Ling Xi domineeringly protects her father and fights Ling Yu, inadvertently, implying that the person who loves her the most is not Mogli

Ling Xi domineering protects her father and fights Lingyu, an inadvertent move, implying that the person who loves her is not Mowgli

"My Mowgli Boy" is currently on the air, as an urban romance drama by Yang Zi (Playing Ling Xi) and Ma Tianyu (playing Mowgli) lead the starring roles. In the latest update of the plot, because Ling Yu's behavior in the hospital betrayed Gao Jie again, Gao Jie also began a comprehensive counterattack. She told Ling Yu about Ling Yu's private contract and embezzlement of public funds. Gao Jie also began to tear her face with Ling Yu completely. Ling Yu's living space was gradually shrinking because of her selfishness.

Ling Xi must have been very angry when he knew this. It is well known that Wolf was created by Ling Xi’s father Ling Zhenghao. It can be said that it was his life's hard work. Ling Xi definitely will not let his father's life hard work go to nothing because of Ling Yu. So he went to his father's company to tear up his brother Ling Yu. Before Ling Yu could react, Ling Xi slapped Ling Yu in the face and scolded Ling Yu as something. Ling Xi told his father what Ling Yu had done. After his father's verification, Ling Yu did not admit his mistakes in time and concealed some things, so Ling Zhenghao expelled Ling Yu from the company in order to give the employees an explanation.

Ling Yu lived with his mother since he was a child. In Ling Yu’s heart, he always felt that Ling Zhenghao did not regard himself as his own son. It was because of this lack of confidence and skepticism that he had a strong sense of inferiority. . He wanted to prove himself more than anyone else, but he slowly embarked on an evil path, failed investment, borrowed loan sharks, made private contracts, and embezzled public funds. He should know that these things he did cannot be impervious, but because Luckily, he went further and further. It was with the help of his biological father that Mr. Zheng's secret was discovered, and it was with this handle that Ling Yu decided to steal Wolf's control.

Ling Zhenghao and Wen Yu took the air tickets to go on vacation at the suggestion of Mr. Zheng, but everything changed when they returned to the company. The Wolf, which he created by himself, has changed people under the operation of Mr. Zheng and Ling Yu. Knowing that his father’s efforts have been in vain, Ling Xi started to tear Ling Yu and cursed him for not being grateful. The crow knows how to feed back, but Ling Yu is better than the crow. Even darker, aggressive towards his parents. Ling Xi was grabbing Ling Yu to apologize to his father, but Ling Yu was thrown aside, it was Mogli hugged Ling Xi in time.

Although Mogli was still scolding Ling Yu for betraying his relatives for Ling Xi's sake, he could not go to the end, and he was a strong guardian. But judging from Ling Xi's father's inadvertent little gestures, it is not Mogli, but Ling Zhenghao that loves Ling Xi the most. If it were not for Ling Xi's presence, Ling Zhenghao would never give up, but when Ling Zhenghao saw his daughter arguing with Ling Yu for herself, Ling Zhenghao was actually very pleased. Ling Zhenghao knew that if he didn't leave, Ling Xi might suffer a lot of harm, so Ling Zhenghao didn't say too much. His move to leave alone was the greatest protection and love for Ling Xi.