Interview with Zhang Chao: I am the armor warrior, and I am also the "Goss Soul" Chu Ying

For Zhang Chao, because the modeling is questioned by the original fans, it is nothing new.

​​Zhang is super long and has a deceptive face. When

​​didn't see him in person, he thought he was " Mucheng and " in "Exclusive Memory", gentle, gentle, romantic, mature and stable. When he walked in, he realized that he was more like "Chu Ying", lively, fast, familiar, and occasionally a little narcissistic.

​​"My milk tea is over there, do you drink it?" His staff hurriedly waved his hand: "Brother Chao, we won't drink it. It is different from your metabolism of 1.88 meters tall." Zhang Chao is indeed very thin. , And just started "Go on!" in 2007 "Good Man" was no different when it debuted. In the long 13 years, some of the "good guys" he was in the same class became popular and some were silent, but Zhang Chao appeared to be overly unhurried. He played the "Snow Mastiff Armor" that has been ridiculed so far. In the past few years, the music assistant, because the role of "Mu Chenghe" became popular in early 2019, now it is waiting for "Chu Ying", waiting for a new role that is "1000 times more handsome" than Zhang Chao himself...

"Chu Ying" who is it?

​​In the recent TV series "The Soul of the Game", "Chu Ying" played by Zhang Chao is one of the most controversial roles.

​​In the hearts of comic fans, the Japanese name of "Chu Ying" is " Fujiwara Zuowei ", which is the soul boarding on the chessboard; for the protagonist "Time" (played by Hu Xianxu), he is the number one in Nanliang Go People, his invisible game "plug-in"; and in the eyes of the audience, "Chu Ying" is a tall, floating figure in the air, dressed in a white costume, with strong oil paint on his face.

In the setting, only "Time" can see "Chu Ying"

​​He is set as the "Guardian" of time and the chess god of Nanliang. Before his death, he was framed by other chess players and was unwilling to do so. On his way to suicide, he encountered a strange celestial phenomenon "Geze Yaori". Because of his obsession with Go, he was trapped in a space-time rift where he was the only one, and waited alone until time appeared again in "Ge Ze Yao Sun", inadvertently summoning him, and the two reached a cooperation and set foot together. To find the path of "God's Hand"...

​​Zhang Chao told Quan Now that he first took over this role because of "Chu Ying"'s sense of companionship. "He has been growing up with time, and it has brought him a subtle influence. This setting particularly touched me. "For Zhang Chao, the emergence of time is "to meet once, three lives are lucky." And Yu Liang is his respectable opponent and the fetter of his life. He also admired Chu Ying's attitude towards life. Although he was framed by a traitor, trapped in time and space for thousands of years, and his fate was tragic, he chose to face it with a comic attitude, thus affecting the people around him. On the day that

​​dubbed the character, Zhang Chao cried steadily in the recording studio. His assistant and voice-over teacher were all crying. "This drama has a different meaning to me. Maybe because I don't have many roles, I have a deep feeling for Chu Ying. Sometimes, we often don't notice the company of people around us, but one day..."

In the original manga, "Fujiwara Saei" is the most popular. He is tall, with long dark purple hair that reaches to the calf, wearing a crimson shirt, light green bloomers, and a white hunting suit. He looks handsome and cute.

The animated version of "The Soul of the Game"

​​can be embodied into the live version, which is difficult to achieve. Zhang Chao was tall enough, 1.88 meters tall, but standing behind Hu Xianxu, he still couldn't show the majesty and majestic appearance of the "God of Chess". He had to put on the wedge heels and use the cotton jacket to support his coat. It was the hottest summer in Hangzhou at the time of filming. In more than 700 scenes, Zhang Chao had only one style of clothes in most of the scenes. This suit is very expensive and cannot be washed. Zhang Chao can only wear a few sets of clothes back and forth, take them off for a while, let them dry for a while, and put them on again. Each suit has nine layers.

​​Many viewers were persuaded by Zhang Chao's appearance after watching the trailer of "Soul of the Game". The over-white foundation and red eyeshadow are far away from the original "Fujiwara Saei" in the pink heart. Director Liu Chang also admitted that in the broadcast footage, "60% of the time can be seen without affecting the normal narrative, 20% of the time is beautiful, and 20% of the time I feel very bad, but this is a problem with no solution. "Chu Ying" in the

​​play was criticized for being too heavy on makeup. There is a solution for

​​because, whether it is comics or animation, "Fujiwara Sawei" can be written by the artist.Freely present in the way of soul. But the live-action version can't do it, it can only be processed with special effects later. "Chu Ying"'s clothes are white. After the blurring, the whitest foundation can't hold it. The crew can only paint Zhang Chao's face with white paint.

​​“After applying white oil paint, it’s wrong again. The whole face is like a big pie, losing its three-dimensionality.” Zhang Chao’s makeup had to be added, shadowing, eyeliner and eye shadow. Against the sunset in Hangzhou, Zhang Chao could only last for 3 hours, but it took one and a half hours to repaint.

​​Liu Chang said to Quan Now: “Under the circumstances at the time, the problem can only be solved to this point.” Although the current'Chu Ying' style is controversial, it is still the result of many discussions between the chief creator and the Japanese supervisor. .

​​A fan of the original "Soul of Chess" told Quan Now that it was really unacceptable at first and wanted to "beat a star". But after watching a few episodes, the more I watched, the more I became more involved, and I gradually accepted this more nagging and more serious "Chu Ying". After watching the feature film, Yumi Horita, the original author of "Soul of the Game", also sent a personal letter, praising Zhang Chao for creating a "more impactful, stricter, and of course also very cute" than the original.

"Manga" and "Book Revision" Zhang Chao

​​For Zhang Chao, because the modeling is questioned by the original fans, it is nothing new.

​​He did not come from an acting class, so he wrote "Come on! After his fifth debut, Good Boys participated in works of "Good Boys", such as " Prince of Tennis " and "Armor Warriors". In the former, his character "Shi Yi" is often criticized for its peculiar appearance and weird behavior, while "Armor Warrior", as a special drama, looked very second in the low level of special effects at the time.

Zhang Chao played the Snow Mastiff in "Armor Warrior"

​​Because of this shooting experience, until now, Zhang Chao's "Snow Mastiff" still follows him firmly. Every time Zhang Chao starred in a drama, there were fans who used the barrage, "Some people are Zhang Chao on the surface, and the Snow Mastiff behind their backs", and "Soul of Chess" is no exception. Friends around Zhang Chao often asked him if he did not regret his role in "Snow Mastiff"? Also teased him with a GIF emoticon pack of his transformation.

​​Zhang Chao talked about the role of "Snow Mastiff" very naturally, and talked freely, not treating it as a black history. He told Quan Now: "To be honest, I actually like Snow Mastiff armor very much. I act seriously and have no obstacles. When I was young, I loved watching live-action special shots like "Ultraman", but the animation was not good. Look. And many viewers said that they have seen the Snow Mastiff before, and now I grow up and continue to support me. I am quite happy. After the performance of "Soul of Chess", I may have a new emoji package."

​​Zhang Chao The roles he has played are not only uninhibited in appearance, but he also likes to challenge unpleasant characters. In 2016, Zhang Chaoyue acted in the work "No Problem" directed by Lou Ye's queen screenwriter Mei Feng, in which he played "Qin Miaozhai". This character is exaggerated, pretentious, and deceived. Drag a few foreign words.

Stills from "Problems That Are Not A Problem"

​​Mei Feng recalled that on the day of the selection of the actor, Zhang Chao came here wearing cotton shoes and sackcloth, and his gown was over the knee. Mei Feng didn’t know Zhang Chao. He just thought he was a little-known tall guy who was suspected to be an 18-line artist, so he asked him: "What do you mean by wearing this?" Zhang Chao said, "I think this is Qin Miaozhai. I follow the script. Among them, Qin Miaozhai came to see you." That time, Zhang Chao's performance was very eye-catching. No one thought that he, who could have continued to play handsome with his superior appearance, wanted to play a hooligan and liar. Three days before the release of the

​​movie, Zhang Chao said at the scene of a special movie watching event in Barcelona: “Someone asked me if I combed my bangs up to show my forehead in the play, would I be uncomfortable... As an actor, if I was only asked about these and Appearance related issues-

​​"I am not convinced. "

" I took the initiative to fight for this role. "

is the music player, and the acting

​​"The Problem That Isn’t A Problem" allows the audience to see Zhang Chao’s courage and perseverance in performance, but the role that really made him hit is the "Mu Chenghe" in "Exclusive Memory". , A gentle, romantic, gentleman university Russian teacher.

​​From the end of 2018 to the beginning of 2019, "Exclusive Memories" aired, Zhang Chao gained hundreds of thousands of fans and became the limited winter boyfriend of the year. This is the first time he has chosen the leading role. The male protagonist and Douban netizen @王大根 said: "I used to think of him as a handsome guy in a vase.As the younger brother, I never thought he could perform such a delicate and gentle role. The Zhang Chao in this film is completely Fukuyama Masaharu + Chen Kun + Abe Hiroshi, and in his mind, he exudes a good temperament from a generous family and a higher education. It is so charming and true. "There are also fans sighed that in 12 years, good men have been on the front line, and Zhang Chao has finally been seen.

"Exclusive Memory" is the first collaboration between Zhang Chao and director Liu Chang

​​In 2007, Zhang Chao participated in "Come on!" Good man. The champion is Jing Boran, Zhang Chao is fifth, and Li Yifeng is eighth. Voting is done by mobile phone text messages, and the trend is no less than that of "Idol Trainee" 11 years later. At that time, the judge Huang Xiaoming said: "All these years Time, so much effort, I may not get these."

​​This is indeed a different path from the science class. With the wind of the draft, the "good guys" have soared. In an interview, Zhang Chao said, In the two months since the show ended, his whole person was swollen. This is a period of drunkenness and impetuous mentality. What is the specific impetuosity? He said, you can imagine according to the "small era", which is more exaggerated than that.

However, in 2009, when he was the most famous, Zhang Chao decided to quit the scene and work in Taiwan. It was the applause of the audience that

​​forced him to give up the entertainment circle. Once, Zhang Chao sang on the stage. Sound. Unexpectedly, instead of boos coming from the audience, they were all complimenting. He told Quan Now: "I will be ashamed, I obviously didn't give them so much." So he decided to work in Taiwan, Staying for three years.

, starting from the most basic production assistant, preheats the equipment, plugs in the cables, and tests the sound every day, ordering lunch for everyone. The first one goes to the recording studio and waits for everyone to leave before packing up the equipment. Turn off the lights and leave. Three years later, he felt that he "learned almost", returned to the show business, released the first album "Fake". This album invited Yao Ruolong to join, and the company’s senior sisters Fan Weiqi and Guo Jing joined forces. Push, Zhang Chao himself also participated in the guitar soundtrack of six songs.

​​But at the time when the traditional record market was in a low period, Zhang Chao’s music caused a little splash, and then fell silent. He turned to be an actor, "There is a The enthusiastic Luo Ji in "The Place Only We Know", Qin Miaozhai, the "playful" in "The Problem That Isn't a Problem", the crazy praise in "Murder Like a Water Year", the outrageous Qingtian in "Summer Solstice"...Although works Not many, but they are all performances recognized by Zhang Chao, which are his accumulated works.

Zhang Chao also played guest roles in "Exclusive Memory" after

​​became popular, many reporters asked Zhang Chao, how does it feel? For you , What does music mean, and what does acting mean?

​​He told Quan Now: "Acting is my profession, and music is my life. "Nowadays, Zhang Chao has more and more play appointments, but in private, he has never given up his original intention of music. He played on the team, played with the guitar in the crew, and sang in the toilet with the shower gel bottle in his spare time. Record it and store it in your phone. "Music is really important to me. When I get ready, I have the urge to share it with you, and I will show it to you. "Speaking of music, Zhang Chao's mood suddenly rose-Zhang Chao

​​on the

stage. "When I sing, I should be 1000 times more handsome than when I acted." "His staff nodded violently. Next, Zhang Chao will have a "singer" role to meet with the audience. It is also a play by Fang Xiaotangren Media, the producer of "Exclusive Memory" and "Soul of Chess", called "Amazing Girl". It is expected to be online this year. It is said that this role is very handsome, and there has been a saying inside the sugar man, called "No (Zhang) Chaobu"...


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