Miyuezhuan Episode 57-58 Plot Introduction

Miyue Biography Episode 57 Plot Introduction

   Clothes were burned and property was stolen Miyue drifted down the streets of Yanguo

The room where Miyue lived was burnt in a mess. When everyone was counting the burnt objects, Miyue suddenly found that the box containing the money and jewels was missing. After asking her handmaid Xianger and Huier about the fire last night, she suddenly discovered Understand that someone deliberately set fire and stole all their belongings in order to cut off their life.

  Miyue’s room was burned down, so people can no longer live in, and there is no extra money to live in a better room. Miyue and Yingji had to live in Xianger and Hui’er’s room. The shabby house was breezy on all sides, dilapidated and cold. Xiang'er and Hui'er ran to find Han Wu, only to learn that he had taken the money and had already slipped away.

Han Wu ran away, but a new post-cheng Zhao Chen came. At first, Xiang'er was very happy, thinking that there was a savior, and told him that Miyue’s house was burned out, so he made do with their maids in the past two days. Together, ask him to help arrange a better room. Unexpectedly, the new post Cheng Zhaochen, not only did not help Mi Yue settle the house, but instead questioned Xiang'er, the room burned down, how to compensate for this loss. Xianger was not convinced, saying that Han Wu wanted to steal their jewelry box and deliberately set fire to the room. Now the property has been stolen and people are gone. However, Zhao Chen said that they had deliberately set fire to the room and slandered others. They all said that Qin was a kingdom of tigers and wolves, and that the people of Qin were the people of tigers and wolves. Xiang'er was half-dead at his slander, turned around and left. Post Cheng Zhao Chen pointed to her back and said to his attendants, look, unscrupulous and impolite, a proton from the Qin country regards the post station of Yan as his own world.

   One day, the guard of honor of Empress Yi passed the market, and Ling'er, the maid of Miyin, quietly told Meng Ying's confidant Huo Qingqing the news of Miyue's arrival in Jicheng. Qingqing tells Meng Ying that Miyue has arrived in Yan.

   After the change, Meng Ying hesitated for a long time. On the one hand, she still cared about Su Qin's affairs in the past, and on the other hand, she was afraid of the pressure from her home country Qin Guohui Huishu. In the end, she decided to pretend to be deaf and dumb for the time being.

In the name of Meng Ying and King Yan, Miyin summoned Miyue's mother and her son, and gave her and Ji'er a gorgeous fur suit in the name of Queen Yi. Finally Miyue discovered that it was her, in front of Miyue and Ji'er. In the face, she openly humiliated them, saying that Mi Yue was as busy as a bereavement dog and anxious as a fish slipping through the net. It was gratifying. Miyue asked her whether the room in the post house was burned and the jewelry was stolen. Miyin laughed. Miyin laughed and said that there was no need to arrange it at all. There were countless people who wanted to do it. Finally, she ordered Miyue and Ji'er to take off the gorgeous clothes, put on beggar's clothes and go out. The snow was flying outside and it was extremely cold.

Miyue took Yingji and two maidservants, and walked hard in the heavy snow in thin clothes. The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and seemed to want to bury them. At this time, she passed a carriage. On the carriage was Su Qin who had just arrived in Yan. Looking out the window, he saw them trapped in the wind and snow, and quickly got out of the car to help them get into the car.

Legend of Miyue Episode 58 Plot Introduction

  Su Qinxue gives charcoal to Meng Ying secretly help

Su Qin sent Miyue and her group to the station, and redeemed the fur garments that he had pawned for the son Ji. He sent them some clothes and food, and at the same time comforted Miyue in the cold world and the dogs of all things and let her take care of her life. For herself, Mi Yue is grateful for Su Zixue's friendship.

When Su Qin saw Meng Ying and King Yan, he mentioned that he had met Miyue's mother and son who were barefoot and barefoot on the streets of the country of Yan. After hearing this, Meng Ying instantly worried about being in Qin's country. Yue’s friendship was unbearable, and he blamed Xiangguo Guo Kui for not taking good care of Miyue’s mother and son from Qin. At that time, Miyue mother and son were not summoned. First, Meng Ying couldn't let go of her treatment of Suzi in the past. Second, due to the pressure from Qin Guohui, Queen Hui did not want her to treat Miyue mother and son kindly.

However, Su Qin told Meng Ying that he could not reuse it in Qin, not because of Miyue, but because the king of Qin obeyed the courtiers' weighing techniques. How smart was the king of Qin back then, how could he follow such important matters as the use of people in the court? What the concubine of the harem said, the empress Yi was wrong to blame Mi Yue. As for Qin's Hui empress, Su Qin couldn't understand how a woman from another country intervened in other countries' affairs so grandly.Meng Ying sighed and said that there is no other way. She and her son's reserve position was also fought for her by the mother country. Besides, there are still many mothers and children who refuse to accept them in the palace. His country is also eyeing the weak Yan country. The widows and orphans need the help of Qiang Qin from their motherland.

Guo Kui wanted to ask the truth about the matter after returning home, and asked Miyin, as a woman, how she could intervene in the affairs of the country if she didn't take care of the housework at home, but Miyin cried and said that her move was just to solve Xiangguo's worries. Yes, if Xiangguo despised her, she should be sent back to her motherland, Chu. Miyin's entanglement forced Guo Wei to give up. He also had a hard time marrying this young Princess of Chu in his twilight years. The identity of his wife, Princess of Chu, has always made him very proud, so he had to give up.

   Meng Ying let people find out that the person who made the day of embarrassing Miyue was the wife of the state minister, Miyin. However, considering the overall situation in the DPRK and China, she still can't offend Guo Kui, the country for the time being, so she had to think of other ways to help Mi Yue.

   So, under the secret arrangement of Meng Ying, a person named Wu Po found Mi Yue and said that Master Tao wanted Mi Yue to help copy a volume of scripture, and sent a large amount of money, food and charcoal fire.

   And Miyin was very angry when she heard that there was someone helping Miyue. Zhao Chen, who came to the post, told him to hide from Xiangguo Guo Kui and drive Miyue out of the post so that they could go as far as possible.

   On the other side, above the Qin Dynasty, King Yingdang of Qin deliberately humiliated Wei Ran, who was beaten by Meng Ben to vomit blood. General Sima saw that his love would be publicly humiliated in the courtroom by mistake, and was immediately indignant. He immediately requested to directly apply for resignation and return to the field, hoping that King Qin would grant him permission. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To