"Mysterious White Camel Adventure" came to a successful conclusion in Karamay, the poster showed the appearance of the western camel road

film party officially exposed three pilot posters and plot posters, of which the pilot poster is the main color of the light blue girl standing in the devil city. On the precipice, with arms outstretched facing the blue lake, the charm of nature and the indulgence of indulgence rush toward you, making people feel the urge to "take a backpack and travel immediately". The girl Qingqing in the poster is actually terminally ill. This is the last spiritual journey in her life. The plot version of the poster is a group of little Buick and Qingqing leading the white camel on different landforms. The pictures are warm and timeless and memorable. UTV racing team

during training. Camels may be the most human and spiritual animal. Although the filming of the film interfered with the normal breastfeeding of the camels, the legendary camel kicked people (it is said that the hooves can kick dead wolves). It never happened. Only once was she spitting on her face because of the field affairs pushing the she camel into place. Someone told him that she would have a pocky face when the camel spit out. The crew's awe of the camel has also received the full cooperation of the human camel. The human camel collaboration successfully completed the high-quality shooting, and it can be said that the camel of nearly Qianfeng has contributed a lot.

Little Buick and Qingqing who encountered wolves

"Mysterious White Camel Adventure" is produced by Xinjiang Wangyuan Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd., Song of Dalu (Guangdong) Film Media Co., Ltd., Urumqi Light and Shadow Mofang Culture Media Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Guangying Qi Produced jointly by Yue Culture Media Co., Ltd., screenwriter Wei Ziyi and Huang Jihong, co-screenwriter Mireguli Jalken, and director Guo Hua. In October 2019, "Mysterious White Camel Adventure" invites you to walk along the Silk Road Camel Road, warm pursuit, and move forward for love.

( this article picture photography Wang Jingtao )