Liu Tao's "Dream Pursuit" interprets characters for 40 years, releases acting power with roles

reported on November 30 Recently, the entrepreneurial period drama "Dream Pursuing" starring Liu Tao and ushered in its closing. This drama has attracted attention since its inception. Liu Tao has interpreted the protagonist Du Fang for 40 years His life and entrepreneurial experience has a wide range of characters and a sharply increasing level. The overall view and sense of maturity that follow the character's continuous growth are real and natural under Liu Tao's interpretation, which is impressive.

Du Fang is determined to start a business in a stormy storm and wins the stars

Du Fang in the play is an independent woman who has pursuits, ideas, plans, and aggressiveness. In that special age, she met I will try my best to solve the problem, have a business mind, can accurately sense business opportunities, and be full of hope and enthusiasm for the path of entrepreneurship from beginning to end. Female factory workers, street porridge sellers, laundry shops, advertising companies, real estate... Du Fang's vision gradually broadened and her career continued to enter new territory, but her original intention of starting a business was still the original. The depth of dreams and the depth of life are broadening at the same time. Follow the pace of the times and fight all the way, do not touch the bottom line, do not lose the original heart, and finally reap the glory of success, and the family business is doubled.

Liu Tao interprets Du Fang’s forty years. From the initial youthfulness to the stability of the characters, not only the career stage has changed, but the appearance, makeup and mood of the characters are all changing accordingly, in order to make the characters more realistic. Liu Tao challenged the old-age makeup, especially for a close-up of an elderly hand. During the shooting, he hit his arm until the blue veins burst, changing his expression, from the bright youth to the deep and steady of the middle-aged... Liu Tao There is a meticulous professional attitude, and there is a consistent requirement for excellence, putting the respect for the characters in every expression, and engraving the strictness of the self in every detail.

Liu Tao focuses on coloring and strictly outlines the details of the characters. During the drama broadcast, Liu Tao has been active in watching the drama "on the front line", not only sharing business details frequently on personal social platforms, but also sincerely sharing business details with everyone. And experience, and often appear in the comments on the accounts related to the drama, and communicate seamlessly with the audience, so that the audience can not only see the story of the characters, but also learn more about the meaning and intention behind the works. Injecting full strength into a character, and then admiring it with all the favorite audiences, communicating sincerely, and reaping all the praise and reputation is also reasonable.

Liu Tao is very depressed and angry in many small detailsThe atmosphere of anxiety, happiness, and sadness can be shown through the eyes, body and other details, and conveys the strong empathy to the audience. Accurately grasp the inner emotions of the characters, respect the characteristics of the characters and the needs of plot development, and give the characters a great development space. Starting from the first act of the character, the labeling and perception influence brought by the character are all fully absorbed. Dedicated to the best, this is Liu Tao's ability and charm, and also the sense of faith she conveys to the audience as an actor.

Du Fang's life was completed because of Liu Tao's performance, and actor Liu Tao also gained praise and love because of Du Fang. This is the mutual achievement of actors and roles. I look forward to every role of Liu Tao, because she always brings surprises, and she can wait and exceed expectations every time!

(responsible editor: Li Mingyue_NBJS12251)