Episode 31 Plot Introduction

   Yan's father announced that Yan Feng and Xiaoxiao were engaged, Gao Wenbo was trapped by love

   Du Xiaoxiao, accompanied by Yan Feng, attended his father’s birthday party. Both mothers were tasting fine wines, suggesting that their daughter Du Xiaoxiao and Yan Feng must get married.

   Yan's father came to the stage to express his birthday speech and announced on the spot that his son Yan Feng and Du Xiaoxiao were officially engaged. Du Xiaoxiao didn't expect Yan's father to announce the marriage on his own initiative, and was suddenly frightened and angry. Many guests booed with the mentality of watching the excitement and urged Yan Feng to kiss Du Xiaoxiao. Yan Feng knew that he could not provoke Xiao Xiao, so he had to deal with the guests with a smile on his face and proposed to kiss Du Xiaoxiao in private.

   The person Du Xiaoxiao likes is Gao Wenbo, and he never thought of marrying into Yan's family. Gao's mother reluctantly persuaded Du Xiaoxiao to give up falling in love with Gao Wenbo. Luo Xiaoshan is likely to be unable to walk anymore after being injured. Gao Wenbo must bear the responsibility of taking care of Luo Xiaoshan. Gao's mother also had nothing to do with this. She did not want her son Gao Wenbo to be dragged down by Luo Xiaoshan for a lifetime, but from a moral point of view, she had to support her son Gao Wenbo to take care of Luo Xiaoshan.

   Du Xiaoxiao attended Yan's father’s birthday party and returned the clothes he wore to Yan Feng. It turned out that Yan Feng gave Du Xiaoxiao the clothes to wear. Du Xiaoxiao didn’t want to owe Yan Feng too much and was unwilling to accept it. Luxury clothes from Xia Yanfeng.

   Du Xiaoxiao went to the hospital to visit Luo Xiaoshan. She happened to see Luo Xiaoshan reaching out for the phone beside the bed with difficulty. Since the injury, Luo Xiaoshan can only move her upper body, and her lower body has lost consciousness.

   Du Xiaoxiao kindly picked up the phone and handed it to Luo Xiaoshan. Her arrival attracted Luo Xiaoshan’s dissatisfaction. Luo Xiaoshan believed that all her injuries were caused by Du Xiaoxiao. At the beginning, Xiaoxiao didn’t call Gao Wenbo who was driving, but Luo Xiaoshan didn’t. Will get hurt.

   Luo Xiaoshan is worried that she will be left unattended for the rest of her life, and claims that she is already Gao Wenbo's woman, and that Du Xiaoxiao is not allowed to have emotional entanglements with Gao Wenbo anymore.

   Du Xiaoxiao left the ward in confusion and was taken to the side of the aisle by Gao Wenbo. Although Du Xiaoxiao sympathized with Luo Xiaoshan, she did not approve of Gao Wenbo paying for Luo Xiaoshan's later life. She believes that Bai Lisha is arranging Gao Wenbo.

   Gao Wenbo worried that Du Xiaoxiao's coming to the hospital would affect Luo Xiaoshan's recovery. He anxiously asked Du Xiaoxiao to come to the hospital less in the future. In the process of speaking, he gradually approached Du Xiaoxiao and couldn't help but want to kiss her.

   Gao's mother suddenly passed by the aisle. He said that his son Gao Wenbo had intimacy with the opposite sex in a public place. Gao Wenbo looked embarrassed and left Du Xiaoxiao and followed his mother into the office.

   Gao Mu took out the cooked food, put it in front of Gao Wenbo, and persuaded Gao Wenbo not to be overwhelmed by love. Gao Wenbo was distressed about how to deal with the relationship with Luo Xiaoshan. His mother's comfort did not help but made him frown.

The Matchmaker Episode 32 Plot Introduction

   Tang Tang instructs Yan Feng to pursue Xiaoxiao Gao's mother arranges a nurse to take care of Xiaoshan

   Gao's mother hoped that Gao Wenbo's relationship with Du Xiaoxiao would end. In order to prove that Du Xiaoxiao was married to Yan Feng, Gao's mother took out her mobile phone to play the scene of Yan's father's birthday. During his birthday, Yan's father announced that his son Yan Feng and Du Xiaoxiao were engaged. After watching the video content, Gao Wenbo looked incredible.

   Luo Xiaoshan is the cousin of Bai Lisha, a senior VIP client of the dating agency. Tang Tang reminded Ding Haiyang not to mention Luo Xiaoshan's injury and hospitalization in the company. If it is known to Mr. Wu, Ding Haiyang is likely to be punished by Mr. Wu.

   Du Xiaoxiao and Tang Tang once again introduced an object to Hao Liqiang. This object had a very speculative conversation with Hao Liqiang, but Hao Liqiang turned away absent-mindedly, ignoring the object who followed him closely. Du Xiaoxiao and Tang Tang were very happy. They felt that the blind date arranged by Hao Liqiang was a bastard looking mung bean-they looked right.

   Yan Feng and Tang Tang ate together in the restaurant. Tang Tang never expressed love to Yan Feng. Although she loved Yan Feng, she supported Yan Feng in pursuing Du Xiaoxiao. Yan Feng was worrying about how to get the heart of Du Xiaoxiao. Tang Tang reminded Yan Feng that he should keep a proper distance from Du Xiaoxiao. There is an old saying that “distance produces beauty”. As long as Yan Feng no longer sticks to Du Xiaoxiao every day, Tang Tang feels that Yan Feng will be able to catch up with Du Xiaoxiao.

   Gao Wenbo uses it every day after get off workTaking care of Luo Xiaoshan in her free time, Gao's mother disagrees that Gao Wenbo spends a lot of time on Luo Xiaoshan. She came to the front desk and told the nurse to find a caregiver for Luo Xiaoshan.

   The entire hospital staff knows that Luo Xiaoshan is only willing to be taken care of by Gao Wenbo. If the hospital changes nurses to take care of Luo Xiaoshan, it is likely that Luo Xiaoshan will be emotionally unstable.

   In order to help her son Gao Wenbo get away, Gao's mother deliberately mentioned that Gao Wenbo is also a doctor in front of the nurse at the front desk. There are a large number of patients in the hospital who need treatment every day. If Luo Xiaoshan really loves Gao Wenbo, she should allow Gao Wenbo to focus on work. Instead of taking care of her endlessly.


   hospital arranged for a nurse to deliver porridge to Luo Xiaoshan. When Luo Xiaoshan saw that the person sending the porridge was not Gao Wenbo, she suddenly became unhappy and ordered the nurse to leave.

   Du Xiaoxiao came to the hospital to visit Luo Xiaoshan. She carried a pot of chicken soup and wanted to make up for Luo Xiaoshan. Seeing that Du Xiaoxiao was here, Luo Xiaoshan hurriedly assumed a pitiful appearance, begging Du Xiaoxiao to promise on the spot that he would no longer have emotional entanglements with Gao Wenbo.

   Although Du Xiaoxiao sympathizes with Luo Xiaoshan, her thinking is not ignorant, and she can distinguish right from wrong. Although Gao Wenbo injured Luo Xiaoshan in a car accident, Du Xiaoxiao felt that Gao Wenbo did not need to take care of Luo Xiaoshan for a lifetime.

   Luo Xiaoshan saw that Du Xiaoxiao was unwilling to sever ties with Gao Wenbo, and immediately scolded Du Xiaoxiao and left. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To