Terrible! A movie that scores 9 points just by the end

"The Boy in Striped Pajamas" is based on the novel of the same name by the Irish writer John Byrne. The main line of the plot is between Germany and Jews.

The children are the fuse, the concentration camp is the bomb, and the smelly and smoking chimney that has always appeared in the play is the location of the most shocking Auschwitz concentration camp in history, because there were only 4 cremators there.

is the existence of this crematorium, leaving the suspense and highlight of the whole film at the end of the film! This film was also rated 12A by the United Kingdom, and the relevant authorities believe that the film is not suitable for young children (under 12).

Bruno (Asa Butterfield) is an 8-year-old boy from Berlin, Germany. He follows mother (Vera Famiga) , sister (Anbel Beatty) , party guard The father of army commander (played by David Huris) moved to rural Europe.

where his father was in charge of the Jewish concentration camp (Auschwitz camp). Bruno went on an "expedition" one day and became friends with a kid (a Jew) of his age, and then something unexpected happened...

Watching this movie feels better than reading a book Be nervous N times, I really don't know what will happen next, but there is one thing about I can be sure, when 100 people watch this movie together, there will be 100 silent hearts.

The clean and organized clothing, houses, cars, and the white and blue "pajamas" in the film made the massacre even more cruel and terrifying . This movie is incredibly powerful. "The Boy in Striped Pajamas" is a great movie. If you plan to watch it, I suggest you prepare for tears. The tears I am talking about are silent and depressed tears (I hope to understand what I mean after watching the film)

This is a movie of two children, one of them is better than the other. The two innocent boys didn't know what happened until the last moment of their lives. The film also seems to be discussing what the Nazis did...

This is not a literary film (don't be confused by the poster), if you don't want to feel depressed, don't watch it.


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