There is a regret called avoiding mother’s genes, Yang Ying’s son Xiao Sponge, and Huang Xiaoming are like copy-and-paste

We know that there are handsome men and beautiful girls in the entertainment industry, , ​​many stars in the entertainment industry will protect their children after they get married at , ​​ don’t think that if their children appear in the audience’s eyes too early, this is the right child. My childhood life was very bad . then they will protect their children, so that their children will not appear in the audience's sight before they are minors, will not let the audience disturb their lives , ​​so that they have a healthy childhood .

But in recent years, with the rise of parent-child reality show , ​​many stars will take their children to participate in the reality show , ​​so many children have gained a lot of popularity when they were young. Those familiar with us, such as Lin Zhiying and his children , ​​and star second generation stone and others, they are all star second generation , ​​and they are deeply loved by everyone.

Huang Xiaoming has a very high status in the entertainment industry, and Huang Xiaoming has a lot of girlfriends. But in the end he married Yang Ying, ​​her successful worshipped under Yang Ying's pomegranate skirt . However, a friendly person in the entertainment industry revealed that Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming met because of K song. K song is Huang Xiaoming's only hobby, . Huang Xiaoming will perform K song after work.

When Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying met, Huang Xiaoming was filming in Hong Kong. When Yang Ying first developed in Hong Kong, the entertainment circle was very small , ​​especially now that 6 and z1 are very advanced in technology. Convenient, Huang Xiaoming met Yang Ying at when he asked a friend to sing.

At the beginning, the two people were just ordinary friends. For polite reasons, the two exchanged contact information until Huang Xiaoming filmed the TV series "The Wind" . At that time, the wind was premiered in Hong Kong, and many stars All came to join in, this time Yang Ying also came.

is this opportunity for both of them to have good senses, so the two of them came together and went together until the media confirmed that the two were in love, and it had been three years since they lived together , ​​and in 15 years they were both They got married and soon gave birth to a child- small sponge . Yang Ying did not give up her acting career like most female stars after giving birth.

soon after giving birth to the son, reinvested in the acting career . Sometimes Yang Ying would post his child sponge on his Weibo , but he did not post the real photo of his child on the Internet , ​​but covered it with pictures, but in a live broadcast Everyone still saw the clues of his child.

We know that Yang Ying is also a mixed-race beauty . From a live broadcast, we can see that Yang Ying’s child's appearance is also very high . Although the eyes are not small, they have no genetic mother’s double eyelids , ​​he They are almost exactly the same as Huang Xiaoming. Some people say that they were carved out of the same model as . This time, many netizens said that the two of them were really carved out of the same mold.

The parent-child relationship of the two of them is too obvious , ​​this is not even necessary for DNA. We have to say that Huang Xiaoming’s gene of is too strong, , ​​so that his child completely avoided his mother’s mixed gene, , ​​but it’s a pity that if the child can inherit her mother’s mixed gene , May be a mixed-race child, is a handsome guy.

Which parts of the child are very similar to their parents?

1, facial features

son’s facial features have a lot of genes that are dominant , ​​ dominant gene is very likely to be given to their own children, is very dominant compared to . The big , ​​so the child is the gene of the body, most of which are the dominant gene of the parent.

2, body shape

Body size is very important for children, and there are many factors in body shape. The size of parents determines the size of their children, but mutations may also occur. Some parents are very thin, but they give birth to children but unexpectedly , ​​which may be due to the caused by the mutation of the child's body , ​​but the parents are more worried. If the child exercises hard the day after tomorrow, can also avoid this mutation.

Parents must use appropriate methods to help their children lose weight when dealing with the problem of obesity of their children, do not let the problem of obesity of children persist. If the problem of child obesity persists, then it is a very big problem for the child, because the obesity problem has not been solved, and it is very dangerous for the child .


parents’ appearance will affect their children’s appearance. Parents should pay attention to at this point, and parents should know that if the parent undergoes a plastic surgery, then z plastic surgery will not be adjusted to the zz2 of the parent’s 6 gene. Parents who have z1 ugly looks, will still inherit from to their children.

If parents want to have a good appearance, they can exercise more and on weekdays. Pay attention to their own living habits . In that case, the appearance of parents will have some changes, and parents will have to take care of them after giving birth. Let the children exercise more, usually let many children read more, should cultivate a cultural temperament , ​​in this way, even if the child’s appearance is not good, then the child will also have a book fragrance.