He died at 23 and became famous at 25. He was Van Gogh in the Chinese rap industry

"This world is a good place,

is worth fighting for"

Chinese hip hop legend

This summer, "China Has Hip Hop" dominates the screen,

is a group of free and real young people,

swears "hip hop spirit" on stage.

If hip-hop only won the superficial attention of everyone before,

then last week, the only female singer in the audience, vava,

with a song "Life's a Struggle",

hit everyone's soul deep.

I fight for truancy and become a shame for the whole family/

I hate restraint/hate to be imprisoned/

use the most extreme method/let those who hurt me remember the song

, ​​if you have been rebellious, you feel like you Lonely, shrouded in the ridicule of others and the darkness of life, struggling to fight, then you will surely cry. The

players and mentors stood up collectively, and

cheered for Vava.

But what impresses everyone,

is not only the post-95 girl.

She chose to adapt this song,

is the predecessor and junior on the field, and the classic legend that

can't get around:

"Life's a Struggle".

The name of the author of "Life's a Struggle" is Song Yueting . The name

is the indestructible power in the heart of Chinese Rapper.

Zhang Zhenyue said: "She covered Song Yueting's "Life is struggle". If you play hip-hop today, this is a song you must listen to."

Wu Yifan said: "She chose this song, and I stand up too. A kind of tribute "

" The subtitle below the program is:

"This song is Song Yueting's masterpiece,

pinned his life experience and thinking."

In February 2016, the Southern Expedition and Northern War Combination participated in "Good Songs of China" ", their mentor Tao Zhe talked about Song Yueting when talking about Chinese HipHop at the scene. For a while, he was emotionally overwhelmed and burst into tears on the spot.

Maybe you don't know this story,

, ​​but Song Yueting and his "Life's a struggle",

supports the belief of almost every Chinese rapper.

Song Yueting was born in Taipei on November 6, 1978,

died in the arms of his mother in California on August 9, 2002,

was named Shawn because he liked Sean Connery.

has a short life of 23 years, but

has experienced broken family, wandering in a foreign country, betrayal of

friends, planted and imprisoned,

suffered from bone cancer when his music talent was just revealed, and

finally fell.

Song Yueting’s mother is a TV director,

father is an advertising director,

and he has shown amazing artistic talent since he was a child,

Song Yueting loves animation when he was a child, and

also has a proud talent for drawing.

Song Yueting's drawings on the test papers when he was in elementary school

His drawings have never been altered, and they are done overnight.

At that time, the paintbrush was his voice window to the world.

and he has won numerous awards for his self-edited comics. At the age of nine, he had already accepted an interview with China Television News magazine "60 Minutes". Everyone called him a "manga genius."

One day he told his mother: "Today I watched Van Gogh"

Mom said: "Then you must not be like Van Gogh,

only sold a lot of money for his paintings after Van Gogh died"

and he said :

"If I were Van Gogh, I wouldHappy,

is already happy when I create it. "

, ​​he was still under 14 years old at that time.

Gradually, Azong, who was holding a paintbrush all day, grew up, and

he started to think more. One day,

, ​​he suddenly said: "Mom I want The pen is closed,

drawing cartoons is not enough to express what I want to express,

I want to use music to better convey what I want to express. "

He has never studied music, can't understand the staff,

, ​​but since then, music has become the theme of his life.

From the songs he wrote later,

, ​​we also proudly glimpse the picture of Song Yueting's life at that time.

Whenever I go home from school / put down that heavy backpack

There is no one at home / only the smell of your perfume remains

I knew then / you have to work overtime that night

I open the refrigerator / take out microwave food for dinner

Dad came home drunk at two o'clock in the morning / I woke up from my sleep / I only heard you arguing

Song Yueting and his mother

Although they are genius teenagers,

, ​​but outstanding talents cannot protect this sensitive child.

Home has become the loneliest place,

he yearns for a happy and harmonious family life.

But this little boy will already explain to his parents in his heart,

he thinks his parents are busy for the family and livelihood,

will let himself lose Accompaniment.

teacher he doesn't like me and I don't like the teacher/

I hate wearing uniforms I hate the school system/

I hate the face of the director hates being restrained

Asong who has learned independent thinking since childhood,

cannot accept The stereotyped education system,

Song's mother for the development of her son’s personality,

also to fight her son’s nose allergies,

forcibly resisted, sent Song Yueting to the United States.

Song Yueting is always complained by the teacher because of the unsuitable environment.

can only transfer schools constantly.

is naturally confused and has an artist's strange personality.

is incompatible with his relatives in the United States, and

is even ordered by relatives.

although he often acts like a careless

, ​​but there is infinite loss hidden in his heart,

peers are living and studying in a disciplined manner,

but he wants to live in an unfixed place, and be displaced.

He misses his mother in Taiwan,

so he always writes Letter,

with his own painting,

confided his thoughts to his mother.

Song Yueting’s letter to his mother

He missed the days with his mother,

felt guilty for himself who used to get into trouble,

is in his home book , Is the endless worry,

and in real life, he talks with Hiphop Take masturbation. When

was eighteen years old,

Song's mother made great efforts to arrange for him to return to California to rent an apartment to live independently. This time,

did not need to be bound by any more.

may be the best way to fight loneliness,

is to untie him from the cage first.

has a completely independent space, and the air of

is full of exuberant hormones.

Since then, Soong has been in various gatherings,

he is willing to show his talents in dance and music.

years later his cousin said:

"He never seems to be boring,

he can do all kinds of things, and then find fun."

He likes to be surrounded by people to perform, get applause and booing,

Gradually, Song Yueting also had his own like-minded friends.

rap, dance, he squandered his talent wantonly.

"He can always create unique dance steps, and everyone will imitate it."

At that time, Song Yueting and his friend Hektic formed the duo Red Element to record their lives in the United States. At that time, their works were composed by Song Yueting and Hektic. When writing words, the two young people are looking for the meaning of life in their creation.

Days are impetuous and noisy,

may only fill the emptiness to the point that

can forget the sadness of being alone in a foreign land.

The world is made up of those parts that we believe in,

, but if one day, these parts gradually collapse,

are we ready for a strong heart,

accepts the trial of reality.

The brotherly loyalty often mentioned in the spirit of Hiphop,

is the part that Song Yueting has always upheld.

He never expected that he would fall into the abyss.

In Los Angeles in the 1990s, the

gang struggled severely. Among them, the "Huaqing Gang" established by

on behalf of Chinese youth was the most damning.

19-year-old Song Yueting was put on the hat of the Huaqing Gang, and

was imprisoned.

At that time Ah Song’s friend was bullied, so

asked him to pretend to be a Huaqing gang member to intimidate others,

Song, in order to stand up, so agreed. After the

incident, he went to court, but his friends colluded with him. Pushed to Song Yueting,

Song Yueting has since been imprisoned.

In prison, everybody’s pillows,

have self-made weapons to prevent them from being attacked. Some people at

are decadent, and some have mental disorders. In the days when

was in prison,

Song Yueting saw the life in the adult world.

The solemn atmosphere of the court forced me to breathe almost /

was facing life-long imprisonment and I started to reflect /

iron railings was a completely different scene /

prisoners could not see a peaceful atmosphere in their eyes /

only An inch short pencil writes the prison situation

. He is wronged, angry, struggling, and introspective.

is more about the endless hesitation of

after seeing the real world.

Song Yueting’s mother was extremely angry.

spent $70,000 and finally won the case for her son. Song Yueting, who had been in prison for three months, was released from prison,

, ​​but he still faces a three-year probation at home. . Although

left the prison cage and returned to the residence, it is not what it used to be.

He locked himself in a small room and wrote lyrics and music day and night. It was during this time that he wrote the 1,300-character "Life's a struggle" manuscript

"Life's a struggle" manuscript

and all the equipment used to record this song,

is a keyboard + a now-defunct dual card recorder.

I smoked so that my lungs are black/

is like the whole society is enveloped by people's hearts/It is also black

Maybe you think its recording is rough, the lyrics are simple,

is full of life's cries,

is not whitewashed The truth is still shocking to this day.

talent is his loyal partner, never betrayed him and left him. In his creation, he re-examined the rules of the world and the good and evil of human nature, as if to use all his strength to answer all the doubts. These works of

are long scrolls of his reflection,

is his way to reconcile with the cruel world,

butHe did not deliberately save.

From these scribbles,

Song Yueting struggled to survive the difficulties.

let your child have a lucky space/

let him fly/ go to fly/

give him a chance to talk/ give him the blue sky of his dreams again

let him chase/ chase/

why not give a child a pair of powerful wings /

let him fly Even though

has experienced darkness and pain,

music allows him to reopen his crystal wings,

has upward power.

It's a pity that good luck makes people, during this period,

Song Yueting found out that he had bone cancer!

At that time, his brother had a car accident. In order not to distract his family in Taiwan,

concealed his condition and

received treatment in the United States alone.

In May 2001, Song Yueting’s mother received an overseas call,

“I’m sorry, do you know that Shawn has bone cancer?” If

is not forced to call on the spot by a doctor,

doesn’t know when Song Yueting will be there. State the condition.

At that time, his bone cancer has entered the third stage!

In Christmas 2001, Song Yueting who had undergone the operation could no longer get up and dance, but he was still like a soldier, smiling and facing the almost fatal trauma. After

recovered and was discharged from the hospital, he also said to his mother: "The cancer cells have not grown up!" In the summer of 2002, Song's condition deteriorated again and was admitted to the hospital.

He lives by beating morphine and is already very weak.

murmurs to his mother like a child.

sometimes strokes the back of his mother's hand to comfort and encourage her.

On August 9th, Song ignored the objection of doctor, suddenly Keep going home.

He sat on the sofa, and

sat like this until the evening,

died in his mother's arms.

is like what he wrote in his song:

Buddhism said / trouble is Bodhi / I will not mention it /

I hope to return to the mother body

Song Yueting self portrait

Song Yueting finally climbed to the end of this journey.

He came as a genius child,

wandered in a foreign country in love, grew up stubbornly in incomprehension,

thoroughly understood and reflected in betrayal, and returned to tranquility in illness.

And the most regrettable thing is that

's talent is a star that is clear and extinguished, and what we see at

is the late light.

On the eve of the first anniversary of his death, his mother, brother, and cousins ​​sorted out his manuscript drafts and the songs in the tape recorder from his remains. After a few weeks of sorting them, he compiled his works before his death in the form of an album. Announced to the world.

At the 15th Taiwan Golden Melody Awards ceremony,

"Life’s A Struggle" won the Best Lyricist Award.

was accepted by Song Yueting's mother and brother on his behalf.

You may not know that at the Golden Melody Awards,

and Song Yueting competed for this award together.

was Faye Wong's "Don't Stay",

Fang Wenshan's "East Wind Breaks", and

Jay Chou's "Terraces".

This is also rap music,

won the Golden Melody Award for the first time.

He is really like the Van Gogh he loves,

can't see his glory personally.

But remember what he said:

"He has already felt fun in his creation."

A professional music critic once said,

"In the hearts of all Chinese Hip-hop singers,

He is an existence that can only be looked up to throughout his life. "

Song Yueting let the Rap community know for the first time that

can actually sing like this in Chinese rap.

He has been exploring and feeling by himself,

has not received guidance and training,

, ​​but his words are still at the textbook level to this day.

Maybe you can always play and don't want to turn it off,

seems to bring confidence in a continuous life.

After this, Mc Hotdog released a song "My Life 2" and sang Song Yueting's "Life's struggle" at the end to express his tribute.

"If he is still alive,

may not have food for many rappers."

"If he is still alive,

don't know what the music scene will be like now."

but he is gone after all,

is in his short life ,

he always carries the love in his heart,

sorrow is the comment of others,

but he has been working hard to fight off the tide,

Keep it real, this is very hiphop.

No one can shield you from the clouds and rain above your head. Even if

is dark, it is the background color of life,

we have to paint our own graphics hard,

because of this genius called Song Yueting,

will do everything to tell you:

Don't be afraid to be different, before

has no confidence, use your courage first. The picture of

comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.