The animated comedy film " Crazy Primitive 2" jointly created by Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Animation will officially land on domestic theaters on November 27. Previously, the film officially announced the Chinese version of the dubbing lineup led by Guo Jingfei , Lin Gengfei , Zheng Kai , and today there is a new surprise, the talk show actor Wang Jianguo joined to present the cute tank in the Guru family. He has a perfect talent for comedy. What kind of unstoppable effect will he bring to his film dubbing "The Debut"? Stay tuned.
Tank is the younger brother of the heroine Xiao Yi. Although he is not smart, he is friendly and gentle. He likes simple things in life, and is always full of energy and enthusiasm. Therefore, he has become one of the most popular characters in the film. Speaking of this role, Wang Jianguo once again showed a homophonic stalk, saying that the tank was “told, very cute, and slow in speaking, or “Ultraman” for short.” It is naturally cute and funny in the invisible. "People 2" will continue to play the role of pistachio, director Joel Crawford commented that "his bridge is the biggest laugh in the movie."
As a talk show actor and screenwriter, Wang Jianguo in He made his debut in the "Late 80s Talk Show", and showed countless fans in "Tucao Conference" and "Talk Show Conference". His joke is big enough, and the iconic "homonymous stem" is even more hilarious. "Crazy Primitive 2" is Wang Jianguo's new attempt. He dubbed the film for the first time. He incorporated the unique humorous style on the talk show stage into the character. The highly recognizable voice and the honest tank are a perfect fit. When two people who are very popular with audiences meet in a dimensional manner, the chemical reaction produced is worthy of attention.
"Crazy Primitives 2" shows the differences in the thinking and lifestyle of the primitive Golu family and the civilized family. Each character has changed in a brand new world, and the tank is one of them. When he accidentally saw the magical invention of "window" in the tree house of a civilized man, he began to find it hard to observe everything outside the window, just like we are now addicted to mobile phones, computers and televisions. Maggie, President of DreamWorks Animation Company Cohen said, "This is one of my favorite funny plots in the whole movie." The laughter presented on the tank is just a microcosm of the collision of different civilizations. As the two families get closer and closer, more unexpected The hilarious story is about to happen.
On November 27th, walk into the theater and enjoy the happy time that "Crazy Primitives 2" brings more laughter than the talk show.