The Korean drama "Postpartum Care Institute" laughs and gives birth to an older workplace beauty. The details are much more comprehensive than the domestic drama

all say that after a woman enters the delivery room, it is equivalent to entering the ghost gate, and after giving birth, it is equivalent to walking through the ghost gate. The Korean drama "Postpartum Treatment Institute" elaborated this statement very well at the beginning. At the beginning of the story, a middle-aged woman sat in a boat with a melancholy expression. The boat was a messenger from the underworld. The people in the underworld are both very quiet. I saw the middle-aged woman suddenly thinking from the melancholy world, why did she die? Why did she die? Then she recalled the bit by bit when she struggled... As a result, the more she thought about it, the less reconciled she was to die so early, so she pushed the messenger of the underworld directly into the river, rowed the boat quickly, and returned. delivery room.

This woman is the heroine in the "Postpartum Care Institute". She is 42 years old. When she was young, because of the poor family status, she vowed to work hard to earn the original home. After that, she started to work day and night like crazy. She went to socialize where others didn't go; she did the work that others didn't do; she went to please the leader that others didn't like. Because of her behavior, colleagues in the workplace don't like her, either they call her a flatterer, or they call her a money fan, or they call her a villain and give the leader a small report.

In the workplace, she has entered middle age and finally achieved excellent results. She became the backbone of a company. She thought that following the routine of domestic dramas, she would be squeezed out by the company after pregnancy, and then let her leave. The result was no. After pregnancy, she continued to be vigorous and vigorous. Even if there were two days before the due date, she worked overtime and had meetings throughout the night. In order to catch up with the customers who were going to the airport, she ran wildly before driving, even the subordinates in her car were caught. She was frightened to death. After catching up with the client, she still moved freely, walking quickly to the client without breathing. With her desperate efforts, the client signed a contract with her on the spot, and her amniotic fluid broke on the spot, making the audience wonder whether to laugh or cry.

As an elderly pregnant woman, obviously she will have to work harder than anyone, much more dangerous, but when facing danger, she still works hard in the workplace, admiring her, but also experiencing life And the pressure on women in the workplace.

She did very well in the details in the hospital. Compared with the domestic dramas, she was more detailed

. For example, she had to do all kinds of examinations during the prenatal period, and had to get a diarrhea injection, etc. She was uncomfortable when she went to the toilet. Scenario, she felt worried when she heard the cry of the next door, his husband was by her side to comfort her, and before entering the delivery room, she had a stomachache, crying and crying for an analgesic injection, She felt relieved after giving birth, and the joy of sneaking downstairs to buy her favorite coffee. During this process, I couldn't help but burst into laughter, and the heroine had a good temper inside. When it was in pain, she just shouted for analgesics and didn't do a lot of excessive behavior.

After entering the delivery room, there was another wave of scenes of a pregnant woman giving birth. The doctor pressed the mother’s stomach and the pain caused the mother to scream, and the mother herself had no experience in giving birth, so she was listening to the doctor to direct her to call. When I breathed in, I didn't know how to open my mouth. A group of doctors and her husband also became nervous. The process was funny.

After the child is born, this detail can be said to be a great praise. Because in the domestic drama, a child was born and was carried by the doctor to his mother. The child was three to five months old, clean, white and fat, and his eyes were still open. You know, how can a newborn child grow up like that? And this "Postpartum Care Center" restores the appearance of the newborn. It is small, dirty, with wet hair, narrow eyes, and it is dry, and looks ugly. When the doctor held it in front of the mother At that time, the hostess's disgusting expression made people laugh!

When the family walked out of the hospital holding the child, the grandpa was over-stressed, the mother was neurotic, and the mother's nagging. I believe that this scene reminds many people who have had a childbirth experience of who they were.

After giving birth to the child, with the domesticLike in the drama, there will always be the human character

. For example, when the mother-in-law sees that he is a son, she is so excited that the parturient woman is lying on the bed alone, crying weakly to drink water, but no one in the mother-in-law’s family notices, yet There were clamors about giving birth, not working hard, and old age. I have to say that this is indeed the response of most in-laws to grandchildren and pregnant women.

When the mother of the parturient came, the hostess had water to drink, the mother was dissatisfied with the mother-in-law and the parturient was aggrieved so that she shed tears. This is also the scene of most parturients. I have to say that the emotions of the two families are really delicately portrayed.

"Postpartum Care Institute" only watched one episode. The whole process of giving birth was both moving and funny. The heroine in the play goes to the nursing home after giving birth, which also illustrates the advantages of being an economically independent woman