Famous Kung Fu movie star Tony Jia's new film plan revealed and will star in assassin

Tony Jia will star in the unnamed English action movie

1905. News on October 29, according to foreign media reports, according to foreign media reports, the famous Kung Fu movie star Tony Jia’s new action film plans to be exposed, and he hopes that the investment party’s new English action movie will be exposed. Take this movie as the beginning of a series of movies.

It is reported that the film will start shooting in 2021, and the story looks like a remake of "The Bourne". Tony Jia played the legendary assassin, after some changes he became the target of all criminal gangs and law enforcement agencies. With the pursuit of this assassin, the mystery about his identity will gradually be solved.

Currently, the film is still in the preparatory stage, and the cast and crew list has become a hot spot for fans.