Introduction to Episode 69-70 of Mi Yue Chuan

Legend of Miyue Episode 69 Plot Introduction

   In order to appease the nations, the marriage of the cemetery

  Miyue first summoned Su Qin, the envoy of King Yan, and Su Qin walked quickly into the hall. Miyue let Su Qinci sit on the left and right. Su Qin was about to sit, Miyue said again, asking Mr. Su to sit down. Su Qin was moved all of a sudden. Empress Dowager Miyue asked herself to sit next to her. This move was undoubtedly an expression of being closer than other countries.

   When she was hostage in the country of Yan, Miyue suffered a lot of hardships. Fortunately, she got the selfless help of Su Qin and was able to overcome the difficulties. Only then can she and Yingji be today. Therefore, Miyue expressed her deep gratitude to Su Qin, and Miyue also knew that Yan State had been at odds with Qi State, and Qi State once wanted to annex the weak Yan State, so Miyue prescribed the right medicine and promised Su Qin to treat Daqin political situation. Stable, as long as she is Miyue sitting in this court, she will definitely help Yan get together. After hearing this, Su Qin was very moved and promised to immediately withdraw his troops back to Yan.

Then Miyue summoned the envoy of Chu State Jin Shang. Jin Shang met Su Qin before entering the hall. He quietly asked Su Qin how the situation was. Su Qin said that Qin’s civil strife has now been eliminated, and Miyue’s mother and son have successfully ascended the throne. The Qin State was calm and the waves were calm, and he no longer led his troops on the border of Qin State to protect them, so he planned to withdraw his troops back to Yan State. Jin Shang bid farewell to Su Qin and entered the hall. As soon as Mi Yue saw him, his attitude was very warm, saying that he was his maiden family, and he was also given a seat. Jin Shang was flattered, thinking that when he was in Chu country, Jin Shang was not optimistic about Mi Yue, who was still young at the time. Unexpectedly, a little daughter of the day became the queen mother of power in Qin country, and she treated him this way. Respectfully.

  Miyue knew that Jin Shang was a greedy person, so she immediately asked her attendants to give Jin Shang a lot of money. Jin Shang was overjoyed and proposed that Qin and Chu be married, and made a territorial claim to Mi Yue. Miyue immediately agreed to send Shangyongcheng as the dowry of Princess Qin to Chu, and asked Qin Wang Yingji to also marry a princess of Chu, and let Chu Huai on the grounds that she and her son were in need of support from her mother’s family. Wang sent his younger brother Mi Rong to Qin to help her, and then Jin Shang was sent off.

   The practice of compensation for the cemetery of the moon caused dissatisfaction among some courtiers, and the opinions were divided and unanimous. Gan Mao took the opportunity to force Miyue to retreat to the inner palace, asking her to pay back her son, Yingji. Miyue fought against her and ordered him to be expelled from the court.

   After that, Gan Mao asked to see Ji Liji, saying that he was sure to persuade the princes to surrender, the method was to stop the New Deal, restore the old law, and win the princes through the enfeoffment. This proposal was resolutely opposed by Qi Liji, and Gan Mao left with hatred and refused to go to court. So Mi Yue dismissed the officials who had taken leave under the pretext of embarrassment, so that they would never have to go to court.

Miyue Biography Episode 70 Plot Introduction

  Miyue and Zhai Li are extremely close, Ying Ji is angry and hurt Zhai Li with a sword

One day, King Qin Yingji heard two attendants cleaning in the yard discussing the relationship between the queen mother and King Yiqu in private. He became furious, and the attendant must drink all the water in the bucket used to wash the floor. . Then he used the sword to provoke King Yiqu, holding the sword in front of the bedroom door of the mother's queen, preventing King Yiqu from entering. King Yiqu didn't see the child in his eyes at all, he joked and rushed in, winning Ji anxiously, and directly hit the face with a sword. Fortunately, King Yiqu flashed quickly and the sword pierced his arm. King Yiqu was so angry that he turned around and left, but the movement outside the door was so loud that it disturbed Mi Yue who had been in the sleeping hall.

  Miyue went out to see this scene, there was a fire in her heart, and she immediately ordered Yingji to return to the room to face the wall and think about it, and she was not allowed to take a step without her permission. She herself hurried to catch up with King Yiqu. King Yiqu said that he was going back to the grassland because Miyue’s son would not tolerate him and wanted him to die. Miyue comforted him. Yingji was still a child. He should not care about a child.

   Under Miyue’s kind words, the unhappiness of King Yiqu disappeared in no time. He saw that there was no one quiet in the garden, and immediately hugged Mi Yue again. The two of them were looking at me, but there were many masked soldiers buried in the woods not far from the garden. The assassin faced Mi Yue’s back with a sword. King Yiqu’s eyes were quick and he used his body to block an arrow for Mi Yue. His body was lost immediately. When Mi Yue saw it, Musin immediately brought people over and was scared away. This group of masked people. But King Yiqu was seriously injured and moved into Mi Yue's bedroom.

  After Ying Ji learned of this situation, he was furious. He didn't understand why his mother did this. Some people in the palace made irresponsible remarks all day long.

  The assassin who was assassinated has been arrested and is a group of soldiers of the Forbidden Army. Miyue also found out that Mishu and Yinghua were behind the assassination. Miyue ordered the forbidden army soldiers from Xianyang to be summoned to admonish in front of the palace hall. She released the assassins in public, and promised in front of all the forbidden soldiers that the old system would be completely overthrown. Anyone who violated the Qin law would be punished. Anyone who was brave in combat would surely be rewarded and rewarded according to the system. The soldiers were all inspired by Mi Yue's heart-to-heart and impassioned words, and the masked men headed by Meng Yu asked to go to the battlefield to succumb.

   Gan Mao, who was not re-used by the Queen Mother Mi Yuexuan, fled to Yongcheng and went to Mi Shu, Ying Hua and others.

  Miyue also took the initiative to send Wei Yan to Yongcheng to persuade Yinghua to disband the rebels and return to the court. However, Yinghua said that Mi Shu promised to let him be the King of Qin, and now there is no way to turn his head back. Only by attacking Xianyang is the only way out. Wei Yan comforted him, no matter what decision he made, his mother would support him.

  Miyue ordered Sima Co to lead troops south to quell the Bashu Rebellion, while Bai Qi and Wei Ran here led troops to encircle the small group of scattered soldiers who gathered in the chaos to ensure that there is nothing wrong within a hundred miles of Xianyang. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To